High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Thank you! I forgot about that


You mean like this one:


Looks like a Night Elf for me.

Nothing was fixed!

Blood Elves only received a proper model when they became playable, that is what you fail to see.

High Elves are still not playable and that’s why they use Blood Elf models since the Blood Elf model is their closest elf model in the game.

The circumstances are the same:

NPC race! => Not playable! => There’s a close model in-game!? :

  • Yes => Pick the closest model already in the game! Ex: High Elves
  • No => Make a model reskin using another model already in the game if possible! Ex: Mogu

NPC race! => Playable! => There’s a close model in-game!? :

  • Yes => Pick the closest model and make some adjustments! Ex: Nightborne
  • No => Give them a proper model! Ex: Kul’tiran

For all those who want to keep their newfound trust level 3.

Basically don’t do anything on the forums that can be read in anyway negative.


Wow that’s a nice post you created there, very well done! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

Exactly… that’s why I’m starting all over again with this character, I lost it on the other Leinadh :frowning:


Not sure it works if it is on the same account.

This is pretty much it.

Every NPC race that became playable got a new model. High Elves would be no different.


Looks placeholder to me.
High elves are not placeholder. You’re just making things up to suit your narrative at this point. Lydon said it best.
It isn’t a placeholder since its been that way for 12+years.

You said an issue needed to be fixed. First one thing needs to be fixed. You state this issue wasn’t fixed. SO which is it? What is your definition? your criteria shifts constantly that it makes it nigh impossible to hold an argument that actually sits in the same place without becoming confusing.

Or maybe, just maybe, they happened to occur at the same time out of convenience. They were clearly going to change the models as they did with other models in the game such as Ysera and Alexstrasza, but playable blood elves coincided with the model change.

So how is it that the blood elf model change isn’t an exception when every other example of model swaps were due to being placeholder as well? You literally looked at a singular example and ignored everything else.

It really isn’t, because High elves and blood elves use the EXACT SAME model, because they are the EXACT same race.
let alone, why did you completely dismiss the argument both I and Lydon explained earlier? If the issue was a matter of needing to be fixed, if the issue were high elves being different from blood elves why are they still the same?, instead of coming up with wild arguments to try and support your wild argument, how about actually addressing the one put forth to you?

Let alone again, Nightborne? You know what you could have picked? LF Dranei! Of course that might defeat the purpose of your argument to see contradictions.


You have my sympathy if you lost yours.
To be honest, I gave up. No matter what you say, someone will be offended and mass flag you.

I read that changing characters equates as changing accounts, lemme check where I read it.

EDIT: Here

So I dunno… I decided I should give it a go.


But Kul Tirans use three different models, and they’re the exact same race.


One of those three being identical to Stormwind Humans and Worgen human form.


I came back after a few days off the forums, came back to a few hundred, post on multiple threads, went about my usual read/upvote/report trolls at my usual rate just all at once.

Apparently doing my usual counts as “Harassment” when it’s done in a couple afternoons.

Worth a shot.

I think a 3 strike system would be better.

And there was never any indication of them ever having different body types until they needed to have them.


They are also on the same faction, meaning an alliance player doesn’t have to leave their guild behind by getting anew human model.
It also means the faction lines are not getting blurred.
it also means that humans tend to simply vary more greatly.
There are many really good reasons why they can explain the differences, such as, humans not living thousands of years and being based off a singular population that was decimated 20 years ago in game time and therefore, not even having a new generation to introduce different appearances in such a dramatic fashion.

The issue with the pro-elf argument is there is no strong argument for them.
You want new models for them but then they stop being high elves because the aesthetic is a part of them.
You want to argue the new models could be due to mixing, but we haven’t even moved far enough that we can have a whole new generation of elves, and even then, why would something alter them when the sunwell is clearly the strongest affecting magical influence on them?
Then the argument becomes “well blizzard can come up with a reason.”, yeah well they didn’t. You need to argue for them, not argue for after the fact.

