High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That’s like 95% of posts in this thread, tbf.

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You can say this a million more times if you like but that doesnt make it true. We already had orcs and night elves and tauren and draenei, yet here we are with more of them.

Now go ahead and link the video again.


True… but there is a difference between speculation of the future and presenting one’s own spin of the past on lore.

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I mean, again…

Lol well iam trying to look to the future on this subject as much as possible… but it gets dragged into urination matches of who knows lore best… lol

It’s folly really.


Definitionally, speculating on the future isn’t headcanon – unless said speculation requires a re-interpretation of the past that isn’t supported by actual canon. :man_shrugging:


Immediately loses interest
Whenever I see that, by whoever, I know exactly what’s coming so why bother?
Post something DIFFERENT, something ORIGINAL!
Give us your REAL reasons why you hate!
(this would be a great place to put a clip of Palpatine telling Luke to ‘release the hate! let it flow through you’ but I don’t got those privleges yet)

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You kinda immediately countered your own point there, so I’m going to use the 5 minutes or so I would have spent writing a rebuttal to go make a cup of tea and get a slice of delicious cake.

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Hmmm is it English breakfast tea? It’s the only acceptable replacement for coffee :coffee: for me.

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All out of likes so :+1:


To be fair, Fyre has like 1200+ posts and almost all of them are less valuable than Venezuelan’s currency. :man_shrugging:

  1. Not really?
  2. This sounds like what I’d say, too, if I had made some egregious comment that I couldn’t substantiate. :man_shrugging:

I think I have Yorkshire and Australian breakfast.

I didn’t realize that saying, “the High Elves population doesn’t matter” is a re-interpretation of anything.

Color me surprised.

Edit: Here comes Aedred, boys and girls, let’s see if he actually doubles-down on the drivel from earlier.

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Was pro … been neutral … but now I can see why the anti-folk get frustrated with this thread. I’m just gonna bow out of it. Y’all keep living the dream and presenting your dream without any foundation of what the devs might actually look for to make them playable.

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I didn’t realise I’d said that at all. Or that it was at all related.

what kind of cake was it? :sunglasses:

Ah, sounds about right. How to Aedred in 4 simple steps:

  1. Say something egregious.
  2. It gets ridiculed, owing to said egregiousness.
  3. Blame the people pointing out how egregious it is.
  4. “Bow out.”

You’re saying that speculating about the future is, inherently, headcanon – it isn’t, definitionally, the case. Not sure what to tell you, try a dictionary?


All this cake is going to ruin my figure.

Nice, I found brand called Clipper Big Ben Ebt, in the imported section. It’s much better than the stuff labeled as English breakfast tea that is packaged here in the states.

I find this interesting, because we have been able to find someone like Dekkar whom was anti now pro.

I think time just changes things.

I’d be here for support if I had my ways with other things lol.

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You keep quoting that, but as I said, UNLESS a reinterpretation of the past is implied then speculation about the future is by definition NOT headcanon?

“Storm Elves”? Speculation, but not headcanon.
“Silver Elves”? Speculation, but not headcanon.
“Raw Arcane Elves”? Speculation, but not headcanon.

That there are tons of HE’s living in northern Lordaeron, waiting to live out their best WCII-inspired lives? Speculation, but definitely headcanon.