High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

She’s cute and I love her armor colors. And hey, she has a quiver too!


At least the Velves can TALK, and BUILD something. And don’t CRAP IN THEIR OWN BEDDING AREA

Velves history is just the Belfs/Helfs history. Everything they do from now upward is what will write themselves apart from Belfs/Helfs

Leorajh could talk. Not sure he built anything though. Either way, 30 some odd years is plenty of time for that to have changed. They’d certainly be a bit more unique as well. Less of an off-shoot and more of their own race, like the Vulpera.

If it makes you feel better, I wouldn’t object to the Alliance getting what they want.

It would make all these threads disappear. That in itself is a reward.

I get the need for “pretty aesthetics” I really really do.

I also understand that this company has zero issue retcon’ing things in that would have otherwise been impossible cough light forged undead cough

They should do it, there is clearly a demand for it, and claiming “It isn’t part of the lore” isn’t really sitting well with the playerbase at this point because these guys literally write the lore they are feeding the customers.

They seem inoculated to changing the story at whim but find it a far stretch to introduce elves to the Alliance of the High Elf caliber.

I get it. I think they should just do it. /shrug

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You know, Kul tirans were just humans up until playable, nothing special about them besides boats. And look at it now.

But by all means, keep trying to argument that a group of expats ranging from 3k to 15 years away have the exact same culture than the rest of Quel’thalas. Honestly it’s just wild.


we can agree to that! maybe we will hear something at blizzcon

They’re still just humans, and that is why they stayed on their faction as well.

Cool, so, China town, Little Italy, and various other ethnic neighborhoods should no longer exist because by your logic, after less than a quarter of a human beings life time, they let go of all their culture.

Even though high elves are all constantly visiting the sunwell, and claiming quel’thalas as their kingdom and home. They totally assimilated, even though we have no indication of them doing so.

Im down for pretty much every requested AR people are putting up. The main reason being new content for players. It also opens up new ways for people to experience what is supposed to be a role playing game. I know adding races is a time consuming thing for the devs so I applaud them for doing ARs at all, but ARs do make it easier to get player requested content into WoW. You seem to have the same stance as a poster in here named Murgatroyd. He has a pretty dang cool head when it comes to the request for High Elves.


The irony.

Hence the willingness to see them visually changed, by whatever means makes most sense, while leaving their general characterizations intact.

We agree, hence thee request(s) to adjust HE’s to whatever degree is necessary.

  1. That isn’t Alleria, it’s Vereesa.

  2. She’s clearly overloaded with Arcane, because her eyes are a color that’s unavailable to both HE’s and BE’s.

  3. We briefly discussed the concept, a couple days ago, of the HE’s being forcibly cutoff from the Sunwell (which we figured that one avenue for this occurring would be if Lor’themar were to be deposed and/or killed for treating with the Alliance in 8.2, and his successor didn’t agree with the “we’re all sons and daughters of Quel’thalas” philosophy) and convinced that their only solution was to lean into the utilization of magical objects.

    They would, in this scenario, develop numerous Arcane-based distinctions – such as pink/purple eyes, and potentially Arcane-infused skin and hair. This doesn’t break the lore, it doesn’t involve changing anything that has already happened, it doesn’t require any suspension of disbelief – it’s simply a narrative advancement, away from where they’re at now and towards where they could be in the future. :man_shrugging:


So, literally ONE of them has the capacity to speak. They have no culture, nothing to offer the Alliance. Sethrak are their own race, and would be more unique than cave-crapping rats.

Why would they ally with the Alliance when they have the Lightforged. Who destroyed their home?

I see how you are purposely missing the point that cultural syncretism happens.

To say that HE’s have the same culture than the elves of Quel’thalas is as preposterous as saying they follow completely human customs now.

Cultures are affected by others, do you think “little china” or “little italy” culture is considered the same as their mainland? Now THAT is preposterous. Are you aware that most “chinese” food you are familiar with in the united states is unique, having created by those immigrants in their new context? I’m not chinese myself, but come on, this is common knowledge. Culture evolves, all the time because of different factors.

Have you seen movies like "Crazy Rich Asians?

In case you are unaware, High Elves are also on their faction, the alliance.


high elves and blood elves look exactly the same. They are not high elves with antlers, or blue skin (void elves).
Every high elf NPC has a blood elf counterpart that has the same characteristics.

Which is usually preserved for allied races staying on their original playable faction, such as mag’har orcs.
That is ignoring the fact high elves already have an established appearance.

That is ignoring(again), the fact that high elves do not come from a different region or background than every single AR you listed, and don’t even look different which is the minimum case in the Maghar orcs.

That is my error, I thought you had posted Alleria’s picture again.
Vareesa is a high elf, however, and her appearance matches Alleria’s prior to her void corruption and Sylvanas prior to becoming a banshee.

