High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Hopping in briefly to voice support for High Elves again! Good to see the conversation is still happening :slight_smile:


Nothing against ankoan, jinyu or whatever requests, but I don’t feel like any of them are a must have.

I actually prefer jinyu over ankoan. Jinyu felt more interesting than the generic samurai wannabes

My only “must have” Alliance requests are high elves and broken. Wouldn’t mind wildhammers as well, but I also wouldn’t complain if they were represented by just improved customization to dwarves.


No it doesn’t.

You’d be right. Because they’re on the Horde. Velves should get their own unique model.

Maybe you just have poor taste, because I think of Lovecraft Deep Ones combined with Samurai Jack.

Why, pray tell. Was the entire Vol’dun campaign on Alliance just Sethrak? They have no reason to join the Banshee Queen and her trash-pile faction.

everytime you mentioned the horde, prior to this, you sounded like you were spitting. but when it comes to the topic of high elves on the alliance, you suddenly are concerned that fans of high elves have an aversion to being horde. hehe. i have many blood elves, many void elves, many night elves, 3 nightborne, a couple gnomes and a few humans. what’d you got?

A bit of everything, bar elves. I only have one or two. One demon hunter, one shadow-priest velf.

like your velf? male or female? what race is the dh?

I wish the velf was more Star-Spawn of Cthulhu than elf, male. The DH is a nelf male.

Why did you switch the character you were posting on by the way?

But my dislike for ankoan and jinyu has more to do with how bland they come across to me.

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whats a star spawn of cthulu? like your nelf?

I unno. But in any event. They’re more interesting than High Elves, which are just a ‘skirting-the-edges-of-infringement’ copy of Warhammer High Elves. The Blood Elves, at the least, are unique and went their own path.

No not really, if any other race could be a DH I would make it so.

And your entire Nazmir campaign is about blood trolls, the horde Drustvar campaign is about witches, etc. It’s to make you have a small idea of what the zone is about.
I’m not denying that the alliance helped the devoted sethrak, but that pales in comparison of what the horde did for them. I can list what either faction did for the devoted sethrak.
The alliance saves Vorrik, his keystone and repel the faithless that’s attacking the terrace of the devoted.

The horde saves Serrik, save a hidden keystone from being found by the faithless and get to the terrace only to find it under siege and Vorrik captured by the faithless. So they then repel the faithless and save Vorrik.
The horde then takes the fight to the faithless with the aid of Vorrik and killing many faithless, saving holy sethrak relics, saving Rakjan, killing Korthek which is the faithless leader, head into the temple and save Sethraliss.
This is quite a lot compared to the alliance, also one of the zandalari trolls that helped you through all of Vol’dun and aided you with the sethrak through all this is now on the Zanchuli council which are the ruling/advisory council of queen Talanji.


maybe because they use male nelf skeleton/animation? i’m not a big fan of more blue tentacle people and some of the ankoan are blue with tentacle thingies hanging off their faces. at this point, a traditional elf with human skin tones is going to be a novelty. we have purple elves, blue elves with tentacles, blue extra-terrestrials with tentacles, light forged extra terrestrials with tentacles, wolf people, panda people, dwarves with their hair and beards on fire, gnomes and potentially mecha gnomes and thicc humans.

just a normal elf would be a change of pace

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“You’d be right. Because they’re on the Horde. Velves should get their own unique model.” 
What? How are Velves alright with you but High Elves aren’t? Lmao. They’re literally ex-Horde Blood Elves. High Elves have nothing to do with Horde.

“No it doesn’t.” Can you tell me why it doesn’t? I think it does because;

Blood Elves studying the Void to protect Silvermoon doesn’t make much sense
 then when they’re exiled, they’re suddenly alright with using it to fight that very city and people the Void Elves even bothered studying the Void for.

How did they even get the chance to leave Silvermoon? How did Umbric and his followers manage to even last as long as they did? From what we know, Rommath wanted him and his followers exiled as soon as they found out about his studies.

Why are there Silvermoon Scholars walking around the Telegrus Rift? Are they with the Alliance now? Are Void Elves secretly giving Blood Elves, who aren’t even allowed to study the Void, knowledge on it? Who are they going to use that knowledge on? The Alliance and possibly even themselves?

Their backstory is so vague and blank because Blizzard probably knew it wouldn’t make any sense. They probably didn’t want to risk making it look any worse.


If I were Vorrik, I wouldn’t trust the Zandalari. Or the Horde.

Velves are trying something unique at the least.

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Which doesn’t always mean that it’s going to be good? They feel pretty rushed and random to me. IF we ever got to see Umbric back in BC or other expansions voicing his opinions on the Horde and the Void, etc, etc, they’d probably be a lot better.


so whats a star spawn of cthulu?

at this point, a traditional elf with human skin tones is going to be a novelty. we have purple elves, blue elves with tentacles, blue extra-terrestrials with tentacles, light forged extra terrestrials with tentacles, wolf people, panda people, dwarves and dwarves with their hair and beards on fire, gnomes and potentially mecha gnomes and thicc humans.

just a normal elf would be a change of pace

No, it’d just be a tired rehash of a done-to-death fantasy trope that’s already fufilled by the Blood Elves

Google exists.


The horde I might understand as he haven’t met them before, but the zandalari? The zandalari thing is that they’re crazy about loa, including Sethraliss.
They used to be friends back when Sethraliss lived as she was worshipped by both trolls and sethrak side by side. Vorrik is old enough to remember this as he lived back then, the trolls and sethrak had a falling out though as Vol’dun became a desert with the death of Sethraliss and the trolls left as they had a hard time living there.
I’m sure he’s more than happy that they’ve reconnected after all these years since they helped him recover Sethraliss and fight back the faithless.
There’s even a priest of Sethraliss present in Dazar’alor.
Sethraliss and the priest attend Talanji’s coronation and she does not have any objections as any loa are allowed to give trials to the one ascending the throne to get their blessing if the loa in question does not think the person is worthy or needs to be tested.


orcs, trolls, dwarves, gnomes and humans are fantasy tropes too. and we dont have a fulfillment of the trope on alliance. we have dark elf look-a-likes, two of them in fact, just to keep from giving us just a normal elf.

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A reminder that something can look unique and still be boring and lack a story.