High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)


Give in to the high elves, you know you want to!

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to think that a biased fan with an agenda on the forums can rewrite lore is comical. the only people that can update the reference numbers is development

still not sure why you continue to strawman population as the sole reason playable alliance high elves were denied. the main reason they were denied is because high elves are already playable, what isnt playable is alliance high elves

wow is a two faction based game with majority of the story and game play mechanics focused on two distinct and separate factions. a major aspect of the two factions is their racial identity and their notable differences. if political opinion was enough to make a horde race neutral, the factions are completely pointless. that is why the created a high elf variant for the alliance

You are just as guilty if not more. Diminishing what the high elves are based on your own interpretations and presenting it as fact.

What is happening with the people asking for High elves are not asking for amendments to previous lore. We are asking that the story be built upon, have the SC leave Dalaran, or something along those lines. Have a culture differentiation shown. You are watering down your precious Blood elves when you just all them high elves… they obviously left that title behind.

In fact another thing that people find disagreeable is having the “same” race on both sides. I could care less in this case because blizzard has already shown that schism, and the divide amongst the two factions.

I would agree that this would all be folly if there was absolutely nothing to build upon… but there is.


they left the adjective behind. thats why blizzard repeatedly reminds you blood elves are high elves, the race is high elf

that was the whole point of the SC, to show the divide of the high elf people in dalaran. because blizzard thought they had an interesting story to tell. you are just trying put more into it to get something you want. its not about lore you have already rejected my suggestion of a narrative being created that unites the high elf people. even if they are horde aligned they would still be your alliance high elves lorewise, proving its mainly about the light skin

we know. unfortunately development has said faction distinction is something they very much care about. as much as i do it seems


World of Warcraft: The High Elfening. No.

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No, actually they don’t. For instance - not you.

Not rewriting lore, thank you very much. Its not a hard concept to look at other races and look at the list of High Elf NPCs and know that the argument “there isnt enough of them” is dead. Its so dead it was buried months ago. I am pretty sure even you mentioned it previously that it doesnt matter since that argument had to be abandoned.

Also, take a look at your own bias before commenting on someone elses please or better yet quit trying to prod anyone you dont agree with.


I don’t know why you’re wasting your time on replying. :man_shrugging:

The game itself diminishes what High Elves are, though.

They’ve been in the game for years but they’re not used for anything other than background filler in major cities.

And doesn’t even say on all the sources for Silver Covenant that they exist only to prevent Horde uprisings in Dalaran? The fact that they walk around Dalaran, a neutral city, and use it as their home base implies they are neutral to me. They don’t actively do anything against the Horde.

And sorry but their absence in BfA DOES say something. It’s all hands on deck for a faction war but they, like the Council, are sitting it out. Again, implies some level of neutrality.

I don’t usually agree with Fyre but I do on the population issue. The lore is quite clear that there simply aren’t enough High Elves left for them to be considered a people, much less a playable race without some major retcon to the story.

/cough AU

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Void Elves exist. High Elves are in BfA. There are 2 High Elves helping with the ship at Strom, one helping with the portals in Boralus, and one in the Island teams. Alleria, one of the most important Thalassians, is with the Alliance, helping it out in BfA. Even when the focus is entirely on things that have nothing to do with High Elves, there are still a few of them around.

Blizzard not wanting to use the SC could literally mean anything. They’re not a playable race right now, so why would Blizzard give them more story time over the Kaldorei and all the other playable races?


For the same reason you’re stating: they have High Elves helping out … but even if you look at what those High Elves are doing, it’s pretty minimal. Again, they don’t seem to consider High Elves to be a significant part of the game … likely due to their adhering to the lore that there just aren’t that many of them.

It’s also problematic using Void Elves as an example of High Elves involved in the story as a theme in this thread is differentiating Void Elves from the High Elves that people want to play.

Because what Fyre is saying is very misleading to passerby’s… building The agenda that the High elf crowd is trying to twist past lore to make our case.

But alas… Fyre isn’t changing their mind.

No matter how big their role has been… they keep adding them in game, as recently as legion… it really wasn’t necessary to add them in the Suramar elf uprising campaign if they had “nothing” to contribute. That’s the problem… if blizz just rendered them to uselessness and didn’t include them. Fine… but they continue to reuse them every other Expac. Doesn’t make it believable that they are “rare” sights.



To think that someone mentioning Void Elves having a low population is an “agenda on the forums” or constitutes a “rewrite [of] lore”.

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


For one thing, they’ve totally disassociated( new word for the day!) themselves from the Blood Elf followers of Kael the Krummy, as well as all the others who think the ends justifies the means by torturing a Na’aru for years and years.

I wouldn’t really consider what they’re doing to be “minimal”. Those High Elves are actually doing pretty important stuff. But I was saying that even when they don’t have a reason to be around or doing anything, they’re still out and about with us Alliance players.

We also don’t know if Blizzard considers High Elves to be significant or not… but from what I’m seeing, I think they do. No other non-playable race is around as much as they are.


alleria presence counts as void elf presence as she is their mentor and racial leader. the portal keeper is nothing but that a portal keeper, she can act on her alliance sympathies without even putting her life at risk. the same can be said of the 2 nameless elves on the ship who dont even put boots on the ground. they are also wearing 7th legion uniforms, not SC. seraphi is the only high elf willing to put his life on the line for the alliance in battle. you got 4, perfectly reflecting the lore that a few individuals exist which i dont mind at all, but putting more into that besides a nod to the past that adds depth to the game is up to you

it would not surprise me if blizzard continues to do this. at least you have this to look forward to, pouring over patch notes for that 1 alliance high elf

What? Do they need to be covered in Alliance tattoos for you to consider them Alliance? Lmao. Those 2-4 High Elves protecting the ALliance ship are doing very dangerous work. And for a race that isn’t playable, that’s a pretty big deal. Does the Horde have anything like this?


Lor’themar wasn’t willing to put Blood Elves on the line for the Horde in TBC, WotLK, or Cataclysm – and contemplated leaving it in MoP. To think being active supporters at all times, in all ways, is the only metric of being “aligned”.



i have never denied a few individuals exist

If you try to twist the population numbers without any retcon or AU alternative then you are twisting the lore of the species. It’s what defines them and the Blood Elves. It’s their story and their low population numbers are part of that story.

People keep saying “but Void Elves” but Void Elves lore was defined in this expansion (and I use the word lore loosely). They were drawn from the Blood Elf population with allows more leniency than the High Elf numbers does. There’s also never been a quantification of how many Blood Elves turned to the Void so those numbers can be equally ethereal when it comes to how many of them there are in-game.

There has been nothing to plausibly argue the existing lore when it comes to population presented in this thread that would make the implementation of High Elves as playable seem like they should be playable.

Other than an AU alternative (which I would hate), a scenario such as a schism in the Blood Elves as Lor’themar agrees to work with the Alliance again causing the Blood Elves to split, some joining the Void Elves on the Alliance in their natural form … that I could get behind lore-wise more than “an unknown group of High Elves numbering in the millions who’d been hiding in the woods.”