High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

0 logic again.

Everysingle book said it. Like . . .everyone .

Not but they are just different because of the evolution , again wrong.

You cant see how incorrect you are.

Just need to understand this ; if someone disagree with you , maybe one of both is wrong but if 10 people said that you are wrong ; you should accept that you are not right and stop been pedantic because is sad at this point.

Good luck.


It is stated in game and in lore. The high elves of quel’danil remark on it being repaired.
Vareesa remarks on its influence again.
high elves conduct pilgrimage to it in WotLK and onward. They’re the same people dude.

So why can you not cite them?

Besides it literally being explained in WotLK?
It has nothing to do with evolution

I mean, I am citing directly from the game.

Appeal to popularity logical fallacy.
Hint: At one point, everyone knew the sun revolved around the earth, that the earth was flat, and that illnesses were caused by imbalanced body fluids of black, red, yellow, and white.

Have a good day, and I highly suggest you bring back all those books you cited. Along with the proper use of pedantic when you mean stubborn, or obstinate.

Fyre, there is an RP and fanfiction page in the lore section of the forums.

Maybe you can post this stuff there
 maybe you can post about a world were the Blood elves never renamed them selves and never siphoned magic from living creatures for survival after the scourge destroyed quelthalas
 because this is the way it sounds when you talk about the non blood elves.

It doesn’t even make your own case when you deny that there are high elves that never left the alliance. The group as a whole may have formerly left
 but as blizzard has proven out, we have always had high elves in the alliance, even before your “no hubs” statements.


Big difference (again) they were discovering something new . Instead you are trying to apply something that you are not even the creator or can even modify anything , . 
 AGAIN not point of comparison.



Ez questions:

Did you create the lore ? NO
Can you change the lore ? NO
Do you have any impact in the lore ? NO
Are your oppinion is enough relevant to make you statement true ? NO

So stop trying to think that what you are saying is true because IS NOT AND NOT WHAT MOST OF US ALREADY KNOW

Good night.


Appeal to popularity fallacy means you claim someones argument is wrong because it is unpopular. Many of the views I pointed out were originally unpopular but correct. This is what you attempted with me.

I am sorry, but what? I am not sure what exactly you are stating here. I asked for you to point out the books that support you, and you refused. Hell, the game’s description of blood elves state they are high elves. So



it is true because that is what the lore and the game says.

It is what you THINK you know, but that is not the fact of the matter.

Good night


Have we discussed yet what kind of emotes playable High Elves would have? I imagine they’d deviate from the arrogant tone that Blood Elves have.

I’d love to see what their joke emotes would sound like lol


High elves are just as stuck up as bloodelves for one thing.

SSecond, "No, I am not one ofnthose HIGH elves, thats those hippy night elves "

“Contrary to belief, we are not into humans.”

“Oh my god, it happened, we got to wear the color blue!”

“I wonder where Alleriangets her hair done.”


lol you actually made me laugh :joy: Those are funny


the high gnomes of niobe

niobeans, half way between a gnome and a human, a halfling of sorts. the high gnomes derive from a newly discovered planet in the vicinity of argus. though small, the planet’s core is extremely heavy, creating a higher gravity field and stronger atmospheric pressure than azeroth, as a result, everything is shorter and thinner than it would be on azeroth.

plants, animals and sentient species of niobe, are pleasantly diminutive, quick, agile, mischievious and hyperactive. niobeans can consume 3 times the food of the average human and 5 times as much as their distant cousins, the gnomes of azeroth, and still remain slender and alert, all thanks to their fast metabolism.


there we go, hobbits.

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no way ray. thats the only bright spot in the whole thing for us non pvpers. the possibility we might get some normalcy.

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Yeah I’d say alleria’s appearance needs to stay as is.

kael’thas heroes of the storm model

Surprised they have not done an Alleria skin on the HoTs Sylvanas character.

I’m surprised Blizzard even remembers they make HotS.


There is zero lore you can cite about alliance high elves besides a few individuals exist. Unlike the pro position the anti position is backed by lore and development

Everything about the sc elves implies they were neutral this whole time, so unless you can cite something, it took the horde coming to dalaran for them to become a possibility. They were not fighting for the alliance in any capacity before this anywhere

As blood elves make up well over 90% of the living high elf population they are the playable high elf story. They control and make up the high elf state. They are the center of high elf culture. There is no alliance high elf army or state in the alliance. The lore also doesnt say this other 10% went alliance just some didnt accept it, it specifically says a few individuals remained loyal to this day

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Every body obviously interpretes the SC differently.

I don’t see how people can literally call them neutral. Their absence in BfA does not matter, we have already established this. If they were neutral then here would be no need to for them, they would just be a militant group within the Kirin tor, and wouldn’t have needed to form the SC in opposition to the Sunreavers. Who are major horde sympathizers.

Your fan fiction is that you are presenting that there are only a “few” individuals
 around the numbers of 5 that are alliance aligned.

For the record
 if they are neutral then you as a horde player should be able to gain rep with them. But you cannot.




We just keep getting the mech themes recycled. It was a fun game to play with my friend, but I just have not played in a while. I check up for new additions, but it’s few and far between anymore.

It seems they are all in on Classic.

Wow, the poster with most lore knowledge here is the “irrational one”. I like how Alamara can list lore sources all the day and you are like “i don’t want to talk with anymore, you’re irrational, i’m too good for you”.

Do you have a phobia of lore or basic knowledge?

They really handle Trust 3 to everyone these days


Which is why I said these are the numbers based only on the losses that we know. Before we consider any losses, from any campaign, the ratio already rests at 1:8.

Though ultimately, as Kirela states, it wouldn’t matter one way or the other – it has been demonstrably proven that even as few as a dozen disparate individuals existing is a big enough presence to warrant playability. :man_shrugging:

They’re certainly arrogant, but to the same degree as Blood Elves? I don’t know

That said, if it were choice between the two, I’d definitely prefer to see the HE’s depicted as being overly-haughty rather than overly-servile.