High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

In your opinion.
I have yet to see ANY expac where the Alliance races, core or otherwise, got more than passing mention.
Best advice: Don’t hold your breathe.

In the category of ‘pining’…
And from the faction that has NEVER gone lacking for anything from Blizzard;
shall we cake then?

Legion where alliance took the stage with barely any Horde leadership representation?
Vanilla was literally about the core races of the alliance of the alliance vs the Horde.
The only race that really could claim to get shafted story wise were the gnomes, and that is somewhat made up for in mechagon.
Everyone else has their own important storyline

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I don’t have to show support for something I don’t like. It’s Blizzard that needs to win me over.


Again, your opinion only.
Btw, BELF, how’s that DEAD SCAR working for you? and all those mana wyrms and Wretched all over your acadamies and half of silvermoon , respectively?

‘somewhat’ indeed; and AFTER Mechatorque gets turned into a veggie practically.
Also, does this seriously address the issue of the Gnome capitol city?
I know, I know; ''Wait for (insert parch/expac here).
My hair will be as white as my elf’s if we wait that long.

Make a thread about it, be specific. Treating it as if someone should know what you want and how to do it is an effort in madness

I was just using your stated criteria for playability. :man_shrugging:

There’s nothing obtuse about the commentary at all. I posted a picture, of an elf with purple eyes, and you said that the picture is identical to Vereesa and Sylvanas. You find me any Thalassians with purple eyes, we’ll talk – until then, you’re talking out of your behind. :man_shrugging:

I was quite clear that I was basing the hypothetical on a speculative explanation of how the coloration of Arcane magic works – with blue being typical of normal concentrations of the Arcane, and pink/purple being typical of high concentrations of the Arcane.

Thus, you would only be able to achieve pink/purple by coming into contact with extremely high concentrations of Arcane.

Could BE’s theoretically do this? Yes.
Could BE’s theoretically learn Taurahe and become Shamans? Yes.
Could BE’s theoretically kill themselves, become Forsaken, and ironically start utilizing the Void? Yes.

That doesn’t mean they will, and “what is feasible” hasn’t ever been something Blizzard appears to give a single crap about. :man_shrugging:

Never said a single thing about their race. :man_shrugging:

You didn’t read what I wrote, apparently. :man_shrugging:

And HE’s gaining pink/purple eyes breaks nothing about the lore. :man_shrugging:

That isn’t a citation. That’s like someone asking for a Shakespear quote and you listing all of their works. :man_shrugging:

Also probably explainable.

Have at 'em hoss. You’ve already got humans on the Horde, and there’s technically now two unplayable varieties (Nathanos-style, Fogsail Freebooters), why would the Alliance suddenly start being concerned ~15 years after the fact? :man_shrugging:

  1. Forsaken are simply dead humans. They’re still humans.
  2. That last part is your headcanon. :man_shrugging:

good advice.
Take it.

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You are late. I made it 17 months ago.



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Seconded. Your thread should be titled, “Why BE’s Are Entitled to All Themes”.


Assuming Mechagnomes are confirmed, they did that to them with the Mechagon comic, and i have to say, it’s pretty good, i wasn’t much fond of them, i thought they were a waste of developer time, but after reading the comic i kinda liked their story and i’m ok with them, i think they are well introduced as a future Allied Race.

But let’s analyze how each Allied Race were introduced lorewise.

Highmountain Tauren: A comic (A Mountain Divided) and a entire zone to know about them.
Nightborne: The best introduction and lore for an Allied Race, not even a question. So many good stories and characters i don’t know were to start. The story of Suramar and the Nightborne is a proof that Blizzard can write pure perfection if they commit to.
Lightforged Draenei: A bit lacky but we still had to quest with them and knew some characters before recruiting them, Grand Lector Enaara is my personal favorite.
Void Elves: We literally didn’t even knew about their existence until the Blizzcon.
Dark Iron Dwarves: Not much in BfA itself, but they are in the game since Vanilla, and we had a lot of interaction with them and Blizzard wrote a lot of lore for them.
Ma’ghar: A curious case, the Mag’har from Outland are in the game since BC, with some really really important characters coming from them (the most important of them did nothing wrong by the way). The playable ones came from alternate Draenor, so we got almost a entire expansion with them, the Horde specially interacted a lot with them.
Zandalari: They are around since Vanilla actually, but in BfA the Horde had a entire continent to quest and know about them.
Kul’Tirans: Kul’Tiras is in the lore for a long time. In World of Warcraft we had a entire continent to quest and know about them.

