High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)


When they shouldn’t because they have an established look that matches PC’s which is a different context from every allied race?
Again, high elves have a playable version already, allied races did not.

Like no?
Again, high elves are already playable as blood elves. Why would they look different? They are the same race., This is an important factor not being addressed.

They did for Zandalari dude. Why wouldn’t they do it for Kul tirans? Or other races they similarly updated?

Which is also why high elves will never be playable because by gameplay design they are already playable through blood elves, as stated by the devs.

high elves no longer exist as a nation, Gilneas did.
But no, let us cater to alliance players who already received a version of the race they are demanding, but don’t want it because its not a pale elf with a blue background.

You’re being facetious.

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This is a really pedantic and minor point, with any degree of rounding it’s still 10% v 90%

as both .9 isn’t too far off from 1 and 11% vs 10% neither are meaningful departures

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And you’re not getting.


I’m not saying what happened. I comparing to separate populations.

1 is more than 10% of 9!


I’m not. You’re Not reading properly and it’s ridiculous.

I’m not saying High Elves are more than 1%. I am not saying Blood Elves are less.

Subtract 1 from 9 then compare. Freaking ridiculous you keep misreading that.

Lest try to make this easy one more time.

Subtract 10 from 100.

10% of 90 is 9.

10 > 9.

Have fun. I’m done.

No they don’t.

High Elves lead totally different lifestyles and have different beliefs than that of Blood Elves.

They diverged from the same culture but they are not the same.

And High Elves would be no different.

Because it doesn’t matter.

You don’t have PC models for High Elves yet. Just Blood Elves and Void Elves.

You’re starting to get it.

So what’s stopping from making a new form for High Elves and only having playable High Elves of that one type exactly?

Literally nothing stopping them.

The rest of that post was just you trying to say they are exactly the same again lol

It’s been 30 years bro.

And Blood Elves underwent major cultural shifts to survive.

High Elves are not Blood Elves…

That’s like saying all Blood Elves are Void Elves or Night Elves are all High Elves.


can someone please tl.dr 8832 post for me because theres no way im gonna read it all.

Eah, that’s just the one he went off with.

People keep saying “1%” of High Elves like it matters.

The best estimates put High Elves at 15-20% the size of the current Blood Elf population dependent on how many died with Keal, how many became Wretched, and how many became Void Elves.

Which was the original point…


Where do these best estimates come from specifically?

It doesnt matter. High elves are playable, only alliance high elves arent playable

And they havent been ‘aligned with the alliance this entire time’

The sc elves are mostly farstriders who likely after the wars just stayed in dalaran after the war ended and found a life there like vereesa. But they werent aligned with alliance, they just didnt heed anasterian and stayed there. Only a few individuals are actual high elves. The sc elves never left dalaran to go fight for the alliance in the name of the kirin tor until wotlk and they wouldnt even exist if the horde never came to dalaran

I am begining to think many on the pro side arent that knowledgable of high elf lore and just jumped on the AR bandwagon for the aesthetics of a light skinned elf in the alliance

Not just that, but if we’re playing the assumptions game blood elves have been around long enough that we’d be seeing blood elves born after the fall becomg adult and larger populations grow faster, so the gap would have widened.

Assuming a 10% increase in population the ratios would be 9.9% and 1.1% of pre scourge population.

You’re being pedantic

What populations? Your numbers make no sense unless you’re comparing past vs present, which is nonsensical to compare.

Have you ever considered you are not articulating yourself properly?

I think its rather ridiculous what you are trying to state.

That makes absolutely no sense within the context of the discussion.
Why are you subtracting in a matter dealing with percentages?

Yes they do.
Sylvanas (high elf) made Lorthemar(blood elf) Ranger lord.
Alleria and Valeera were around during this time (high elves).
They are from the same culture.

no they don’t. You literally have high elves at the sunwell because it is their birthright and they consider it holy just like blood elves do. You’re making things up.

Which is why Alleria and Vareesa consider the blood elves their people. Your assertion does not work.

high elves are already playable as blood elves. Blood elves are high elves. Blood elves are on the horde and playable.
That is different from allied races whose appearances were unavailable.
high elf appearance is available on blood elves.

It matters, you cannot declare it doesn’t just because you dislike it. Context matters., Gameplay design matters.

Yeah, you do, blood elves and void elves. You’re being obtuse. anyone can see blood elves are playable high elves, they’re just on the horde.
So you have what you wanted, you just don’t want to be on the horde faction.


The fact we are still in generation 0 and they have established the appearance of high elves and blood elves for over two decades and multiple expansions? Wherre they have refrained from making any other changes to those NPC’s and when given the opportunity, chose to continue making them look just like the PC model..

Besides everything.

because they are the same. You’re just refusing to see it because of your bias.

How long do blood elves live?

If you play any expansion after TBC you’ll find they shifted back.
You’ll also find that high elves exhibit the same behavior as blood elves if you play any expansion after TBC.
You will also find high elves identifying the blood elves as their people, and silvermoon as their home across multiple expansions.

