High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Who knows, and blizz keeps hinting at Vareesa trying to redeem the Blood elves… which will probably backfire on her.

But if the rumors of there being no faction in the future will it really matter??

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A lot of them are hanging out around the Sunwell already. Just a ferry from Silvermoon.

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Not to me, because the day that’s announced will be the day I cancel my subscription and uninstall the game.

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Never said a word of that. But thanks for putting words in my mouth.

The story is what happens going forward. We already know of the common past…

The quests involving highelves is going to be high elf related… and their niches.

The quests involving Blood elves with… gasp involve blood elves and their story.

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I, for one, AGREE!
In my little scenario about where High elves are acattered throughout the World, I deliberately left open the REASONS ‘why’( at least I think I did).
I, for one, would LOVE High Elves to have Dark tinges in their spirits!
I have NEVER advocated they be the ‘goody-goody guys’!

'‘Heroes come in many forms: some are more terrifying than others’
–Phil Foglio, the Heterodyne Brothers.

Finally, my fav elves from LOTR: the NOLDOR! Proud and powerful, they did what they desired and went through anyone and anything to achieve.
Including other Elves.

Yeah, it’s kind of their explanation for PvP.

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Yeah it’s not my cup of tea either.

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Yeah. We’re all aware of the other HE’s in the world but majority do seem to lie within the SC so when we say High Elves, its almost directed at them.

Im no writer, but how about this for an idea.

Dalaran gets attacked by Sylvanas’ Horde. Blood Elves take part since its Sylvanas, but the Sunreavers actually leave because they dont want to be part of a second purging. Alliance come to the aide of the SC to prevent Sylvanas from destroying the city but is unsuccessful (Im actually really tired of Dalaran and want it to just blow up lol) and she gets it to crash land. The Kirin Tor breaks up since Khadgar’s stance on neutrality got their city destroyed and we see the SC and part of the Kirin Tor join the Alliance and some of the Kirin Tor and the Sunreavers go to the Horde.

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Happens evertime I try to be …hhmm…I think the word is ‘subtle’.
Fyre’s responses are as predictable as they are insulting; the numbers denote my opinion of how many rimes she has set down the same response, and never mind what others think.

Then you are ‘remembering’ only what you want to.
I’ve certainly made posts to the absolute contrary; FEEL FREE TO GO LOOK THEM UP.
Back at ya.

no the purpose of the SC is to show the divide of the high elf people, specifically those in the SC and the sunreavers of dalaran. its because blizzard thought they had a cool story to tell, its not their fault a few are trying to make something more out of it

when the sunreavers help the horde campaign throughout northrend the SC do the exact same thing for the alliance. this would continue through until MOP when things reached a boiling point and jaina had the sunreavers of the kirin tor, including regular citizens, kicked out of dalaran or imprisoned

the kirin tor now apart of the alliance heads to ToT where the sunreavers are back and with the blood elves. every time we see the SC it is when the sunreavers are present. they dont have a story of their own they are just story tools blizzard use to show the divide of the high elf people or to further another characters story like jainas

the only time they ever appear outside of the context of dalaran its to help the horde. if they were ‘alliance aligned’ this would never have happned

they are a small milita of elves living in a neutral city, and its dalaran they put first. an alliance AR is not going to come from a neutral city

oh, and if they were ‘alliance aligned’ development wouldnt say ‘there are no more alliance high elf hubs where new adventurers could come from’

guzzle and all the others see what thye want to see; they speak from FEAR, of losing …something.
Now only my lil’ hunter is left among my Horde alts. Deleted the rest.
I do NOT want to be associated with a group that expects everything to be handed to them!
That, and the writing just stinks.

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Perfect. Let’s capitalized on this and make them playable.

They have never been listed as a militia.

There is also no set rule that they can or cannot come from a “neutral” city.

We have been neutral with other races in the past, these hurdles have already been cleared by other ARs


Then why do you play Alliance?

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o-k. they are a small unit that operates within the kirin tor of dalaran :woman_shrugging:

Small by our real world standards.

But nevertheless a militia is a group of civilians, who can be mobilized to supplement regular armed forces.

Silver covenant is not a militia. It’s known members and npcs are all presumably well trained in their combat skills, or else they would not be able to hold the Sunreavers accountable.


Well say the original population of Quel’thalas pre Arthas was 1 million, That would be 10k people. Nations around the world sent way less than that to the middle east when the US went there, to help.

A militia is generally an army or some other fighting organization of non-professional soldiers, citizens of a nation, or subjects of a state, who can be called upon for military service during a time of need, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time military personnel, or historically, members of a warrior nobility class

It wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense for Sylvanas to attack Dalaran without provocation, or without purpose, considering the losses she’d be likely to sustain therein – so maybe, in some sort of reversal of MoP’s Purge of Dalaran, the Silver Covenant misappropriates the resources of Dalaran (obviously, in favor of the Alliance) which forces Sylvanas’ hand.

It could all play out basically how you describe, otherwise, without much fuss from me.

It would be pretty cool if Blizzard decided it was time for the Horde to have their own floating city to mirror Dalaran (which, in this case, would become Alliance-exclusive again). As Dalaran is inspired by human and High Elf aesthetics, perhaps the Horde might have their informed by Forsaken and Blood Elf aesthetics? It’d be lit.

(As an aside, if the Forsaken models weren’t so disgusting, that’d be what I play full-time. It’s bar none my favorite race, but by golly if it ain’t garbage.)

The Silver Covenant, in WotLK, are blatantly opposed to the Blood Elves on the grounds that they’re members of the Horde. That’s their only gripe, and it’s spelled out in plain English for all to see.

If you have an issue with this reality, take it up with Blizzard? :man_shrugging:

The citizens of Dalaran are working for the interests of Dalaran. More news at 10.

The Lightforged Draenei came from a neutral hub.
The Dark Iron Dwarves came from a universally hostile hub.
The Highmountain Tauren came from a neutral hub.
The Nightborne came from a neutral hub.



Yes but they are always seen in uniform. Whether in a time of need or not. They in and of themselves are solely a militant group.

There is no evidence that their members are working class people at day then on the weekends are policing horde around in dalaran.

Not a militia.