High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Threads can end? This thread’s been going on for …how long now? And there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight.

Being more serious though, there’s absolutely no harm in people continuing to talk about what a playable High Elf race might look like, what story they could have, the customization options they could have available to them, and so on, even if the race never becomes playable. But Blizzard has set a certain precedent simply by way of how they do their thing when it comes to lore and introducing new things.

They’re as likely to introduce High Elves as a playable race as they are Vulpera, MechaGnomes, Ogres, Dark Trolls, Sayaad, Man’ari Eredar, San’layn or whatever else. It all hinges on a combination of factors, though demand and rule of cool seem to be at the foremost of their line of reasonings. Story tends to come second, which isn’t always a bad thing.


…You want us to write Blizzard’s story for them? We are just showing them why it works, and we’re asking for Blizzard to add them based on the stuff we’ve shown. We’re not going to tell them how to do it.

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Iam half expecting Blizzard to create a story and have a bunch of blood elves defect to the alliance :rofl::rofl: that’s literally how low my expectation is for blizz on this subject.

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And another one who considers themselves a spokesman for the company.
If Blizzard is so rock-hard and infallible and inflexible, then why these forums?
Chugs the morning :beer: and finishes off the last of the breakfast :bacon:: works on her axes as she reads


That’s a yikes from me.


Shhhh, calm youself , little one!
Here, have this and I’ll explain
Hands the poor frightened Orc a :cookie: and some :milk_glass:
You see, some people just don’t know how they sound, to others. Even worse, they never admit fault or missed reasonings.
Goes back to getting her perfect axes ready in her own perfect way

That’s for sure.


Pot Meet Kettle.

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And Blizzard changes their minds based on player feedback. Ergo, thread remains open, discussion remains active well over a year later, and a lot of people think helves are worthy to be playable.


Ok so first just because they came from blood elves how does that give them “leniency”? What does that even mean? Because void elves and the ritual that changed them was a one time thing currently. Until Blizz changes that or comes up with a way to add more thats it. There wont be any more.

Second, the only quantification that has been given to void elves was what Ion stated in a video: a crack squad of void elves or something along those lines. Theres nothing to suggest anywhere that there is a number larger than that so… The conclusion is that there are not that many. But lets go ahead and look at other races for a second. How many maghar are in our timeline? I dont think there were that many brought over and I dont think there are any more migrating yeah? Just one example.

Oh and lets not forget that story can change. A high elf population that disappeared a long time ago could suddenly be discovered if Blizz so wished. Thats more solid than some of what they have written before.

Conclusion: population may play into the story, but I doesnt disqualify a candidate for an allied race. It just depends on what Blizz decides they want to do. Again, the population argument was dealt with quite awhile ago.


You say this, but it’s pretty much the position of everyone that supports playable High Elves that population doesn’t matter. :man_shrugging:

You savage. :laughing:

It means nothing. It’s an ineloquent way of saying, “they could theoretically say that the number of individuals who became Void Elves is actually higher than the number of people who are currently High Elves.”

The irony being that, if this were true, it would mean that the VE’s would’ve had to take at least ~11.1% of the BE’s overall population – further shoring up the disparity in population between HE’s and BE’s. :man_shrugging:



The Pop of blood elves is getting dangerously low :face_with_raised_eyebrow: maybe blood elves should no longer be playable??

“Green Eyes for playable High Elves, yee yee!”


I mean I honestly dont know what they were even trying to say with the word leniency. As far as I can tell, every allied race so far is an offshoot of something else and all of them appear to have small numbers, but since I havent dug up the information on that and blizz never spells out exactly how many of a race there is, I wont claim it as fact. It still doesnt matter regardless.


So if they have lost their portion that kaelthas took with him. The high elves that exiled, and then the void elves as well… well we are only looking at about 60 ish percent… not to count the ones who have died in the faction wars, and such… There can’t be that many blood elves left to be playable eh.? Lol just messing but we can see how this works… population does not matter as per playable races.


All out of likes so here’s a whole lotta :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: and :beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers:

Best part is that Blizzard doesn’t have to stretch too much of the main stoeylines for all this; Alliance High Elves can be easily ‘discovered’ someplace or other, after successfully ‘hiding’ all this time.
Right Panderans?

He means exactly what I wrote.

It’s just spurious, half-baked commentary – which is par for the course, around here.

except that playable alliance high elves arent an ‘offshoot’ or a variant of any other race, and more importantly are already playable

it has been brought to my attention the pro side arent really that well versed in the lore. for example, someone recently tried to debate the sunreavers werent a thing until recently. well in fact they have been apart of dalaran and the kirin tor for over 2000 years

there is no reference of lore to cite of any other high elf groups in dalaran besides the sunreavers and there was no need for another one. pretty much every high elf in dalaran was at a some point or is a sunreaver, as they would simply join the sunreaver mages and their people already there. in more modern times we see kael’thals fall in love with jaina here and even some quests showing them meeting in the sunreaver enclave privately. because this is where the high elves of dalaran lived, in the sunreaver enclave

it is the only area in dalaran that even reflects high/blood elven culture, and was rebuilt as it was, reflecting the people who live there

the SC elves also lived here and never would have even happened if the horde never came to dalaran. their whole purpose is to counter the newfound relationship with the sunreavers and the horde. they were never alliance aligned. they were just exiles. its not an accident they didnt go to stormwind, they went to dalaran which has long had an association with the people of quel’thalas

they also show lack of knowledge when they say only high elves can have blue eyes. when blue eyed blood elves exist, there are even blue eyed blood elf npcs, and their eye color can be reflective of the magic they have a strong connection with or in their environment. their natural eye color isnt just blue either, its as varied as humans, same with their hair color

it is impossible to know if the high elf citizens in dalaran identify by what adjective they use unless they say it. they could be elves who accepted the rebranding

and as golden eyes proved, their eye color is mutable. they werent going to get 2 new eye colors when the alliance elves only got 1. if they are going to give blood elves all their natural colors back it will be when every other race gets the same customization

Your whole wall of text is actually headcannon. It’s bits an pieces of lore based of your interpretation.


It’s entirely likely that most of Dalaran’s citizens aren’t even magic users, which makes suggesting that all of the High Elves therein were or are currently Sunreavers dubious at best – that said, you’re absolutely right that the Surneavers are long-standing and that the Silver Covenant is actually the more recent formation.