It’s more than that. The devs said in an interview that those different models aren’t just for Kul Tirans, they’ll be used for all humans going forwards. That’s why the human population in Kul tiras uses all three different bodytypes.

Basically the ‘human from Kul Tiras’ playable character uses the large build, and the ‘human from Stormwind’ playable character uses the old/muscular build, but Humans can be represented by all three build types moving forward.


Actually, the way I see it, your arguments are not very strong, let me go 1 by 1:

The fact there is a new playable race does not mean players have to leave their guild behind. This is the most subjective argument I’ve ever seen in this thread.

Faction lines have been being blurred since TBC (Horde paladin/Ally shaman, Pandaren, Demon Hunters, cross-faction communication…); Blizz clearly does not think this is an issue.

Subjective headcanon

Of course there are. It’s a fictional game, any reason is plausible within a certain logic. It’s not like it’s written on stone that “THE NEVER-LEFT-THE-ALLIANCE HIGH ELVES SHALL NOT BE PLAYABLE OR RECEIVE NEW LORE”

Actually most of us couldn’t care less about their physical appearance. We want them because of their lore, something that neither Blood Elves nor Void Elves offer us.

Well if there are thousands of Half Elves, lore dixit, I don’t see why there couldn’t be a new generation of High Elves. Devs could easily invent new lore for that.

Void Elves?

Anything could happen, even N’Zoth casting a curse on them to make them unable to “connect” to the Sunwell. Remember this is fiction, not reality. Anything is plausible.

No, my job as a customer is to say what I want. It’s Blizzard’s job to decide how to make it happen (if they deem it appropriate).


I was referencing your own stance that both models were fixed now, that Blood Elves were using a placeholder model but the same state cannot be applied to High Elves.

Nothing was fixed because only the Blood Elves became playable, High Elves are still in the same situation, using a model that does not reflect their current culture and lifestyle.

You’re trying to twist my words, but it’s you that’s saying that one model was meant to be fixed while the other wasn’t meant to, yet denying the fact that one group Blood Elves became a playable race while the other High Elves remained unplayable. Here’s one example:

Who’re you to decide which model is meant to be a placeholder?

Since the beginning EVERY RACE that was previously an NPC ONLY RACE received a custom model later, EVEN ALLIED RACES IN A MINOR SCALE.

Dark Iron Dwarves had the exact same models as Brozenbeard Dwarves since the beginning, look at how they look now!

If there’s anyone in here “that’s making things up to suit your narrative”, it’s you, since you’re the only one here using the prerogative that one model was meant to be a placeholder while the other was not, yet refusing to see that one of them became playable, while the other did not.

My stance is only following the Blizzard pattern that every new race receives their custom model with either minor or major changes. BUT THEY ALL CHANGE IN SOME SCALE!

Are you really going to compare lore characters that have unique models with ordinary NPC models?

NPC race models need different hairstyles skin colors and etc to be randomized among other NPC that are from the same race, it means a lot more of work than a handful of lore character models. Some lore characters have their own armor tied to their model, for instance, you can’t compare lore characters to ordinary NPC’s.

Well, it’s simple, because High Elves are still not playable and are still using the closest model available.


Strawman argument. You are suggesting my argument is a player will leave their entire faction for a singular race. My argument was that in order to make said new character, that new character would be on the opposite faction from its core race. Meaning if you wish to enjoy that new race, you must use that opposing faction. This does not mean the player will stop playing with his guild and raiding, only on that character.

Classes are not races and are not the same contextually. For example, the alliance is based primarily on humans and the horde are defined primarily by their orcs. A blurring of these identities would involve the swapping of said races.

Furthermore, classes stopped being faction locked because the lore simply did not support it and it also assisted in providing equal opportunity for both factions as a whole.

Hardly, one of the defining characteristics is the lithe appearance of an elf. Fair, tall, lithe of frame.
Of course, developers stated that the Kul tiran model applies for ALL humans, not just kul tirans.

Poor argument, this goes along the lines of “Well its possible!”. Well anything is possible, but is it possible within reason? Survey says no.
If anything, the fact there is such friction at the notion of high elves would only turn blizzard away from the notion.

