High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’d assume they’ve all been changing. Those high elves not Blood Elves are split between multiple groups, some of which might not be militaristic or whatever makes the player do player things.

surprisingly, before max level, there are the same percentage of highmountain tauren as void elves.

HM Tauren are pretty darn cool Tho. :deer:


Drede… seriously? I literally just showed you step by step the math. Blood elves are nine times larger than high elves. They are 90, high elves are 10. That does not make them 10% larger.

You don’t have the exact numbers to say how much of the percentage moved down. We know some high elves became blood elves which bumped them up. So the best way is to say it essentially remained the same.
90% of thalassian elves are blood elves
10% of thalassian elves are high elves.
Blood elves are nine times larger than high elves.
how you get the notion they are 10% smaller than high elves is beyond me but you are making an error.

Stop trying to change the situation to make yourself right when in every objective sense of math you are incorrect.

I am trying to follow your logic. Either the lore matters or it doesn’t.
If lore matters. Void elves are fine.
If it doesn’t matter, then void elves are not fine, and its about the aesthetics.

Except that high elves are blood elves. You can’t change their appearance after 12 years when the developers intentionally keep them the same in appearance.

You skipped everything else leading to that argument. It is a tiring affair to remind you of the discussion.

Dark iron, Zandalari, and Kul Tirans were all shown prior to becoming playable, with the playable versions being higher quality. This is consistent.
nightborne were botched.

Furthermore, the high elves look the same as blood elf PC’s. So…you can’t use that argument since it isn’t applicable in this context.



wow from the perspective of a female player who is demonstrably quite feminine. she loves the highmountain tauren and nightborne.

There won’t be any high elves left in WoW, as exploration by my informats confirms that high elves loyal to Alleria are undergoing the conversion into Void Elves.

High Elves are going extinct, and their ashes are the Void Elves to carry the torch.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about…


I didn’t say they where 10% larger…

It’s simple math. 10% of 90 is less than 10% if 100. I have no idea why you’re not getting that.

Because that’s not what I’m saying…

I really wish you would properly read what was said before responding.

10% of something is a sizable chunk of something. It’s not hard.

We are talking about HIGH ELF lore. Not Blood Elf, not Void Elf.

What those other groups do or have done is NOT a factor in our request because we are asking for SPECIFICALLY High Elves.

Kul Tirans. Darkiron Dwarves. Zandalari. Even Mag’har got touch ups.

This does not old true.

And the same would happen to High Elves.

What they look like NOW doesn’t matter because every Allied Race gets a redo.

Kul Tiran where just normal Humans.

Dark Irons where grey Dwarves.

Nighborne looked a bit less like Night Elves.

Zandalari got tons of options and at one point they used to just be tan colored Darkspear Trolls.

High Elves are currently an NPC race. You really think they would just port that over?


well at least you dont have bags under your eyes. heehe

that actually makes sense. poor things though. i apologize to all high elves about to be dipped in blue and tentacled.

It’s more appropriate to say that the issue with Void Elves is that they weren’t derived from the group of High Elves that were already aligned with the Alliance, whether or not they were softcore Blood Elves or hardcore Blood Elves is somewhat irrelevant to that issue.

It took ~15 years to see this to fruition for the Alliance – and our internal conflict concluded with the Battle for Darkshore, and a few Night Elves gaining what might be the ugliest bit of character customization in existence (especially on Male NE’s). Doesn’t seem worth the wait, IMHO.

Which is a fair point, but it simply hasn’t shaken out this way in many a mind – especially those with a keen interest in the story.

It’s correct to say Quel’thalas wasn’t ever affiliated with the Alliance, post-WCII.
It’s correct to say the HE’s weren’t ever affiliated with the Alliance, post WC-II.

It’s incorrect to say there weren’t any HE’s who were continuously aligned with the Alliance, in some capacity, post-WCII.

That they weren’t organized into a group, at the onset of World of Warcraft, doesn’t actually mean much.

You won’t find a single person herein that has implied that there was an officially recognized and meticulously organized faction of High Elves, acting in complete independence from Quel’thalas, that managed to maintain perpetual membership in the Alliance throughout the turmoil of WCII.

When we say we want to see the High Elves that “have always been Alliance”, we’re specifically talking about those disparate individuals you’re referring to – because it is those individuals who, today, comprise the now-organized faction(s) of High Elves peppered throughout the game.

You originally asserted, in an attempt to explain their decision of Alliance-aligned NE’s and Horde-aligned BE’s in World of Warcraft, that Blizzard was aiming to shift away from Tolkien-esque setups by not coupling humans, elves, and dwarves – to which I responded that at the onset of the game, the Alliance was comprised of humans, elves, more elves, and dwarves (and gnomes).

So… there’s nothing facetious about that commentary, it’s quite pointed. :man_shrugging:

1 isn’t short.
4 is medium.
2 and 11, though, you’re right about – I’m not sure how I’ve missed them.

So, I retract my earlier statement. Insofar as High Elves becoming Void Elves… not too concerned about hairstyles anymore.

It’s more believable that some Worgen would choose to align themselves with the Horde, that it is that all Worgen would choose to align themselves with the Alliance. I’m jaded with the faction system, can you tell?

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Okay I’ll bite… the only option I see this happening in is if they congregate all of the various groups into one location… then the void lords would have to specifically target just high elves, all of them, and then transform them in a similar matter of what they did in the past.

I don’t think this would be in Blizzards best interest… as they would have to go back into all of the expacs and zones with High elves and either remove them or change them. So that people cannot use them to speculate that there still are high elves.

You would probably after this either have a bunch of people at that point asking for blood elves to get the pandaren treatment… or just having a bunch of people feel a bit betrayed. It would seem like a spiteful move tbh. They are better off leaving it in limbo really.

And all I see is someone who claims to speak for Blizzard.


a bit. lol resolves the lore problem though. high elves finally playable. now to get alleria customizations and we’re there. of course, alleria customizations dangled on a new carrot stick into the foreseeable future.

Sort of like how people who have played blood elves for more than a decade might feel if high elves started cannibalising their story because Alliance players feel that they’re entitled to one of the Horde’s core races?

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gimme something prettier than a belf, and i’m there.

criteria: slender and elegant
fair to dark skin options
eye colors blue to dark brown
long hair, wavy/curly like wrathion
super nice animations.

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As Blizzard has constantly had to remind all of us, this game does not belong to us; nor does anything in it. They could change it all tomorrow. They could shut it sown tomorrow.
As for ‘feelings’; are you sure you’re an Aussie?
Finally, I find it totally disingenuous that a player of the most favored race and faction has the nerve to post what you just did. Orcs and the Horde have NEVER been denied anything including the center stage for EVERY SINGLE EXPAC since WOTLK.
So just chill.


she would like to ask you a question

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It’s about factions…

The cast has been set by Blizz that they have one race split between two factions. :upside_down_face:

But if they decide they are going to add LF undead to the alliance is that going to be as big of an issue?

Or if they make Undead night elves for horde is that going to be as big of a deal? I doubt it.