High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And said Void Prince was using,.,what?
By that very statement of yours, Blood Elves ARE a different race!
By your statements, you do ( whatever) and it changes you INSTANTLY.
That, in this game, is MAGIC!
Thank you.



I like how he outright says Blizzard is wrong when it doesn’t fit his arguments.

Ion specifically said Void Elves are another flavor of High Elf. Anyone looking at them can see this.

Yet because it destroys his false concept of Blood Elves being the only form of playable High Elf he just says Ion is wrong.

Blood Elves, Void Elves, San’layn/Dark Rangers, and of course High Elves, are all different flavors of High Elf.

We are just asking for this specific one.


Which means they are no longer high elves, and that the lore does not matter, and that what really mattered in the end is

The aesthetics, which are fulfilled by the blood elves.
So, there is no need to make high elves playable.

Aesthetically, blood elves fill that niche, along with having the history of the high elf people.

So there is no need to “transform” the high elves into not being high elves since that isn’t what the high elf people want and is also fulfilled by the void elves.

So they won’t be playable because both aspects are already being fulfilled. :man_shrugging:


I didn’t, but this is another case of you speaking for me.

In terms of game design yes, which is why he also said “if you want to be a pale pretty elf, the horde is waiting for you.”.
So, that is a no to high elves, because that gameplay is available already through blood elves. I cannot understand why you insist on cherry picking.

How is it a false concept if blood elves and high elves are the same race, and that the devs state that gameplay design is fulfilled through the blood elves? I

Except that blood elves and high elves are both vanilla flavor. So why are you asking for another shot of vanilla when WoW never does this by design?
If you change the flavor, its no longer vanilla, which is what you wanted.
If that is the case, why are you turning away from void elves?

Play a blood elf then

Bah. Elgi, we need less of them.

I have no desire to play a skinny little stick.

You’re repeating yourself.

UNTIL Arthas came calling, Kael went nutz and then you all joined the HORDE!
AS Blood Elves!

You don’t know that.

A race made by Blizzard to troll us with; they could just as easily made actually High Elves, instead of a bunch of BLOOD ELVES dyed purple and with a few tentacles leftover from Draenei customization. together with their rather odd ‘origins’ tells me this is just a quicky job by Blizzard.

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I wonder what will happen if Blizzard announced High Elves at Blizzcon. I wonder what people would do? Quit the game? Hardly. It doesnt directly effect the people who dont think High Elves should be added. If you dont want to play something, don’t play it. No one is forcing you to play a certain way in a game with many ways to play.


there’s certain things in the game i haven no intention of doing. like pushing keys, doing mythic raiding, and doing high rated pvp. but i don’t think they should be removed or not in the game at all. we all want different things from the game. i got my orc priest as i’ve said in this thread over and over again. and we got nightborne which had all the lore in the world. they really could throw alliance a bone imo.


Exactly. Im super casual when it comes to this game. I did the hardcore raiding back in the day and got tired of it. That doesnt mean progression cant be in the game.


No. I refuse to go Horde.
Been there, done that; FORGET IT.
The whole thing about ELVES fighting alongside monster races, ESPECIALLY ORCS, is ridiculous anyways. NO WHERE in fantasy has it ever happened, except
as a parody written over 20 years ago called GRUNTS; a charming little read by Mary Gentle. Hilarious.
So forget it. I, and many others, want to play REAL High Elves; the ones that kicked Horde a good one in WC2. come to think of it, I want my Night elves back as well; the savages, the forest demons who fought the Legion, the Horde and anyone else who even LOOKED at one of our trees wrong! Not the little la-de-dahs today’s Blizzard wants us to be!
Saurfang wants his Horde back!
I want my Elves back!


This is like going into an ice cream shop and ordering your favorite flavor only for them to present you with a different flavor, and then when you try to get what you actually ordered other customers tell you you are wrong for wanting that flavor and should be grateful for any flavor offered.


Well said and speaks for me!

As for myself, I would keep ALL my promises, including the ones made in this thread: run tanks, NO gloating AND I’ll take it on myself to help keep the peace for whatever celebrations follow!
TL:DR Play nice.

These are my words.

What do you think high elves are then? Have you not seen Alleria or Vareesa or Sylvanas (pre banshee)?

That doesn’t erase their history.

They want high elves as they know them. If you change them, they stop being high elves which is a contrary to what they’ve been appealing. So, if blizzard makes high elves playable, they would have to look like blood elves or it breaks their lore of them being the same people and the same cultural background.

Or probably because blood elves give the high elf aesthetic, and it would have been redundant and ill received considering the work done with nightborne.

Except that it still affects them because it makes faction lines blur, and choice mean nothing specifically for the blood elf players.
your request isn’t something like pvP or M+ which don’t affect anyone’s playstyle. Your request is asking for something already available, for the alliance, which is not what any other AR request is doing.

okay, well, just because I like playing worgens doesn’t mean I am going to demand playable worgens for the Horde. Choice matters, and it helps define factions.

Discworld, DnD

The former were terrifying.

its more like you going to the ice cream store, wanting your favorite flavor, but not liking it because they used a different colored cup from the one you enjoyed.


Void elves are a different flavor from high elves. They have a different story, theme, and aesthetic.

I’d like my ice cream without squid please, and hold the blueberries.


Blood elves are the same as high elves in aesthetic, but they wear red not blue

If you reduce what wearing red vs blue represents down to nothing, then sure.

But considering they stand for allegiances, they mean a bit more than just a fashion choice.

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If we look at it for game design, blood elves meet high elf criteria.
in terms of lore? They are the same bio race, but politics doesn’t make a race

Their stories diverged and they are on different paths. I want to explore the high elves path.


but tey dont have an individual story.=

Hahehe same really, It’s just a cool pallete, I really like the contrast of dark skin and blue eyes :smiley:

Related to that piece, I did an edit of the “Tier 3” version of that armor with another character


Soon I’ll have the “Tier 1” version heh