High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Not sure I catch you there, but she needs to go blueberry or step aside.

Strange, I don’t see anyone complaining about the nightborne “cannibalizing” night elf stories in Nazjatar





cite a source they are not the same race. any source.

no one has denied individuals alliance high elves exist. and wowpedia just like every source including the game itself before you even make a blood elf character that they are high elves. not blood elves are blood elves they are high elves

oh and we have development commentary


We could have just asked the Wildhammers to fly over

Shandris and three Night Elves did, and Keeshan did alot of the work there.

Nazmir, and we could have had anyone else come over for the assault.

A minor annoyance in the Horde’s side.

Why would we send the whole fleet to Zuldazar, when we can send a few frigates after you blow up all the defenses?

I mean
he isnt wrong. They are biologically Thalassian Elves. Therefor they are the same race.

It is a schism of the people. Its like Jedi Vs Sith. They were once the same group of people but have had schisms that separated them from one another.

High Elves can still be an AR, since they are a race that are allied to the Alliance, but they would be a faction of that race. Much like the Pandaren.


All these words, not a one of them answering the question asked. :man_shrugging:


You asked a question?

I know he did.

I never said they aren’t “biologically” the same race. The Encyclopedia clearly says that: “phisiologically the same race”. But that’s it, they are not the same race culturally anymore.

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Ahhh so you are just discrediting them just because you hate them
 okay. Iam done with yah


You never accomplished anything without much prodding and lots of help. EVERY Alliance race was there; poor Gelbin gave what he had for that barrel. ‘We’? you supplied the boats.
That’s it.

and yes we lost all you said; WE, the Night elf race, took on ALL the Horde and made thme work for it! WE kept them from taking over the Sword in Silithus by delaying them and then taking so mnay of them down they had to pull back.
Where was the Alliance?
The worgen, ever faithful, came.
Nobody else.
Little Orphan andy was still crying over Daddy.
Jaina was still convincing her Mommy not to kill her.
And you, Kul Tiran, were doing
As usual.

And, as usual, the Night Elves are going to have to be the ones who pull your constant mistakes out of the fires.

Hoo-mans. Pfft.

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Right. And race can be used as a social construct which is why allied race can still apply to High Elves.

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thats fanfictions and everybody knows it. the blood elves changed an adjective. culturally nothing has changed in over 7000 years. their high elf history is their legacy, it doesnt disappear. you are clinging to an adjective that is nothing but a way to show political dissent

 Democrats and Republicans aren’t a different race. Nor are communists, socialists, and capitalists. Nor are French and Irish.


Wow, I’m crying inside.

Exactly. If you need to point they are “biologically” the same race, you are implying they are divergent in other aspects.


Oh no lol don’t involved the donkeys and elephants in this
 but are they really that different? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m sorry, I thought it would be mildly condescending to explain why the high elves were at serious risk of taking blood elf storylines.

No? That’s my point?


You’re like the odd one out of the anti side lol. Its like youre totally understanding of the desire for High Elves but dont want them playable. Everyone else just seems to not understand our position, or doesnt care to even attempt to, and doesnt want them playable.


if a political opinion was enough to justify allowing playable alliance high elves you would have gotten them and not a high elf variant. you can also now make the case for any race to be made neutral completely making the factions pointless. just because they have a few dissenters who left to live in a hut or live off the charity of others :face_with_monocle: