High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Right so the word race wouldnt apply in this circumstance. When we fill out official documents they have a section for race there and typically list things like white, hispanic, african american, etc. Thats where the social aspect of the term ‘race’ comes in. For the elves from Quel’thalas the options would be, blood, high, or void elf. Sin’ Quel’ Ren’.

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It really shouldn’t though?

To be fair the horde would have nothing to do with them besides stumbling accross the players every now and then.

We also do not tend to cross story lines with questing and such when you play one faction or the other. So provided we don’t get another legion like expac the stories will not cross. Horde players will continue to see their Blood elf story progress and vise versa for alliance.

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“We did so much stuff, we got tricked into going down in Silithus. We slaughtered some inconsequential goblins, got the majority of our people killed. We somehow had bad intel on a people that we share a LAND BORDER with.”

The Alliance gave you a place to stay after your hubris set your home aflame. We helped you as much as we could, given that the Draenei were depleted after Argus, and that we couldn’t send the fleet over in time. We had mages working overtime, we got people from the Kirin Tor to come and help. We held open portals so long that squares and parks were filled up.

Anduin wouldn’t spare you troops for your dumb guerilla campaign. Since he’s smart enough to realize that you prioritize and deal with immediate threats first. Varian was a great warrior and strategist, and he taught his child well.

Jaina convinced the world’s premier naval power to join and win you the war.

I mean, we could have let Talanji and all the forsaken have you.

The Night Elves had their mistakes bailed out by the Wild Gods and the Dragonflight. Sorry there’s no higher power protecting you from this fall.

And haven’t been for years.
The blood Elves deliberately changed: who says ALLIANCE HIGH ELVES won’t be doing the same?
Remember my example of how the Romulans changed their entire culture and even language, so one would mistake them for Vulcans; they srill remained much the dame race.

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except the claim that alliance high elves can be meaningfully differentiated from blood elves, without becoming something completely different like a void elf, has already been refuted by development

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Tell me if he was such a great strategist then why he didn’t have armies at the alliance’s borders? Knowing that there were high tensions.

Don’t try and tell me Tyrande wouldn’t have accepted help in defending their borders?

Nah it’s just a calculated move on the plot to have the story were it is at. During the Dev hashing out of the expac they decided to move all of the alliance to EK and all of the Horde to kalimdor… so they just went with that notion, Night elves were the expendable target and so were the forsaken.

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…says the terrified horde player who is so entitled to what she loves to play that the mere thought of anything changing sends her into a panic.

We Nelfs were originally SAVAGES; that’s how I RP mine btw. Blizzard rewrote EVERYTHING and ruined this race from a race of mighty fighters that stood off the Legion TWICE into treehuggers.
So cry some more; it’ll be good practice for when Blizzard decides to update YOU!
Chugs some :beers::beers::beers::beers:!
Slams ax against shield, as she starts howling a saga!

All I’m hearing is James Carville from Old School (2003) saying, “Uh, we have no response.”

If it’s such a simple concept that explaining it feels like condescension, then let me make it easy for you: I hereby waive all right to become offended by anything you say.

Condescend away.


I think that’s because for the most part many of us agree on many things, that and I enjoy conversations with many of the people here. It’s true that I would prefer that they are not added to the game, I don’t believe Blizzard would (and not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t) write the compelling story arcs that would justify it.

My personal view of the way the lore exists is that this group of Thalassian elves (these groups, actually, since they’ve never been organized under a single banner) turned their backs on their leader - the son of their newly dead king who went toe to toe with Arthas in a failed bid to defend Quel’Thalas - , their fallen brethren, and the great majority of their surviving brethren in their absolutely darkest hour.

Show me that story, show me the dark side of that schism and not the “Oh but they didn’t want to drain mana from critters so they took the high moral road and left!” fiction. Show me the Silver Covenant having a showdown in Dalaran over wanting to directly attack the Horde and serve the Alliance, and when Khadgar and the Council say no, show me Vereesa Windrunner leading the Silver Covenant out of Dalaran permanently.

Show me a compelling enough story that doesn’t just say “High Elf good, Blood Elf bad”, one that furthers the faction divide instead of blurring it, and I’ll probably accept them. Show me the other story and - while I’ll still like you and several other people here - I’ll stay on the side I’m on.


That should really say ethnicity… Well, though race isn’t haplogroup - it’s typically based off of phenotype resulting from adaptive radiation, from vitamin D absorption. So skin color and to a lesser extent bone structure. The assumption is it relates to specific geographic location of origin, though specific traits might be, this is not the case. Race is really more of an old world thing. Though, it doesn’t need to be that technical. I don’t think 30 years, eye color, and differing opinions really cuts it. They’re mostly from the same place, look the same, and have a very nearly identical history.

This is more like Methodist with blue eyes from California versus Catholic with brown eyes from Montana, that moved there from California.

This is mostly Doctor Suez nonsense from the writers, they aren’t all that careful with their words. If those are referring to their ‘race’ and a place is not apart of the word, it shouldn’t even be capitalized. The only reason we have “Sin” is because it sounds more edgy. No more thought was put into it than that.

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Stopped reading right there.
You do not speak for Blizzard#546678

i have already said i am open to you getting your playable alliance high elves if a narrative is written that reunites the high elf people. even if they are horde now they are still your alliance high elves lorewise. what say you?

Savages, treehuggers. Is there a difference? You killed a human paladin hunting down DEMONS because you felt “his presence defiled the forest”. You fought the Legion twice, and both times you weren’t alone and got helped through it.

Also, as someone of legitimate Scandinavian descent. Please stop it with the cringe references to Norsk/Sverige history. It’s insulting to me and my sensibilities.

You do not speak for Blizzard#546679

Totally fair. TBH, I’d prefer it if they did unite. It would give Thalassians an even stronger chance of longevity. With current lore though, I dont see this happening. It would take something sinister like SC finally entering battles against the Blood Elves for this to happen but it doesnt feel like Blizz wants this to happen. They probably want the Elves to unite like I do. They hint at this with Lor’themar and Vareesa trying to work things out. But again lore isnt going this direction either. Maybe 9.0 theyll finally decide what theyre doing with the race as a whole.


no but i can cite what they say which trumps everything, its not my fault the pro argument has no lore/dev commentary on the subject to back them

Sorry, I don’t understand what this is. Is it supposed to link something?

I always hear this, but then I am reminded that high elves want to reunify and the only differences seen in high elf vs blood elf is politics.

Now you are getting reasons why it’s okay for helfs to take blood elf storylines.

This more closely resembles the actual story of WotLK and MoP than this:

The people requesting Quel’Danil be made relevant are being fanciful, if we’re being honest, because it’s one of the least populated lodges – and one of the least divergent from Blood Elves, to boot.

There only way HE’s become playable is if they’re derived from the Silver Covenant, many/most of which weren’t ever subjected to that moral issue about draining mana from living creatures and whose primary gripe with the Blood Elves is that they’re Horde. So, yeah, Blizzard is already telling this story – it’s the story of the Silver Covenant, by far the most populous group of High Elves.