Hearthstone is not canon to character design, especially given that Vareesa’s appearance has been shown across comics as blue and non-glowing because she does not use magic.
Tortollans are a very good example of non-canon appearances. So let us not focus on designs for a separate cardgame. Or is Medivh a suave dude who held a party to kick Malchezaar out?

I tried to ignore that part because it sounded really out of the realm of possibility because it would result in the blood elves going alliance. That is not going to happen.
Second, the thalassian elf race is intrinsically linked to the sunwell. They would need to be changed by something along the lines of the void princes, which created void elves. At that point they’re no longer high elves since that sunwell connection is distinct to that race.

Even though they never displayed pink/purple eyes despite feeding on arcane items WITHOUT a sunwell?
It’s reaching at best.

high elves left the alliance in WC3. So no, unless you want to claim humans are on the horde faction.

They literally do. They’re only 15 years removed, they just thought Dalaran and Humans looked better.

People who disagree with you are not purposefully missing the point, especially after explaining why they disagree with you. Assimilation has not been demonstrated with high elves. They have instead, maintained their cultural identity and continued it as seen in WotLK, MoP, three sisters, etc etc.

Saying “well they could have” doesn’t change what we have already seen.
Fact weighs over theory.

Which takes generations to take effect. High elves are still within generation 0, and they have only demonstrated the preservation of their cultural identity and not the assimilation, or blending of it.
You can theorize it all you want, go for it, but we haven’t seen it so we cannot say it is a thing. Simple.

World of Warcraft is a work of fiction.

As such, arguments about generations passing for a change of culture are largely pointless.

What changes culture in a work of fiction is writing.

The Sin’dorei had changes of culture, as written about in Blood of the Highborne and In the Shadow of the Sun, as well as experienced by the players when playing a Sin’dorei, particularly in the starting zones.

Because it’s fiction it’s possible to have no changes in culture over long periods, people like the Shen’dralar, or have massive cultural changes in a short time frame.

This argument that is gating a change of culture by successive generations, or changes in things like art that don’t even exist in wow, is ignoring the medium in which the game exists.


I’ll wait while you find any existing Thalassian NPC, in-game or out, that has eyes like this:


That is ignoring the fact that Blood Elves already had an established appearance, but then guess what happened? The future came a callin’, and voila, now they’ve got a new established appearance (and a new name, Void Elves, to boot).

Nobody cares about their clothing or armor. Void Elves, when implemented, came up with a new style in 48 seconds flat – what I’m pointing out is that Blizzard could utilize that image as a starting point for creating a unique visual aesthetic for HE’s, and it could be done in a way that is ultimately lore-friendly.

Who said it was canon? I’m using this image as an example of how Blizzard could adjust HE’s, in a lore-friendly manner, to create further distinction from BE’s. :man_shrugging:

You’ll have to explain precisely how the BE’s making the decision to extirpate the HE’s connection the Sunwell, would somehow lead to BE’s joining the Alliance. :man_shrugging:

Remember when all those High Elves stepped into Outland, and immediately stopped being High Elves because they weren’t connected to the Sunwell at that distance? Oh yeah, me either.

This is literally all headcanon, none of it ever supported by anything in-game. :man_shrugging:

It was speculated above that the reason why Arcane presents as being variably blue, pink, or purple is potentially related to how “pure” or “raw” the energy is – with blue being the less potent and pink/purple being the more potent.

As most HE’s survived using garden variety magical artifacts, this would explain why they maintained their blue eyes. Also, as far as precedent goes, Valeera Sanguinar briefly developed pink/purple eyes after being exposed to a bunch of raw Arcane energy – so it’s hardly “reaching” as far as plausibility goes.

There are humans on the Horde. :man_shrugging:

What an example… :rofl::joy::grin::smiley::smile:


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I’ll wait for you to find any thalassian NPC that has those eyes.
That is hearthstone only, and it is not canon.

That is because they became something different.
High elves are blood elves, unless you want them to change and not be high elves anymore. in which case, void elves are there.

I wasn’t talking about clothing nor armor.

If HE’s get purple eyes from magic, BE should as well due to them being the same race if they were to stay lore friendly.

You implied lorthemar’s demise at the hands of sylvanas would make blood elves wish to retaliate and cut off the HE’s from the sunwell? That seems odd.
Let alone to cut off high elves from the sunwell would mean cutting the blood elves off as well, since they are the same race. That would not be lore friendly.

Sunwell bypasses time and space per lore. They were never disconnected.
I know it is all headcanon, but I am poking holes in it because if people who are all about lore are truthful about it, then they shouldn’t be dissatisfied with a bad storyline.

To be fair, it may be a design intent, because the high elves wh went to outland were in an area with lots of fel contamination but never developed green eyes.

Spamming emotes doesn’t make your response less facetious.