High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

what lore lore is this? because they share the exact same lore up until 15 years ago. what lore have they established in this time for themselves besides we hate orcs


He is arguing aethas recruited from silvermoon citizens who were not originally part of dalaran

Blood elves existed AFTER the attrition, which makes your statement have no sense whatsoever because it is trying to compare populations from different time periods, under different names.

yes…high elves back then would outnumber the blood elves, because all the blood elves had not changed their name yet. So…what were you trying to say besides words and trying to be right about something in an obtuse way which still makes no sense.

Yes it is, the blood elf lore literally goes hand in hand with that of the high elf lore. Anytime the blood elves are present is when the high elves are there as an accessory to the story, which then stopped after MoP. The high elves have not had a story since that time period to my knowledge.

No, that is ignoring lore and cherry picking it. Blood elves are high elves. They are one and the same race. So asking for playable high elves on the alliance is at its base, asking for playable blood elves because they are the same race.

I question you on this matter, if blood elves defected to the alliance and became high elves without being modified in anyway, would you accept them?

We already went over this, their appearances literally did not change. You’re saying this

“high elves can suddenly look completely different from their past incarnations which matches the playable blood elves for reasons.”.]

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I never said anything about removing them. I just don’t want anymore.

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Because the fact they have to be recruited AT ALL shows that they were not citizens of Dalaran, or were no longer as of some unspecified time n the past. You can’t say “for 2,000 years” to claim ownership in the stakes of Dalaran in good faith, otherwise you had best be prepared to fork over a significant portion of Quel’thalas. Especially when those who were former associates of Aethas had abandoned their posts willingly, as compared to the high elves Lor’themar and Rommath exiled.

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Yes…yes you can.
If those blood elves left Dalaran but had 2k years of history with Dalaran they could still lay claim to that history. Silvermoon cut ties with Dalaran because of how kael’thas was imprisoned. It was not a case of Dalaran cutting ties on their part.
Furthermore, I do not believe lor’themar or Rommath were ever exiled from Dalaran prior to the purge of Dalaran, and such a thing I believe was revoked after the sunreavers rejoined.,

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what fanfictions is this? aethas is SENT by the council to recruit more mages for the fight in northrend. they need every advantage they can get and the kirin tor(which the sunreavers are a part of) and quel’thalas magi working together is quite the force

either way its not just the histories in the lore, we can even go to the dialogue of the major characters

“True, they are advocates of the Horde. But they have been allies and productive members of the Kirin Tor for over 2000 years?” and “The very same Sunreavers who helped humans discover magic in the first place?”. - jaina moments before the purge


No one takes that line seriously because there were no “Sunreavers” until about 10 years ago, when Aethas formed the group as a means of petitioning for their induction into the Kirin Tor. Unless Jaina is talking specifically bout Aethas’ ancestors, that would be a retcon of Titanic proportions.

i have no words


I’ve wasted too many on you trolls anyway.

They are literally talking about how the sunreavers were around for that long, and aethas states some of their people were there when humans first learned magic. It was never retconned or modified.

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No I’m not…

This is getting ridiculous

I’m talkin about Keal’s group leaving and turning to loot pinatas and the massive loss to becoming wretched.

Still not what I’m talking about…

I don’t know how to make it any more clear to you what the subject is so I’m just going to drop it.

10% of 100% is bigger than 10% of 90% to anyone else reading.

Except when asking for that specific group to be playable it’s not talking about Blood Elves or Void Elves at all.

I am talking about the ones specifically called High Elves. The ones that stayed with the Alliance.

Blood Elves and Void Elves are not the subject anymore then the Night Elves they all used to be.

Heck no it’s stupid.

What does that have to do with anything?

Kul Tirans did not change… What? They didn’t add a bunch of new stuff to Darkiron, Mag’har, and Zandalari?

Zandalari didn’t use to be tan Darkspear before MoP?


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It amazes me how into the guts of the lore this gets.

I actually enjoy how intense the lore discussion gets.

My favorite parts to read are the brief moments when everyone stops arguing and starts talking about finer points.

If only it would continue like that…


Of course its ridiculous, it was referring to Lumineus not you.

Blood elves numbers after scourge: 90
High elves: 10

no, you’re not referring to the numbers about Kael’s group leaving, you’re kind of off on your own things and it makes no sense period.
Even if we consider the wretched, you do realize this applies to high elves as well right?
Or the fact that high elves converted to blood elves.
So the ratios remained 9 to 1 simply because that is the best that can be taken from the lore.

Dude I have no clue what you are talking about. It makes no sense what you are trying to state.

Those things don’t go away just because you want them to, the lore is still there, the gameplay is still there. The reason other AR threads don’t see the same contention is because they are not requesting a race which is already available.

Yes…they were part of the subject when nightborne came to be. This was why there was such a point of contention when they went horde instead of alliance, ebcause alliance had night elves already and the store would make sense they would renew bonds with their own people, rather than fight them.


points at Jaina and the rest of her family.
The thick look is an addition to what was already known about humans in WoW. It wasn’t something new.

looks at the old NPC’s and compares them.
Better textures and that is about it.
The base design of DiD, Maghar, and zandalari remained largely the same.
They are the same races after all.