Yes they are.
They are the same bio race.
Vareesa and Alleria consider blood elves their people.
Lor’themar considers high elves his people.
Everyone else considers them the same except for the people trying to argue them being playable.

It isn’t

people on the alliance want playable blood elves on their side because they don’t like the void elf aesthetic.

Mattered to the devs when they said there were too few to be playable.

No it doesn’t.
The lore literally states high elves are 10% of the current population.

Do you have numbers of how many high elves died facing the Horde in azeroth during questlines?

Do you have numbers for the number of high elves who became wretched as well?

Do you have numbers of how many high elves died in any conflict? Or how many converted to blood elves as stated in encyclopedia?

You don’t, so this

Is not supported and headcanon.
The ratio remains 10% because that is the most we know. It can be argued less than 10% because some high elves converted, and it is harder to go from 90% to 89%, than it is to go from 10% to 9%.

Because we already know what they look like. Unlike the ARs we had no clue what they could like, but we know exactly what a high elf looks like

It is widely assumed that Keal took 15% of the survivors with him from Quest text stating that legions of Blood Elves where with him. (Someone calculated how many that was.)

Wretched depend on who you talk too but are assumed to be at least 5-10% became Wretched. I forget where that one came from so feel free to call me on it. It might be including the ones that just straight up died from lack of magic.

This is all assuming the losses weren’t ridiculously massive. Keal could have

So that roughly puts it at 7% of survivors being High Elves before we subtract losses like Void Elves and all the Xpac Wars. And how many losses the High Elves had.

So the best case through sheer estimation is High Elves being equal to 15% of the size of the current Blood Elf population.

Until Blizzard post hard numbers we can’t know for sure. They stopped using percentages when talking about them so it all could be completely off the charts anyway.

It’s late. I’m going to bed and am probably going to dream about math.

So just pulled out of somewhere based on guesses and assumptions.

Remember to wash your hands.

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These are your assumptions. Until the lore is updated by development that number is the number for reference

So you have nothing.

Also why are the 15% that went to Outland being written off as not existing? Significant numbers of that 15% are now in the Scryers and Illidari.

I don’t put much stock in it but it’s all we have to work with.

The 1% might not count those outside the kingdom and it might not have included the Outland or Dalaran Populations who where thought to be dead.

Good Point.


I’d stick with broader statements like “There’s a good chance that the population numbers have changed in a way that leaves us with a larger percentage of the thalassian population in the high elf camp” than trying to put an actual number on it. All we have is that old number. And I usually save this for election type discussions, but really, resist the urge to unskew the statisticals, it just ends in pain. I mean here at least it doesn’t end up with major repercussions, but it’s easy to get into a habit of wanting to fix the numbers and it can lead to kinda lying to yourself and getting taken by surprise when things don’t go the way you think. But again, that’s my more general advice of taking numbers like that as they are and not trying to figure out what they REALLY mean.

The Sunreavers are, quite literally, lobbying on behalf of the Horde – which is the justification for the Horde players being able to utilize Dalaran as a hub in the first place.

Also, as a curiosity, have you ever even played WotLK from the Alliance’s perspective? You don’t have the Double Agent achievement, which is why I ask.

I’m not sure how it doesn’t make sense that a group would oppose something their leadership does – unless you’re of the opinion that everyone should mindlessly follow their leaders, this is the only way nuance can exist.

Plus, there have been opposition groups among the Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Dwarves, Kul Tirans, Nightborne, and Forsaken. :man_shrugging:

That the Sunreavers have a legitimate reason for being in Dalaran has no bearing, whatsoever, on how the Silver Covenant feels about them being there. :man_shrugging:

If Lor’themar wants something, or in this case doesn’t want it, it will be done – dictators have to dictate, you feel?

This is fake news, and AFAIK there isn’t a single source anywhere that corroborates it. The Warcraft Encyclopedia states that Kael’thas gathered 90% of the survivors, but it doesn’t mention how many of the original population was destroyed. A nitpick, to be sure, but a substantively important nitpick.

The ~1.1% of the HE’s population which is consistently being discounted, on the grounds of “let’s just round down”, makes all the difference in a discussion wherein the presumption is that the population spread hasn’t changed.

If we’re going to cite to the Warcraft Encyclopedia, then we’ll also have to concede that it specifically states that ~15% of the BE’s went to Outland – with only a small number of that lot returning home afterwards.

When considering that they lost at least ~7.5% of their population in Outland, exiled a number of their more non-conforming citizens, banished Umbric’s crowd, and then experienced a soft-genocide in the Purge of Dalaran, it isn’t exactly outlandish to presume that HE’s and BE’s are far, far, closer in population than the 10/90 split people keep citing to. :man_shrugging:


Even then I’d be inclined against it, there’s so many little variables that would shift that number around, most notably birthrates and mortality in warfare.

For every high elf that dies in combat, 9 blood elves would have to die for the ratio to remain even. For every blood elf born, 9 high elves.

The only thing that can make that piece of lore we cite irrelevant is if development updates it. Until then your speculation is just that. Speculation, and everbody knows it