High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

how is trolls killing trolls in the interest of dalaran? they were asked in a individual capacity by halduran and agreed because they still consider quel’thalas their home. its literally the one time in the game they gear up without the context of dalaran

Yeah like I said im not much of a writer. I like this part, but instead of the SC doing it, the Kirin tor are using Dalaran to help the Alliance. That could help the idea of them splitting up as well. Everything else on the planet has been changing while Dalaran has been sitting on their thumbs. They need to have something bad happen to them for this.


We don’t know if this is the case currently.

The blood elves don’t see Sylvanas as any part of their people, and they would not assist in attacking Dalaran.

As far as I know, they opposed the sunreavers for…reasons. It makes no sense since the kirin tor, specifically Madora? invites them back.
The whole thing was really poorly written.
The horde thing was written after the purge of dalaran which…made no sense.

As for the idea…i dont know…

Dalaran and the Kirintor at this point would have to see that Sylvie would have no qualms about blighting the city. Or at least using some valkyr to Rez a few archmages into forsaken. As the story turns it would be in dalaran’s best interest the most ensure the Sylvie and her loyalists defeat.

All she would have to do is take advantage of the neutrality… kill the council and Rez them… now she has access to Dalaran… it’s portals, and resources. Not to mention gain more legitimacy of rule in the northern EK by parking the floating city near silverpine.

Ia m not sure if Dalaran is the best idea, because the blood elves would immediately turn against her for it.

I still want playable Ogres, myself. A bit off the subject, but, I do remember someone earlier mentioning about how Ogres and High Elves were two of the highest requested playable races. If or when they do release High Elves as an Allied Race or …whatever they do going forward, Ogres would be neat. Them or Mok’nathal…

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She may already view Lor’themar’s cooperation with Jaina as traitorous… she would probably have a better time killing and rezzing the blood elves if this were the case. I thought I’ve read that she wouldn’t hesitate to do that asa fail safe?? Idk

She was planning to pull the forsaken out of the ghostlands to force lor’themar into northrend.
After TBC, blood elves were still recovering, and lorthemar didnt have the forces to aid against Arthas. When he balked, Sylvanas blackmailed him.
There are very few blood elves left, and he needed the forsaken to defend ghostlands or the scourge would tke it over again.

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Now that we are in a convoluted mess, is it much of a stretch for her to think this way again?
-gah I reread that and its so messy the way blizz has advanced this story like this lol. I do feel bad for garrosh 2.0

Idk I think if she were to attack Dalaran to get to Vareesa it might be convincing to at least include the SC in BFA. Whether blizz makes them playable at that point or not who knows. Where Vareesa goes thenSc isn’t too far behind. She is their general and founder after all.

the sunreavers have been a part of dalaran for over 2000 years. while dalaran is a human city and the high elves the minority there they still had their own place, the sunreaver enclave. this is where the high elves of dalaran lived

its likely because the horde were invited here, where elves like vereesa were living, saw this as a betrayal of their kin, who they thought should be helping the alliance and created the SC to create a safe space for them in dalaran

thats not even my description its their description in the rep tab

This is what we in the business like to call, “missing the point”.

They opposed to Sunreavers because of their association with the Horde.

Why would what the Kirin Tor does in any way impugn upon the Silver Covenant’s political views? :man_shrugging:

It’s very clear in WotLK where the Silver Covenant stands as it relates to Blood Elves; I’d recommend actually playing the content on Alliance, if you suspect that Blizzard legitimately placed them at the front of the Alliance’s offensive and in direct opposition to the Sunreavers (and, by extension, the BE’s) for “reasons”.

To be fair, would this really be the worst thing that could happen?


They proved they were listening by ruining Alleria as well? :thinking:

Then why does he have to recruit them from scratch out of Silvermoon citizens in Shadow of the Sun?


I can’t really see even Sylvanas, without some Old God in her back pocket, willing to destroy the existing state of neutrality to launch an attack the the Horde couldn’t win without turning Dalaran completely to rubble. It seems to me that if there is a city-state with the people least likely to succumb to a Teldrassil-level event, it’s Dalaran.

