High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The number of regular posters hardly matters, I think. The passion of those posting is what is important. The Helf community has demonstrated immense passion in this race, a passion that the Developers should eagerly be looking into harvesting considering how poorly BFA has been received by the playerbase so far.

I won’t be surprised if helves are an Allied Race in 9.0. Legion pulled out all the stops to make up for WoD’s abysmal reception from players. Something similar will have to happen for 9.0. That’ll include Allied Races, and among the most popular demands, helves are very likely #1, regardless of how people who don’t want them feel.

I just wish Wildhammers had as much support, but a Dwarf is patient. If we get a third round of elves, Wildhammers are an assured thing.


wildhammer druids ftw


Are you certain these were hints intended to tip you off of playable Alliance high elves or did you just perceive them that way. I think this something you’ve built up a lot in your head.

They’re representative of the ones who stayed.

Who cares about the ones who left? We aren’t asking for them.

You really think Blood Elves are still at 9% of their previous population after a civil war/an epidemic in addition to some joining the other faction as Void Elves?

Also. hint. When you remove 10% of a population it is now larger than 10% of the remaining population.

Also lets not pretend (Lot of playing pretend) 10% of a population isn’t a large amount to cut off.

The entire idea that what Blood Elves did matters or that having 5-7 times more matters is ridiculous. Especially in a world after Void Elves.


agreed. they are so cute. there use to be cute pair of them by the stormwind griffin master. with their blue tats and feathers.

To be fair, there was an interview during WoD (I believe) where Ion discusses trying to get players the options to play as races they’d like to play as, and mentioned Mag’har and High Elves. So, I’d say there was some teasing.


No worries Hyper

The forums are here to discuss wow and the things we want. Some people are adamantly opposes to what others want, and doing art and other things are not stupid :slightly_smiling_face: Just shows what passion you have, and no waste of time because it’s an outlet as well :slight_smile:

Links have proven to be near useless anyways haha. And the Carrot on a stick is real… Remember the night elf fist pump? Yay we got to see a valkyr die! Woo?


i got my orc priest. i am fully in support of alliance getting their helves. :slight_smile:


that’s just horde level “content” which is what alliance has been asking for for ages. get it and didn’t want? yes. but that’s what you got.

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My dwarf shammy would be race changed immediately to wildhammer! And she’d finally get her wildhammer tattoos! You have my support for wildhammer!

High elves and wildhammer could even be released at the same time if they choose to focus on the highvale elves, since the two races work together.


Both factions got the raw end of the deal lol. I feel bad for MoP 2.0… who knows maybe we see a big plot twist… for the sake of plot twistiness.

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I would be interested in seeing that video. It seemed to me that every obscure reference was already on the Alliance high elf discord.

a post on the eu forums that links to a video where ion says that apparently. date: march 2014. now five years ago. so far, only reference i’m finding. still working on it though


That is not where that took me.

i fixed it. try again
direct link to the vid. the link is apparently in german or dutch or something but the vid is in english. the forum says he references maghar and high elves at 7 minute mark


Would be curious as to how they would handle a 3rd dwarf race? Lol iam all for it!

i know this is the only argument you guys like to strawman but population, while a factor, is not the main reason a high elf variant exists

the main reason is high elves are already playable, what isnt playable is alliance high elves

im gonna go ahead and crush some other agruments

nightborne are not night elves. they have a different model and theme. aesthetically they resemble a dark/drow elf fantasy trope, thematically they are more similar to high/blood elves who are another race addicted to mana

and pandaren are a neutral race. pandaria is aligned with neither faction and introduced as a neutral race. the high elf state is aligned with the horde, the high elf people are not neutral and making the most popular horde race neutral despite this disparity doesnt have a leg to stand on

More epic beards! Epic tattoos! Epic brews!

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I think you’d be better as a BE paladin.

No they aren’t, because it was stated by the encyclopedia they were no collective group, they were individuals who were disorganized and doing their own thing. You don’t see an actual organized group until the SC in WotLK and even then, they only represented themselves and no other high elves.

Ummm…everyone else?
Saying “I know 99% of that race stopped being allied to us, but screw we want them playable.”
Okay, then can I get worgens as a playable race if a fringe group appeared to ally with the horde?
how about goblins because you have individual goblins working with the alliance?

it is a poor argument to use.

Yes actually, because it was stated some high elves became blood elves after the schism, which means it went above 9%. So its probably still around that number. Which is to say 90%+ of the current existing thalassian elves are blood elves.

That is not how math works dude.

It isn’t!

I mean… the blood elf storyline is literally the only reason high elves ever interacted with them after WotLK so yeah, I would say it matters more.
Nine times more.

It’s about 7 minutes in.

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