I will have to call nonsense on this part. Aesthetics is intrinsically an important aspect of the game because it is how we are able to see the world. If the game was entirely defined by literary means, I sincerely doubt anyone would argue that in order to RP a character their high elf must be different in such a different way that they would be a different race.
Example: DnD.

So, 1% of the population of a race, bred within 20 years to produce THOUSANDS of half elves that we have not seen? not only is this a silly argument, the population argument does not truly matter.
My point was that to argue for high elves to vary so greatly would suggest multiple generations, of which there are none because they are still in generation 0.
You strawmanned me.

Void elf.
Opposing magic changed them due to complete isolation. Just saying. A primordial force was overwritten by another primordial force. Considering the sunwell is arcane AND holy, it would take a force of the opposite to change them that greatly in that short of a time.

I could get hit by a meteor, but the argument of can needs to be met by “is it reasonable?”. Certainly the writers for Blizzard is not along the same vein as Tolkien, but I am sure they discuss many details and determine if it is appropriate.

And my job as a customer is to say what I want and do not want. I do not want high elves. Blizzard saves money, time, and resources on not diluting the game and creating a controversial issue.

I am not twisting your words, but I am pointing out that you constantly change the goal of the argument at your leisure. it becomes particularly vexing when you say one thing, then say another that contradicts.
The blood elf model was placeholder just like Alexstrasza and Sylvanas’ models were placerholders. This was because they clearly are not meant to look like nightelves.
in the case of high elves, they are clearly meant to look like blood elves because Blizzard has chosen to do so in the 15 years that the game has been around. In fact, when they did the pass through and updated every race high elves and blood elves still used the same model. Clearly, it isn’t a matter of place holder and clearly, Blizzard does not agree with you. You cannot make this argument that clearly, the developer’s themselves do not hold agreement.

Someone who uses critical thinking instead of being caught up on what he/she/it/attack helicoper wants.
They have not changed high elves to be different from blood elves in 12 years even after the texture pass. Clearly, they are NOT placeholder. This is a ridiculous argument to hold.

Which is why the high elf models exactly match the PC models of blood elves. Which is why blizzard devs acknowledge the two sides are the same race and have intentionally, when given the opportunity to change appearances, chose to keep them exactly the same.

WoW Monster guide, Dark Iron dwarf.
They already had a defined appearance dude. They were never meant to look the same as the bronzebeards.
That guide is from 2007, your argument has no merit.
Furthermore, that same image was used in game for multiple raids including those from TBC, Cata, wotlk.
THe PC model has higher texture and was given the fiery beard look. The basic appearance, however, was kept the exact same compared to the PC. This is reflective of every single race outside of the Kultirans who Blizzard stated themselves, is reflected for the human race as a whole. Rarely are they ever so specific, but that alone should be the argument.

I am not the one reaching for an argument by saying “well if they were an allied race they’d have a different look anyway!”.
It’s an argument meant to go around the fact that blood elves and high elves are the exact same race. It is an argument meant to ignore the fact that the PC models and NPC models use the exact same appearance.
There are very clear differences between them and every other allied race.
Let alone, your allied race that looks different? Void elves. There you go, you got high elves that look different.

Yep. Primarily because it is a very good example of how to determine if something is a place holder.

Does it match the Monster encyclopedia? No? Change it when we have the money and time.

Or maybe…just maybe…according to Blizzard, the people who make the game, write about the game, have stated they are the same race and don’t see a reason to change it after 12 years when they made changes everywhere else that was necessary.

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Not quite, the male elf model in pre-BC was just a night elf with a slightly re-touched face, sure. But the female was actually a unique model.

Both male and female were based on night elf model. They are both NPC models, with custom gear and some modifications. You can notice that the female one uses the same animations as female night elves.


Yeah, but look at the female model, it’s not just a recolour.

None of them are just recolors, they are their own models, based on night elf model.
I think they are based on earlier models, not the final shipped one.
Just like those weird human models for pirate, fat guy, fat lady and so on.

