High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Optimistic Answer - They have plans for High Elves in some other kind of Allied Race.

Realistic Answer - They thought the Alliance LITERALLY wanted to be able to play as Blood Elves.

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they rioted anyway.


:rofl: you win the internets.


I don’t need to, I started out as one.

and? finish the thought, please.

Is this addressed to me?

That was the thought

I was initially for playable Alliance high elves.

why why why, did they not use alliance high elves as the race to turn void?

that. right there. why?

why does this matter to you when looks are why you want helves in the first place? helf velves probably wouldn’t look any different from belf velves.

I agree, I think that would have made more sense. Why materialize this group of Blood Elves when Alliance high elves have every reason to want to end their dependence on the Sunwell, which is Horde controlled?

Though it is possible that the writers don’t consider there to be even that many Alliance high elves left (I believe there is a video of the devs saying something to that affect) - though they could have just as well materialized those. However, this argument tends to split discussion. To Broflake’s point, most arguing for playable Alliance high elves it’s about the aesthetic, even when they make lore arguments.

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Which is the way it should have gone to be honest. You’d still have people complaining about looks, but that’s nothing that couldn’t be touched up on later on when able.

i dont just argue in favor of high elves, but in favor of their lore. half the complaints on this topic would be non-existent. all that would be left is the asking for alleria like customizations. instead, its a carrot on a stick that’s so long abused, its shrivelled and spotted with age.

Well I’d be prepared that some people are going to be a bit defensive when you go into a thread and arguing against what they are asking for.

So as a consumer a person does have the right to feel a bit let down by their service if they have been asking for something for a while. Hyper feels very strongly about this and is not the only one asking for this service. Whether we should feel this way is totally subjective
 Now In the height of be debate a person might feel stronger about the subject at hand. Might be a bit why they have expressed being let down. Otherwise I haven’t seen hyper make these claims.


Plans for High Elves later on?

Consider my response to her an opportunity for her to evaluate her language and consider how strong it is. If she genuinely feels she has been abused, it would be wrong of me - and of you - to not encourage her to change those circumstances. Note: She did not walk back that language, she doubled down.

Not to mention you’re making concessions for one person in the “heat of an argument” while I’m fending off several posters trying to nit pick everything I say and paint it as some grand offense, or taking phrases out of context and treating it as some big ‘gotchya’. I’m not the one you need to take down a peg.


I really wish everyone - not just you, everyone - would get past the mental gymnastics of trying to insist they are different races and instead just leave that part of the discussion at “There are two factions of this race in the game, and I want to be able to play the one that can’t currently be played.”

It would result in a lot less bickering on the subject and, frankly, would be fine with me. By all means, and I mean it, ask for what you want. Let’s just not keep coming back to that point. It invites arguments from the people who don’t support what you want who can easily - and correctly - respond with “no they are not two different races.” and keep the merry-go-round spinning around and around.


Who knows why. My theory is that there will be some SC involvement here soon.

It was probably easier to come up with a group of blood elves to convert vs. using going and ridding the game of high elves.

I think an issue is when we say AR people think race. When it come to the Thalassian elf, they are one race. Its getting people to think of Blood and High elves as not separste races, but factions.


why say something that lore and development refute?(and with no citation as usual). if they were 2 different races you would have playable alliance high elves and not a high elf variant. it is not an accident every wiki/pedia, official lore of the races on the official site, the character creator info for blood elves in the game, and of course the highest law of the land development tell you blood elves are high elves. not ‘blood elves are blood elves’ that high elves are already playable, that what isnt playable is alliance high elves. saying this just makes the pro argument extremely weak

as for the suramar cutscene. i will once again put it into context just for you. there are 3 armies gathered here. the largest one is the kirin tor army whose peackeepers make up the bulk and have NPCs within both armies and are even among the nightborn rebels. only 5 SC elves are here and are ofc part of the kirin tor which is neutral, the sc just prefer to help the alliance and after the legion is dealth with, if they survived, they went straight back to dalaran with the kirin tor who they are aligned with not the alliance

as for when elisande speaks they deliberately only put the elves up front. most likely because they have the best chance for a peaceful surrender before they attack. because she gives the SC attention doesnt mean they arent the same exact same people which is the only thing you point to and ignore what she actually says. that they ‘are peasants playing at nobility(exiled refugees living off the charity of dalaran whose legacy is nothing but siring a couple half elves and unworthy of the name high elves.’ thats about it

ive provided a couple screenshots to help you further understand the context of the suramar cutscene



the pro side claim its all about the lore but continue to ask for void elves with light skin, continue to ask for a modified high elf model, that makes them less a high elf and something new, and continue to NOT ask for the one possibility that is most likely to succeed with playable alliance, and that is pushing for a narrative that unites the high elf people once again. because even if they would be horde they would still be your ‘alliance high elves’ lorewise yet i have never seen you say this once

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Using the Silver Covenant and a break with Dalaran and the Kirin Tor makes perfect sense as a jumping off point if you’re aiming at a reunification arc for High Elves. In fact, it’s probably a necessity. :slight_smile:


I think the most defining factor is that each faction of elves has adapted its own way to cope with magic.

Arcane torrent would absolutely be hands off for the ally elves.