The Kirin Tor are the most powerful united collection of incredibly skilled mages on Azeroth, and one that would certainly be back from his wandering in the time it takes for him receive even a hint that it’s coming or has begun and teleport himself, Atiesh in hand, back to Dalaran and doing that periodically “Did you SEE that?!?” level magic he does so spectacularly once or twice in an expansion. That Horde would break themselves on the kind of shields the Kirin Tor can raise, and die by the score if, and when, they broke through.

No, I don’t see that one happening.

PS, didn’t we stand on Dalaran as it teleported? :wink:

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this is what i mean when i say the SC are nothing but props blizzard use to show the divide of the high elf people and further other peoples story. only during jainas kirin tor are they ever aggressive to the horde. and once she left they went straight back to being neutral along with the kirin tor which they are a part of. they did not follow jaina, their only friend, to the alliance and the faction war

recruit who? what are you on about?

“I am here on matters of utmost importance—ones that concern us all. I am quite sure you are aware of the reason the Kirin Tor have relocated to Northrend.”

“Malygos, yes,” Lor’themar answered. “What is it you want?

Aethas shook his head. “The blue flight’s power and menace are far greater than even we first thought. I want to formalize our involvement with the Kirin Tor. It is imperative that the magi of Quel’Thalas and Dalaran again work side by side, as we had for many years in the past.”


are you talking about this?

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To my knowledge, in WotLK they were simply against them despite them being there for silvermoon with no association to the Horde at the time. I believe the horde association was reasoned out in MoP. Don’t remember, but I plan to play it over again

The Kirin Tor is in charge of Dalaran, and it makes little sense for the Silver Covenant to form in direct opposition to what the ruling body desires. It would be the equivalent of planting an army at the front door when the Commander in Chief is like “Dude what no.”

Hey its been awhile since ive been playing Alliance.
Let alone the silver covenant was at the front of the alliance’s offensive during their attacks on the lich king. So yeah, it was literally just “reasons” because they formed despite the sunreavers having legitimate reason for being there.

Yes, because then it would push the blood elves into alliance hands, which Lor’themar no longer wants for some reason.

Probably because those silvermoon citizens came from Dalaran?

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Since you hate elves so much, just don’t play them.
Too bad you have to endure the rest of us who play them; must be horrible for you.

I don’t like playing lots of races in this game but at least I’m mature enough to not want to have them removed!

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“So what do you think?” Lor’themar changed the subject and returned to his seat by the window. “What should we do about Aethas and Dalaran?

“Aethas considers himself a member of the Kirin Tor,” Halduron replied. “And I can think of a number of others who would be pleased to bear that mantle again as well. If the Kirin Tor want to admit blood elves, we cannot stop them from doing so.”

“No, we cannot,” Lor’themar answered. He was silent a moment. “However, it is my instinct that we should eschew official involvement in the Nexus War. Aethas should report to us periodically, and we should give him a clear set of boundaries. But those who wish to offer their services may do so under the banner of the Kirin Tor—not Quel’Thalas.”

Note how he states AGAIN. Many of the sunreavers were formerly mages of the Kirin tor.

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what are you trying to say? aethas is there to recruit quel’thalas magi into the kirin tor, something even modera agreed with. i am not following your logic

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Because that’s not what I’m saying at all.

I’m trying to make a simple math statement but you’re just not getting it.

High Elves are 1% of the Survivors, Blood Elves are 9%.

That makes High Elves greater than 10% of the Blood Elves population. Before all the massive attrition the Blood Elves went through.

Once again this is you having a massive misunderstanding on what’s being discussed.

I’m talking about HIGH ELF LORE. Blood Elf lore is not the lore of the High Elves I am talking about.

Me not talking about something else does not mean I don’t care about lore.

It’s not about Blood Elves. I’m not asking for Blood Elves. That’s not ignoring lore that’s paying attention to it.

Like all the other races I listed? lol