High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Silvermoon Scholars in Togrus Rift are evidence of this. They even explicity say they “need no longer fear exile”.

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I was pretty excited when they were originally datamined, but that was because everyone basically expected that Alleria would somehow convince (or at least serve as a catalyst for) Vereesa and the Silver Covenant forming the impetus of the Void Elves – and even when it started to become clear that this wasn’t the case, there was a lot of hope that at if we weren’t going to get High Elves-gone-Void then maybe Blizzard would meet us halfway by utilizing Aethas and some disgruntled Sunreavers.

No dice. As we learned more and more about them via datamining and PTR’s, they became less and less interesting. :man_shrugging:


You actually have Umbric briefly explaining this in the Alliance campaign. Still lacking, but at least it’s something.


It explains their motivations well enough, but I’d take Mowa’s point even further and suggest that Blizzard accompany the introduction of every Allied Race with a comic or short story – because, in many cases, players will have only a basic understanding of anything about these races (even things like Highmountain or Nightborne) unless they are the type that took the time to read every quest.


What I find odd but not surprising is that we are delving deeper into the void in 8.2.5 and even have a character struggling to overcome whispers. Who researches it and finds a way to overcome the whispers? Alleria? Nope. Umrbic? Nope. New velf NPC? Nope.

It’s Wrathion.


If eye color was the sole distinction high elves would have been a playable race. Clearly those visual distinctions need to be something that those of the same race cannot acquire.

Your intentionally obtuse actions are rather puzzling to me, so we’ll skip this one and assume you’re just looking for something that isn’t there.

Besides the fact that lor’themar was giving Liadrin arcane crystals to feed her addiction, and therefore, based on your own theories she should have purple eyes?
Still ignoring the fact that BE and HE are the same race, and you’re just perpetuating this odd mythology they are different.

Rommath is particularly hateful of Sylvanas and Liadrin is very much for the safety of the thalassian elves as a whole. So…why would they cut off their fellow HE from the sunwell, and themselves as a result, for something Sylvanas did to their leaders?
I know I chopped your brother’s hand off, but you’ll still play on my team right?

If that isn’t how writing works, why would it not be seen as lore friendly when it breaks nothing about lore? :man_shrugging:
Your declarations of what would be considered lore friendly have no basis outside of assuming those opposing you on this subject would oppose you on everything else. That is just silly.

Did you play Warlords of Draenor?

it is possible, but, then we also have blood elves with blue eyes all over the place. So it is weird.

Nope, my point was if A then B.
If high elves are acceptable on the horde due to individuals working with the alliance, then should humans not also be on the Horde as a playable race because of the fogsail humans?

You do realize if you’re going to play the variety card then there is no reason to ask for high elves, as both forsaken and void elves are considered no longer humans and high/blood elf respectively.

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It is very disingenuous to come to a thread about a certain specific subject, in order to nunja your own requests: especially when your reasoning is the dame as the threads’ but you get points up because you’re not supporting this thread’s subject which is

Bad paladin!

Give the Horde playable Ogres and give the Alliance playable high elves. Make it a WC2 nostalgia event.


There were some blood elves who were mind controlled apparently, nothing ever came from the storyline though.
Some also don’t care about possible exile for messing with the void as Leinadh pointed out.

so that means…what? nothing ever changes? Fair enough: remove Blood Elves from the game, as they were never a factor in Vanilla. You want ‘pure’ Quel’Thalas, there it is; isolated AND isolarionist!

Just can’t stop with the juvenile insults, can you?

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She didn’t insult you?


…because yeah, deliberately changing your entire culture is just a snap of the fingers and who cares?
You LOVE to pound that ‘7000 years’ at us; here it is back at you. 7000 YEARS of Quel’Thalas culrure…GONE. Forever! Over HALF the old lands destroyed and you are now Blood Elves! In the matter of …what, a year or so or, as you put it , a DAY in elven thought, they changed their…
Learned to speak ORC yuck
Welcomed the Forsaken with open arms.
and finally
Went crawling first to the Banshee Babe and then the HORDE Warchief to BEG for admittance.

but yeah just minor things.





Yes, just like they knew common and still know it

Who were being lead by Sylvanas, a hero of their people.

They requested assistance from everyone else, the alliance in particular, and then Sylvanas and the horde offered assistance.
Iirc, the blood elf questline in Silvermoon takes place just before they join the horde.

Those bits of dialogue in 8.0 seemed tailored to reply to criticism from the old void elf threads. And yet, Blizzard failed to address more than one or two points among the dozens of issues we had.

They can’t introduce a race so poorly and leave it hanging unexplained for so long. This whole situation is ridiculous.


Shadowlands may offer an opportunity for the void elf race

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I can’t like your post cause I ran out of likes for today.


Maybe an Infinite dragon flight issue where they try to reopen the dark portal pre wc2. Bring back the caverns of times and what not.

“BfA will offer opportunities for the void elves”, they said. “They’ll be important when we deal with the Void.”


And nothing since. So obviously Blizzard puts them in the same category as Gnomes; a blasted broken homeland that is best well ignored.
I’m not the one you should be talking to.

Although all that I made my list on, is in PERFECT sync for which the last remnants of HIGH ELVES left; scroll up and read the various scenarios I and others have made. They’re easy to spot; not a single insult.


Maybe instead of pining for what you didn’t get, you could show support for what you do have?