Vulpera and Mechagnomes are pretty much confirmed to be honest, but they did got a lot of attention and lore from the developers, if they are going to be Allied Races, they are indeed well seeded.

It was just the Void Elves who got nothing, just the recruitment scenario. It’s really disappointing, specially to me, i always thought the idea of some Blood Elves not agreeing with their kingdom being part of the Horde was a interesting concept and a good lore direction to explore, and Void Elves were a good opportunity. But a opportunity is just a opportunity if it is not utilized.


Someone did have a “why Helves dont work” thread. But it was reported* until it was locked. So i dont think opposing opinions are really welcome on these boards


Yes, which it’s a shame they closed it because there were some decent points made therein (until Lydon stopped posting), but what I specifically said was a thread for BE’s and about BE’s – having nothing to do with anything else, outside of Broflake’s assertion that BE’s deserve access to anything and everything that is possible in all of creation.


Just finished your list; very concise and what this thread needs, a good analysis of the facts. Here’s wjhat I got form it;
The Horde races got very deep and detailed intros.
The Alliance got …nothing,as usual, with the exception of the Kul’Tirans.

The Horde gets all these savage, GNARLY races.
The Alliance gets…BIG BONED pirates-turned-beachcombers and blueberry elves with tentacles.

What’s next for us Alliance, Blizzard?
Wittle fuzzy ducklings that we get to babysit?

Much better than your tree.

Make a topic about it?
You have all these complaints about the alliance, for the alliance, but you’d rather demand a race which is playable on the horde already.

If you had, you would not have made such a response. You were being disingenuous.

Did…you miss the part where in my initial reply I stated, and I quote

[quote]My bad, I had thought you posted the same picture of Alleria as you had up previously.[/quote].
My comment about hearthstone not being canon came afterwards. So why are you continuing to go over this point and ignore the counterpoints I made is beyond me. :man_shrugging:

You’re all over the place, stick with one and only one because some of your points have nothing to do with the other. If we are discussing what HE are cpable of it applies to BE as well because they are the same race. Once they stop being that race (void elves) then the narrative changes. You’re still ignoring the base issue at hand, which is that High elves are distinct only through politics. So if one suddenly had purple eyes, why aren’t we seeing purple eyes for blood elves who have used arcane more intensely?
Why would this singular eye coloration be enough to define them as playable when non-glowing eyes has not yet been enough?
You’re trying to say “well if we keep doing the same thing we’re doing in a different color that makes them playable.”. Clearly not.

I am to counter your points, why are you being so elusive?

I did and it makes no sense :man_shrugging:

Besides the fact BE’s would also be gaining pink/purple eyes per lore :man_shrugging:

That’s because what you’re asking for is demonstrated in an entire expansion. It literally takes place in a complete alternative universe, in what was Outland before it exploded, where blood elves including Liadrin are isolated entirely from the sunwell.
None of them went back into arcane addiction.
Hence why I ask, did you play Warlords of Draenor. I was not being facetious with you, it was a genuine question because you appeared largely ignorant on that aspect :man_shrugging:

Explain it?

Probably because people are capable of having different views on different subjects? If you’re going to ask a silly question you’re going to start receiving obvious answers.
As I stated previously, if you want to play the variety argument, void elves are variety and so the alliance already has what they want :smile:

They are considered undead and not even the same species. Unless you can find some creature which…naturally…becomes…undead for its lifespan?

This is just you ignoring what is in front of you. :man_shrugging:
The difference is my dismissal makes sense, yours is just you being dismissive.

Why would I when I like void elves?

Bump it.

It would probably make more sense than your “We should have a playable race for every different eye color.”.

You can’t just ignore things for the sake of what you want, then make claims about being lore friendly.
I would rather you just be honest and say “I just want them playable because I don’t want to be on the Horde.”
That is what Alf said earlier, and I am not bothered by it.

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I’m sorry, no. You don’t get to grab the other faction’s most popular race because reasons.


It is strictly against this forum to ‘bump’ posts/threads.
Bad belf!

Scroll back up and read the thread; many arguments settled there.