High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I just cringed so hard it hurt.

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Brace yourself

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Too late

i ran out of braces

You weren’t the only one.

I think we can all agree that if they go through with that Russia will have to fall to communism again because only their salt mines could keep up with the sudden demand for salt.

I don’t know, they might not swap races again. It went over poorly.

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I hope they don’t, lightforged undead is the stupidest concept for a race since the 1994 Commonwealth Games 100m sprint final.

dude they blew iup the homes of the undead and night elves. they dont seem to care if they upset people. it almost seems like they enjoy it even. they took blood elves, gave them bags under their eyes, turned them blue, stuck tentacles in their hair, and THEN gave them to the alliance as a playable race. biggest diss to the alliance since corpsegrinder and the greatest hit, the horde is waiting for you, which honestly deserves a machinima.

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My earlier point was that if they don’t add them
 they just leave the ally high elves alone. We don’t need them to turn into void elves.

I can live without high elves, if they remain unplayable. Lol :crazy_face:

The whole ‘LF Undead’ thing is just another indication how Blizzard is scrambling to keep subs. With the whole ‘walking dead’ thing having been done to death
(yeah I saw what I did there!), new variations are sorely needed.
So Blizzard, having long ago jumped the shark, does this. Never mind the entire nature of ‘LIGHT’ and ‘UNDEAD’, especially as categorized by this game, are two completely incompatable things, Blizzard simply is now throwing together
whatever to try to keep subscribers interested.
I know it takes all kinds to make a world but unless Blizzard is going to completely turn this game even more on its head than they have, this bird won’t fly.
I deserve a drink!

war of attrition has been won. the alliance folds. keep your pretties. we’re accustomed to being second fiddle.

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You got a race that was as close to blood elves as they felt comfortable giving you, how is that a diss?

If you want to play blood elves then bad news, the Horde is waiting for you. You all seem to frequently that faction identity doesn’t matter so you should have no qualms about swapping.

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is THAT right? hmm. you dont pay attention mr. maghar orc. hyperspace’s belf (1 of 10)


and Blizzard gives you get everything you want.
Horde bias confirmed #23776541.05

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I did not want to be a war criminal, again.

Also, I had to roll Alliance to get a Void Elf.

well the velf males are undeniably beautiful.

They certainly haven’t given me everything I want. I wanted my faction to stop being randomly assigned the villain job out of nowhere.

I wish the night elves weren’t a punching bag either :face_with_monocle:


Would you have been happier being on the other side of it? It didn’t need to happen at all.