High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Though he mentioned high elves as a hypothetical, it did not take from it that it was something they were going to do or promising that they would do it.

nightborne are BETTER nelves.

And now there are collective groups. If we unify those groups it’s even better.

Void Elves.

I have 100. I take out 10. 10 is now larger than 10% of 90. Which is 9.


Stretch that logic. Stretch it like sweet sweet taffy!

Like I said, we aren’t asking for Blood Elves so it’s not like it matters what they did or what they’re doing when making this request.

The only real issues with High Elves are which groups to focus on and what to make them look like. And those are easy enough to solve.



already said its always a might, and a maybe and a who knows.

here’s an interesting debate in 2010 on wowwiki. sounds just like this debate today. too many elves. not different enough. etc.

Dude. Something that has to be removed because its doesnt promote peace on the forums goes against the CoC. Repeat behavior shows a pattern of flaming/trolling, especially if its in one thread.

ofc. he just gave 2 quick examples. void elves, zandalari, kultirans, etc werent planned yet

the fact he mentions high elves implies they were considered and discussed internally. and we know what happened next, the entire anti position was validated. everything the anti position has been saying for years ion said

Very possible after BfA
 I tried playing in zandalar
 felt like the ripped off a script from a certain super hero movie
 I really liked that movie but wow has enough of it own story that we don’t need to rip off disney

Especially his position afterward, which seems pretty strong.

Before I gave it much thought, I thought it was a great idea too.

What you mean is flagging.

I wouldn’t be surprised with all the spamming if they decided there should be only one high elf thread and the biggest one is it. Everything else is extra. Whenever the container breaks, the community makes it pretty clear they don’t want to hear about it.

Only if you like nelves for their past and not what they have been for the last 10k years.

As someone who wants back the savagery on NE’s, NB are very far from that. I like them, but they are hardly “better nelves”

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i just mean their looks. and the fact they can be warlocks. :slight_smile:

one of the reasons i’m in this thread is to learn more about lore.

yeah come to think of it, he teased maghar orcs for horde and high elves for alliance, and then only came thru for the horde with maghar orcs. same bat time, same bat channel.

Also, even though there was nothing wrong with dark iron dwarves
 How many requests were out the for wildhammer vs DI dwarves??

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i have always wanted a DID warlock more than anything else alliance side so while they weren’t more requested i am really happy i got mine. :slight_smile:

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I dislike it when you intentionally remove the rest of my quote for the sake of strawmanning me, or saying “well we can make up lore!”. If the lore matters then why are you guys not arguing for void elves to have high elves included in them? Or being satisfied with void elves since they are made up of elves who have never worked against the alliance..

The population of high elves prior to Arthas killing them = 1000.
He kills 90%.
Total left: 100
Blood elves make up the next 90% = 90
High elves make up the last 10%= 10.

There are nine times more blood elves than high elves. I do not know how you came to such an odd conclusion, but it is clear to me you made a mistake somewhere.
Blood elves make up 90% of the CURRENT population, and are 9% of the PREVIOUS population.
High elves are 10% of the CURRENT population, and are 1% of the PREVIOUS population.

If I gave you 1 apple out of 10, that’s not a lot of apples! That is very little. Seriously dude.

I didn’t stretch it when literally that is the story.
The Silver covenant formed to oppose the sunreavers who are blood elves.
Isle of thunder? They oppose the sun reavers again.
That is literally the high elf story, and that is the high elf story for a small group.

So lore doesn’t matter? Just the aesthetics.

Except WoW has already shown what those high elves look like, and they look like blood elves.

No, no it does not. If someone posts something like “Jesus was not a cool guy.”, and someone goes “thats trolling.”, the mod will remove it not because it is against the CoC, but because it is better to keep the forums peaceful than have things erupt into bad arguments and hurt feelings.
If it was against the CoC, then that person gets silenced or warned.
Anyway, this is not the topic to discuss it.

I will carry you on my paladin!

He threw a hypothetical out there. I wouldn’t call that teasing as Frye said it seems like there was an internal process and they hadn’t even begun development. It sounds to me that the result of those processes concluded high elves weren’t a good idea. Look at how his position changed.

hmph! hehe
i have smaller hands and calves. i am not a caricature of a dark elf. i’m so pretty oh so pretty hehe

/ducks flying dishes

void elves proved they were listening. the first void elf is even alleria. the last time they spoke about ARs they said they considered what the community was recommending and reconciled that with where the story was heading and specifically created a thalassian void elf. not a void human, gnome, or draenei. so they were listening

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Holy cwap Dek! How many warlocks you got there?? :rofl:

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