So…now we’re changing it to before MoP and we’re pretending MoP did not pre-date BFA or something?

Are we also going to ignore the fact that high elf NPC and blood elf NPCs look the same and nearly exactly the same as blood elf PCs, and that you are requesting for changes to be made to simply justify having playable blood elves on the alliance?.

You’re literally saying “we can change the high elves to look different!” even though lore, and gameplay don’t support it. Literally kicking lore to the side just because you want to play a group of individuals who ignored the rest of the high elves to do their own thing. Just like fogsail humans.

Btw can I point out how when taran zhu separated the two, Lorthemar went “I need to protect my people”, and vareesa goes “BUT MY HUSBAND!”


Making them look a bit more distinct seems like the best way to set them apart from Blood Elves and Void Elves without them looking too different, I think. They could always use a model similar to Sylvanas’s, perhaps? If not the fan made one in the OP. Nozdormu could be a base for the male High Elves.


I just want blue eyes since i keep seeing blood elves with blue eyes

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And I am literally trying to compare that and you keep misreading.

Comparing the size of to separate populations.

10% of survivors stayed High Elves. 90% became Blood Elves.

That makes the High Elf population bigger than 10% of the Blood Elf one.

1 is more than 10% of 9.

They don’t have to go away at all.

I’m not discounting anything. I’m just talking about a specific group.

But you keep dragging Void Elves and Blood Elves into it.

And I’m not talking about Nightborne. Don’t change the subject.

So by the logic they can add a few different High Elves, and make the playable ones look like that.

Literally what I’ve been saying all this time.

They all got a bunch of changes and new additions.

High Elves would be no different.

When you’re trying to say things can’t change just because then yeah.

They used to look just like Darkspear but no one batted an eye when they got new models.

Kul Tiran where always just average humans but they got brand new player models.

There’s literally nothing stopping them from doing the same for High Elves.

That’s what Allied Races are lol

And no, they’re not Blood Elves. That’s part of the point.

The notification system is stupid.


Math is math…



What? No.

Again no.

This is what happened dude.
You had 100 high elves.
90% of them got wiped out
90% of that changed to blood elves.
10% of that wipe became blood elves.
So 1 high elf, 9 blood elves.

I cannot understand why you are reading that, and not seeing the massive contradiction in such a statement.
It does not make any sense.
That 1 is the number of high elves. You cant say 1 is bigger than the 10% of 9, when the 9 IS the blood elves.

Lore states, 90% of the survivors are blood elves. 10% of the survivors are high elves. Stop confusing the issue.

It is a comparison to help you understand my point. You are taking it literally for the sake of being obstinate.

Except they cannot, because the high elves and blood elves come from the same culture.
The kul tirans don’t come from the same culture as SW.
Alleria, Lor’themar, and Vareesa all look similar because they come from the same population.
Your proposal is to suddenly create differences which never existed by lore so you can have them playable. Literally changing the lore, and effectively, making it not matter.

They all became playable and had an already established format to work from afterwards.

Yes they would, because blood elves are playable high elves. Why are you ignoring this important point?
This is not a case of a race not being playable. This is a case of an already playable race existing, and wanting to change it so you can have it on the alliance. Which literally hurts the lore of what defines a high elf.

I am saying things can’t change when you already have PC models in existence, and you’re trying to compare them to models which didn’t have a PC version, but were still very similar prior to them becoming palyable.

Yeah, just liek how sylvanas stopped being a night elf. It was a model update to more accurately reflect their appearance.

They’re still average humans. Per the devs, the kul tiran models are going to be applied to ALL human cultures not just kul tirans. So even then it isn’t specific, it is just a human characteristic which always existed.

Besides lore and over a decade of design they established to show blood elves and high elves are the same race, from the same culture, from the same generation, who look the same as the playable version, but suddenly change in appearance randomly?

Allied races have different places they originate from and different cultures and different places they live.
High elves came from the same place as blood elves. They’re literally refugees.

yes…yes they are, they are the same race.
A democrat anda republican are still humans.

Its very outdated


BFA pre-dates the future expansion where High Elves will look different than Blood Elves.

Like all Allied Races?

Do you honestly think Kul Tirans would still have had a different model if they hadn’t been planned as an allied race? You’re pretending Blizz went:

“Oh look, Kul Tirans have this lore, let’s reflect this and change their model. Oh and by the way, let’s make them playable!”

No, it was backwards - they were first thought as an allied race and then made up or exaggerated the lore to make them look different, as explicitly stated by devs themselves in an interview I cared to post here several times already.

Bottomline: gameplay trumps lore. Which is the sole reason Horde has Blood Elves to start with.

BuT hIgH eLvEs LeFt ThE aLliAnCe iN wC2

So did Gilneas - it’s not like they couldn’t have rejoined or something. But nooo, let’s cater to our poor Horde players who have no one to play with because of their hideous aesthetics and savage theme.


Another little thing is when lorthemar says ‘the sunreavers had no idea of garroshs movements or plans’ aethas flinches

I like to think he didnt say or do anything because he feared what garrosh would do to his people if he found out