High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

everybody’s got a crush on wrathion hehe

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Oh yea, no doubt lol.

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i like the taliesin and evitel skit they did about the new models


That’s a good one!

oh and for anyone that’s not seen it, taliesin has a theory of who is the person in the il’gynoth whisper "hour of her third death will usher in our coming:. he goes thru all the candidates, sylvannas, azshara, calia menethil, and his favorite, alleria. he thinks …well i wont spoil it. you can watch for yourself

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I’m not looking forward to the Void expansion that seems to be coming.

You know how Sylvanas “tricked” all of us Alliance into Nazjatar, destroying all of our boats? That felt like the biggest BS ever. I imagine the Void expansion is going to be full of stuff like that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Such a good trick it trapped Lorthemar too =(

Wasn’t she expecting him to join Saurfang? Or was that NAthanos? Either way, I’m pretty sure they were planning on him dying there for that purpose. I might be wrong though.

no idea, the horde storyline isn’t very clear about it

Has Alleria died twice already?? I haven’t seen a reference to that at all lol. It’s probably Aszhara.

No, but in 7.3.5 there was a small event in Stormwind in which Alleria says she feels she “died twice”.


Lol that makes sense by blizz standards :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hopefully they didn’t bring her back to kill her off.

Again, things can change in the course of 30 some odd years. We could see a culture that struggles to become more civilized, but is advancing too rapidly and must endure the savage ferocity within the heart of it’s people. That kind of struggle, to become a better people, would appeal to the Alliance I think.

As for what to offer, they offer their strength of course. Maybe they come into Azeroth with Apexis Crystals and various methods of using their power. Not like our Outland has a shortage of those, so it’s not like they have a limited resource.

According to the Orcs, the AU Draenei destroyed the world, but that was from the perspective of the Mag’har. It’s entirely possible that Leorajh and his enlightened Saberon joined Yrel and her Draenei in their attempt to save the world. It’s not hard to picture, considering the Orcs nearly, you know, destroyed the Saberon.

Sethrak are much more of a Horde race. They worship a Loa (who the Horde resurrected, that’s canon thanks to the dungeon), they live on Zandalar, etc… There is no logical reason for the Sethrak to join the Alliance.

I’ll take helves and Saberon every time. Let the Horde keep the Sethrak.


Assuming the helves have the same culture as the belves is a stretch. The helves don’t seem particularly hedonistic, or ambitious, and those are two major aspects of modern belf culture. You’ve also had the belves enforcing a fascist state complete with actual thought-police. I can’t say I’ve seen ANY of that from any helf groups anywhere in the game.


Back yet again to voice my support for High Elves in the Alliance! Now and forever!


If Blizzard added the San’layn I’d be so happy.

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Then why are there Saberon fleeing in the Mag’har scenario? Why would they be running with the Orcs they dislike, if not to escape from the Lightbound.

The way to the AU is closed permanently anyways, and the planet is dying. The cats can rot with it for all I care.

Sethrak are pretty much a different retelling of the Draenei:

-Once ruled by three powerful people
-Live incredibly long lifestyles
-Extremely faithful and religious
-A large part of their race became wicked, after one leader, rather than two turned
-Their loa is their Naaru
-Live in exile, hounded by their former countrymen

All they share in common with the Horde is that they have a Loa (They’re monotheistic practically, that isn’t a Horde trait.)

You make me sick. You would take Blood Elves 2.0, uninspired edition and some dumb rodents over Imperial Snakes and Mystical Fish Samurai.

Give them time, and a meaningful population and they’ll develop something like that. Never trust an elf.

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Not if its in the thread meant for it.
Next strawman please!

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Tbh, I would even be happy if Blizzard gave us half elves seeing as they are in game, albeit in very small numbers, but that didn’t deter them from void elves. I just feel like Alliance not having an elf paladin option is weird and somewhat wrong.

If it came to that, Horde could get Mok’nathal which would be something I would love to see as an option, would change my Mag’har so quickly to a Mok’nathal.


Night elf Paladin please :slight_smile:

But agreed it is a bit odd, not having an elf Paladin in the alliance.