High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I think most people agree that the way the faction war has been done is not ideal… it’s not organic.


Well, as long as they make the orcs randomly wig out every 6 years the night elves will keep getting bullied, they’re the Germany of warcraft, forever doomed by geography.

As far as being a ‘war criminal’, well you rolled Horde.
As far as the Void Elf issue goes, as Hyperspace pointed out just now,
Voids are just another way of Blizzard trolling Alliance.

I have nothing against Horde players, as such, but when I read posts that all ‘‘you just want something we have’’ from a player in the faction that is denied NOTHING and is GIVEN every advantage and center stage in EVERY SINGLE EXPAC since Arthas, I find it VERY hard to be sympathetic much less agreeable!

Yell at Blizzard, not us, over this.



Which is what people are upset about, the Horde isn’t the villainous faction. It’s chaotic neutral at worst.


After the way alliance has been treated and the way some antis act, my sympathy is growing smaller by the day.

Talk to me when your city is burnt down and your revenge is watching your supposedly OP leader who just got a buff take out one measly val’kyr while Sylv’s court jester raises your own people for you to fight in the warfront.


there is nothing stopping you from playing a high elf right now. the only thing not playable is alliance high elves. if the horde is too ‘icky’ an alliance high elf variant, that shares the exact same high elf history, is playable

thats because you do just want something we have. no other race is coveted as much as blood elves, so much so they gave the alliance a high elf variant. and you continue to prove its not about lore when you ask for void elves with light skin and modify high elves to not resemble a high/blood elf. why do you never ask blizzard for the high elf people to be reunited again?

oh, because its not about the lore, because if the high elf people were reunited again in quel’thalas it wouldnt matter if they were horde aligned. lorewise they would still be the playable alliance high you desire. thats how we know its not about the lore and even the devs recognized it said bluntly ‘sorry, the horde is waiting for you’

Is this your first time or something? After Thunder bluff we’ll have had capitals destroyed on 4 separate occasions.

Edit: 5

Thunder bluff hasn’t happened yet. Also if it’s attacked, our alliance butts will be there helping to save it.


i feel bad for the horde in that regard, that and the fact the devs felt it necessary to make a faction where everybody was an eyesore, which then had to be corrected by giving them the prettiest race in the game to date, which didnt fit their faction so they had to murderlize the lore to give them paladins, which then caused too many elves, which then cause the other faction to not be able to ask for elves, which resulted in complaints, which resulted in bad blood between devs and players which resulted in more complaints.

its like a vicious circle

I would agree that it’s kind of in that Chaotic neutral area… if Sylvanas hadn’t gone nuts… she wasn’t like this till recently.

I liked the Thrall horde to be honest. Wasn’t afraid to fight when necessary, and almost made the Alliance out to be the bad guys at times. Made for a more interesting story… and it wasn’t just labeled as the “morally gray” buzzword.

The forsaken still were questionable, but not the plague spewing pyschos they are now haha.

But whether or not the Alliance is there the main issue is the constant use of Horde cities as playgrounds.

Besides which, I thought it was pretty clear they were doing a revamp of the cities that obviously tie into a life death xpac and using their destruction as thr reason why

Which horde cities have been destroyed other than Undercity, which was destroyed on Sylvanas’ terms by the way and was a pretty lukewarm “victory” for the alliance.

There was a raid in Orgrimmar, but it wasn’t destroyed. It was also part of a story where it was a horde rebellion, so you guys attacked it too.

Meanwhile alliance gets stuff like Theramore and Teldrassil, which wasn’t just a capital city being wiped off the map by the way.

At any rate, I won’t be surprised when we’re all waiting to defend TB and Sylv goes and blights Stormwind instead.

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And we did it before…

omygosh you’re probably right. thanks for pre-warning. i can prepare myself in advance.

If it gets Anduin… that’s fine… something about him sitting at the table of the master… raid boss! I’ll join because he was too busy virtue signaling to help the night elves.

The Horde aren’t ugly. Even the undead aren’t that bad.

It’s not a theory I thought of, but it’s one that seems likely.

yes, yes it does.

If you’re going to trash talk Anduin for helping you, and letting you squat in Stormwind. We can kick you out to the Burning Steppes. Let you chill with the Dark Iron in the ash.

I don’t mind Anduin that much personally.

Though looking at the Darnassus refugees in SW on the PTR was making me sad earlier.

One of them said she’s never been this hungry before, and they’re all just sitting around everywhere.