High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

*Hands you a platter of :meat_on_bone: and :bacon: and :fried_egg:"
Here ya go.
All out of :beer: for the moment, sorry.

Oh we just get that in the regular tea aisle here. I’m absolutely livid I ran out of Australian Afternoon tea, the blend was originally designed by our sitting Prime Minister of the time.

You’re really not getting this.

Kinda thought Blizzard already put the last nail in the coffin on this. I feel like ever since they went back on their word on classic servers, that people feel like they’ll budge on anything. This is probably just not likely.

They did however state that us getting blue eyed options for blood elves was a possibility. We should aim for that.

There’s nothing to get – you’re just being the cheeky Aussie your croc-wrangling parents raised you to be, by crockey. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this a racism?

Is Australian a race?

Maybe an Allied Race.

Nah, too similar to Americans.

If you want freedom-loving, former colonials, the United States is waiting for you.

Okay, we like to have fun.

But this isn’t okay.

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With all due respect, the OP itself addresses things like population already and this is a very old topic itself so its even more frustrating to go over something like population for the millionth time because antis just want to argue. Its a two way street.

We have presented the foundation. Many ideas and such have been presented as feedback, so it is truly just up to Blizz at this point if they want to act on it. Antis keep saying it wont happen, but thats not a fact until the game actually shuts down.

Also, many of these anti tactics (not lumping you in) are purely antagonistic which is why fans arent going to sit around with kid gloves when it comes to this.


Finish your breakfast while I try to get a handle on this

The ‘head canon’ thing seems to focus around things that are made up about pre-existing facts. Saying something happened when it really didn’t could be ‘head canon’ as I under stand it; so it seems to fall to the past and past events.
‘Speculation’ on what could be isn’t ‘head canon’ in and of itself.
I do agree that it is VERY helpful for said futuristic ramblings to be based on established facts/lore. But, owing to the nature of ‘speculation’, at some point one MUST bring up something that hasn’t happened yet, along with reasons/opinions as to why this is a good/bad thing. ‘Opinions’ are viable in all this, seeing as how ‘speculation;’ is all about something that hasn’t happened yet so who can really say?

Goes to see if the next batch of :beer: is ready

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If we’re gonna go that route, we have to be fair and also acknowledge the resistance that Blizzard has put upon the subject so far.

Well put and well placed!
Still waiting on that :beer: sorry!

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Nothing wrong with being similar to Americans. We have our fun too :sunglasses::face_with_monocle:

except for how we insist on serving :beer: ICE COLD, even in Winter!
Never understood that!
FINALLY the newest batch is ready! Takes a huge WARM :beer: and chugs
SkÀl indeed!

/cracks knuckles
/guzzles coffee

k here goes

The Sailing of the Farstriders
(a fanfiction to provide a population of high elves)

In the distant past, before the Scourge invasion of Eversong, before Archimonde climbed the world tree, before the Second War, a fleet of Farstrider boats set sail from the shores of Quel’thalas. Their mission, to survey the islands off the coasts of the high elven kingdom and neighboring lands.

As misfortune or fate would have it, as they neared an especially interesting set of islands, a freak storm rose up and wrecked their ships upon the rocky outcrops of the largest island. Crawling from the wreckage, they stood in stunned silence as they took in the new vista.

Survivors were met with a bizaare landscape, peppered with temples in the shape of massive undersea creatures. Here a huge crab. There a gigantic mollusk. Further on, an immense tentacled creature, its limbs reaching out to the water. And to their shock and surprise, several dragons wheeled and glided over the scene on outstretched wings.

The shipwrecked Farstriders all began to exclaim and speak in hushed tones to each other simultaneously, some backing away, others rushing forward to get a better look.

that’s all i got for the moment.

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I understand what you are trying to say, but to be blunt It doesnt hold much weight because blizz has said no before on other topics and ended up changing their minds down the road. If they kill off every single high elf still in the game or the game shuts down then we will know without a doubt, but until then anything is honestly up in the air.

Pretty sure thats why some players are here every single say with the same rhetoric, attempting this silly ploy or that scheme to dampen the chance. Otherwise
 It would actually be the biggest waste of time.

I consider this offensive.

I like it Hyper, make sure you label this as a story for now. People might think you are presenting it as lore.

And I wonder if they will retcon the mollusk temple now that we have one in storm song valley?
I hope they make it an actual dragon isle
 tired of the insane overreach of the old gods theme all he time haha.


if you watch footage and read details, it sounds like there are huge portals around the area. when i heard of and saw the video of it, it reminded me of the big portals for dragon world bosses in eastern kingdoms and kalimdor.