High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)


there’s a few people in this thread i wish i could block… just throwing that out there. :stuck_out_tongue:

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wooo, whatever we did to earn you as a supporter, i’m glad.

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hopefully i havent offended you again?

i meant mr rude and trolling, not your my dear. <3



I honestly dont see the “uniqueness” of void elves. They just seem to be shadow priests or whatever on drugs. Its really not a mind blowing breakthrough to inject some beings with void and call it super new.


and they are tentacle race number 3 on the alliance, and blue tentacle race number 2 . something about alliance and tentacles.

Exactly, they have now story to them and the theme makes playing anything but a caster feel ridiculous.

“Hey, farstrider here, I am here to study void magic for no apparent reason.”


Yeah, my hunter definitely doesnt gain a single thing from it as far as story goes.

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i kinda like the idea of having lots of options, so i wont say void elves are bad, but rather that the game seriously needs more character customizations, but because the engine cant do that, its allied races or bust

it really is an odd thing that belves are there studying the void alongside the void elves, even though the void elves have been exiled from silvermoon (for good reason) and even though the belves know the void elves are studying it to the benefit of the alliance and even though the velves know the belves are studying it to the benefit of the horde. and why the alliance lets this happen is completely wacked in the brain pan


Have you ever been to Moonglade?

yeah druids. also doesnt make sense. it sets up a sort of cognitive dissonance.

I think those blood elves do not care about the Horde. They were interested in void magic but couldn’t study it for fear of being exiled and becoming outcasts for both factions. With the Alliance now supporting such studies, they just switched sides.

But, of course, without an actual story confirming that, it’s just speculation.

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lol what a kicker that would be.

You keep saying this, as if I’ve ever asserted that this appearance was canon.

The reason for observing that there aren’t any Thalassians that have that particular eye color isn’t to suggest that such things are commonplace or easily obtained, but to reiterate that such an eye color is absolutely possible within the existing canon. And, according to your own words, such an aesthetic distinction is the only criterion for acceptability for Allied Races.

You stated, and I quote, “if [the AR’s] options not available aesthetically? It works if its different enough”. :man_shrugging:

So then you believe there are purple-eyed Blood Elves running around Quel’thalas. I’d love to see them, point them out, fam. :man_shrugging:

That it is feasibly for a BE to replicate something another group has done isn’t, and hasn’t ever been, justification enough for granting them whatever said feasible replication entails. Everything doesn’t belong to BE’s, nor are BE’s entitled to anything they could feasibly do – sorry about your luck. :man_shrugging:

It’s really not, when you consider that Rommath and Liadrin are the only two obvious replacements.

If someone had talked about a group of Blood Elves being zapped by the Void, becoming something else entirely and becoming cut off from the Sunwell in the process, that wouldn’t have been seen as being lore-friendly either – until it was.

That’s how writing works. Not sure what to tell you. :man_shrugging:

Citation? Wowpedia states the opposite, and without a source to boot.

There is probably a reasonable explanation for this, but Blizzard pretty much sucked at being detailed in their narrative during TBC (and WotLK, and Cataclysm).

You basically said, “heck, if you’re going to put High Elves on the Alliance, what’s next humans on the Horde?”.

To which the natural response was, “hey, thilly, you already have thome humanth on the Horde”.

  • You’ve got one playable variety (Forsaken).
  • You’ve potentially got another playable variety on the way (Forsaken AR).
  • You’ve got one unplayable variety, associated with the Horde (Fogsail Freebooters).

I always expected there was a fair share of blood elves wishing to go away from the Horde but too afraid to do so for various reasons. That story was never told, but, when a society does a 180 turn like blood elves did, it’s kind of obvious that a good chunk of people would have second thoughts about it. Add incentives and the hesitant ones may finally have enough reason to go rogue.


They should at least minimally try to explore that with the Void Elves, by explaining and going deep in their backstory within the Blood Elven society to explain their distaste with the kingdom’s allegiance to the Horde and how they were so eager to serve and support the Alliance, but we got nothing of that. Not even a comic or a short story.


Everything about void elf lore is a huge disappointment. It’s so ill-explored and depthless. They have no struggle as a people despite being just formed, and you have no idea of what kind of mindset they have in their ranks. You don’t have numbers to justify them being a race either. It’s so bad I can’t help but think it was made shallow on purpose so they can pull a surprise later.