High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

This might be the single most offensive thing I’ve read on the internet and I frequently visit 4chan.

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Sing it! Shout it! Point out those who are all for the ‘humble goody -goody’ and I’ll join you in jumping on them!
…in a nice way of course and in keeping with the true spirit of gaming( and the TOU).
As for the rest of you post: I’ll take it under advisemen( new word for the day!).

Two changes in the arguments that might make for better actual discussions between both sides on this one:

  1. Forget about populations, seriously just stop; Blizzard has shown that they could not care less about that when creating an AR.

  2. Forget about race - they are both Non-GMO Thalassian elves. What’s being asked for is the Pandaran Protocol; two factions of the same race, playable by both. Nothing more, and nothing less.


…except in the South!
Y’all’d fitr raht in hehyah.
(yes there are places that still talk that)

It’s been awhile but I have returned to show my unflinching support for High Elves in the Alliance! Fight on brothers and sisters!


tea party. workers unions. declaration of independence. the revolutionary war. i like the brits and the dundees, the crocodile men. but i like the idea of a republic better than a monarchy. dont let 'em fool ya though. i think those sneaky brits somehow got control again and we are all vassals of the queen and just dont know it.

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He was unwilling because they were still recovering after TBC, and WotLK. It is a recent thing that the blood elf popoulation hasn’t been in danger.

It was purely blackmail, or he would never have gone.

So lore doesn’t matter, okay.

All void elves come from high elves.
There you go, its the high elves you wanted, in purple.

So lore does not matter if it brings you high elves.

because high elves have never suffered any possible loses? I find it odd you’re ignoring this aspect given that it still takes 9 times more loses for the BE to equal the loss of a single HE.
So if the high elves lost even 100 individuals, thats the equivalent of a 900 loss of BE, which no one has made any statements of since TBC. Did we miss something?

Blood elves and high elves are the same race,
Blood elves are playable, ergo, the high elf race is already playable.

All of which stemmed from different areas, and cultures, or had a different biology. High elves meet NONE of these.

whats being asked for is variable. many wouldnt mind a modified model. so same race, different appearance.

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They really are not ruled by the Queen anymore, she is a figurehead in Most of the commonwealth governments. Recognized as the soveign I do believe. Trying not to sound ignorant though. I do admire the time honored tradition though.

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The British monarch hasn’t had official power for hundreds of years. We were subject to the British government until the 70’s I think. But they lost any official power after the Liberal Party did a sneaky deal with the British Governor-General in Australia to remove our democratically elected government at the time.


Lore as in story or lore as in history? Because story doesn’t stay the same. Used to be there was a single option for any race and now several have more than one option. History does matter, but that won’t change the past just because the future brings new story.

Say it again. You know you want to.

They absolutely could if Blizz wanted them to.


Blizzard: There are not enough high elves to make them playable, and they are the same race as blood elves.
You: They can re-write it so it does! The story is evolving! Everything is possible!

So lore does not matter, simply because it can be written up later in the future. It is a very weak way of trying to dismiss things, especially because it apparently matters to blizzard.

Am I factually wrong?

So your argument has now gone from arguing they are different to “blizzard can make them different!”.
At least that argument has some possibility, but here is the thing.
If blizzard writes the lore so that high elves and blood elves are no longer the same race, then they no longer are the high elves from WC2 and WC3 you wanted so much..

You know what race that is? void elves.
Now we come full circle.

Now you’re going to say “But void elves come from blood elves.”, and to that I said “but blizzard can re-write the story.”.

These arguments are, in 99.99% of the cases, input by those against playable High Elves – as a general rule, the people asking for playable High Elves don’t care about population (because of Void Elves) and aren’t concerned with being completely biologically divergent (because of Void Elves, Nightborne, Kul Tirans, etc.).

So, basically, what you’re suggesting is that the folks who’re against playable HE’s get their shizz together. :smiley:

He didn’t provide context for his assertion that High Elves aren’t helping right now, and that owing to this they shouldn’t be considered as being Alliance-aligned; it’s entirely fair to ignore all context when making an equally absurd assertion to illustrate the hilarity of such a position. :man_shrugging:

If it hasn’t happened yet, it isn’t “lore”. :man_shrugging:

That you can’t wrap your head around the fact that the BE’s have been in more circumstances wherein a loss of life is likely, is ultimately not something I’m willing to continue to re-iterate to you.

And, in any case, we’ve already conceded that population is an irrelevancy. It wouldn’t matter if it were canonical that there only existed 13 disparate HE’s – they’re still a plausibility, owing to the existence of Void Elves. :man_shrugging:


Once again, Void Elves say hello.

It’s your opinion so no. No opinion is truly wrong.

Population isn’t a factor. See above. They don’t need to write that more are discovered if they don’t want to, but personally I think it would open things up for more story if they do… I’ve commented on the Dragon Isles idea about this multiple times.

Oh they don’t need to be a different race. Again, you have picked many fights with me about this, but check out Nightborne and Void Elves again. How many times are you going to argue with me about the same points exactly?

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Well, I think that’s half-right :wink:

There are several (no, not you and not anyone with any interest in being remotely reasonable) people who, when the “Hey, they are the same race” point gets made, will argue ad nauseam that they are actually different races, followed by attempts to drag the conversation down some sophistic rabbit hole about how political schisms create different races. I have pretty much stopped responding to any of them, so to me the point is moot but…

On the subject of populations I agree - the others opposed to playable High Elves need to get over that one and just let it be. Void Elves should have put an end to that one before it was used. Yes, High Elves are - according to any available lore - a remnant of the remnants of a shattered race. However; so what? Void Elves killed that argument, we need to let it RIP. :slight_smile:


Lore gives a reason why they are the same race.
That race is already playable.
People who want high elves “they can re-write the lore.”.
Hence my statement about lore mattering until it does not matter.

That you insist that the “chances” is directly going to suggest blood elves lost more than high elves is just theory dude.
Let alone again, they would need to lose 9 BE for every 1 HE, so the argument just isn’t there. Alexander the Great doesn’t exist in game.

The only time populationw as cited was against high elves by a dev, though I do agree, population really doesn’t matter. It is just a discussion on numbers, which is rather fruitless.

Void elves aren’t the same race as blood elves, unless you can cite a point where blood elves had tentacles.

The sky is pretty. That is an opinion.
Blood elves are high elves. That is not an opinion.
There is a difference, and you know this, you’re just being obstinate.

Why do you feign ignorance? Clearly you read the thread.

So…again… lore matters, but if it gives you high elves it doesn’t matter.

Perhaps we wouldn’t argue about it if you did not insist on ignoring the counterpoints against you?
Every time you’re in a corner, you go “that’s your opinion”, then you bounce for a few days, forget everything that was discussed until that point, get in a corner in the discussion, do the same thing and bounce. Or you troll for several posts, then bounce for a bit because you’re frustrated, and then come back to do it again later.

Void elves and nightborne are different races. These are facts. :man_shrugging:

I have dealt with every counterpoint, but you and others are even more obstinate than I am, and that’s why this is the same silly back and forth it always is. I will be moving on now, I suggest you do the same.


Not really, you make declarations and then bounce. Note, how just like in this point, all you do is make declarations which haven’t actually occurred.

And so the cycle repeats itself.

Well at some point one of us has to be mature enough to say enough, because it is getting pretty ridiculous at this point with the same arguments over and over.


neither of you are gonna change your mind, best to just move on.

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