High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yeah, I miss those things… I know they wanted a Greek themed expac. Maybe that’s the dragon isles? Who knows.

Maybe, but I had to sing all eight minutes of The Band Played Waltzing Matilda, scarf a lamington and fondle my framed artwork of Ned Kelly and Queen Lizzy after reading that.

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The whole song of Band played Waltzing Matilda? Impressive :slight_smile:

As long as they DON’T make it too much like Melnibone’: the Moorcock estate is very litigious, I hear.
Altho’ making the resultant HIGH ELVES thereon a touch more evil than when they got there would suit me fine.

Hands over a warm :beer:
There ya go; that was hilatious.

Oh I can post links now! Yay! So yeah, this seems like a relevant wholesome laugh for all the happies.

…could also be me when we finally get High Elves or Ogres. Whichever comes first. (Both would be swell, of course!)

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Anyway, with all that I think I’m going to be turning in now. See yas! :wave:

i dont get the joke. is this an aussie thing? brit?

I am pretty sure its a Commonwealth-wide practice: as Guzzle has not jumped down my case about it, I am faurly certain I wasn’t implying he was any kind of a Brit.
I think.
Thoughtfully drinks some :beer:

Okay now it’s one thing to suggest Australians are like Americans, but suggesting I’m a pommy is fightin’ words.

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Hey! I never said that!
I has much more ways to insult ya than THAT!

OVER 9000!

yes its a sentence

okay, rewind this convo a bit. your hugging of ned and the queen, was that poking fun at the sailing of the farstriders?

Ned Kelly is THE quintessential Aussie folk-hero: their ‘robin hood’ if you will!
He was forced into outlawry by a cruel despotic government and died gloriously; righting to the very end!

k so he had to hug a hero and the queen. can you translate that for me? does he approve or disapprove of the sailing of the farstriders ?

Ned Kelly is the Australian working class hero who stood up to the British establishment on behalf of the at the time oppressed Irish working class.

The Queen is the Queen.

The joke is that I was so offended at having been compared to an American I over-compensated with Australian cultural items.

I think maybe it was more as a reaffirming of his true Aussie nature.
Altho’ why he didn’t chug a beer, along with all the other stuff, is a bit confusing.

Americans are like Ned kellys on steroids. you’d fit right in or at least, have trouble deciding who to hug first

To be fair, blood elves have a much larger population to derive blood elves from. I would not be surprised if they thought the reason void elves were better to come from blood elves is because it made more sense number wise.:man_shrugging:

They are from the same culture and kingdom, yes, they’re just as prone to arrogance. Sylvanas is a good example, and she was a high elf. it is just a thing people come up with to suggest HE are humble. They should be rude and arrogant

10 million no’s.