High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

He’s just arguing dishonestly.


female void elves have short hair option but its tentacled. just one though. the rest are shoulder length or longer. the pony tail has a tentacle on the end of it. kinda pretty but also a bit disturbing.

Except the ones that never left and have been part of the Alliance since WC2, through 3, through WoW.

The ones that would eventually become the Blood Elves left. And they aren’t part of the request.


For you specifically, not for everyone. Plenty of people are very happy with Void Elves. What it’s not is psychological abuse. If it is upsetting you this much, you need a different hobby.

so if i dont like a feature of the game, and i cant get them to change it, even though they keep saying it may be changed in the future, i should assume they’re lying and just throw in the towel? if they’re lying, that’s also psychologically abusive, btw.

They keep saying “anything is possible”, that’s not the same thing. Not giving a definitive “no” is pretty common customer service. They are being vague but I’ve seen nothing to suggest that Alliance high elves are in the pipes or that they’ve lied to you.

Not being given everything you want is not being abusive.
Blizzard is not ‘abusing’ you by not making Alliance high elves playable.
You are asking for a fantasy race to be added to a video game.
Playing the victim is not a healthy response.
It is healthy to compromise.

If you honestly feel that you’ve been abused, you need to walk away. That is for your own good.

If you’re just being dramatic and you’re this unhappy, stop giving them your money and give it to a company more likely to meet your needs. I hear LoTR has an RPG and ESO lets you play an elf on any faction.


Mmm, that “They should already have” sure ain’t looking like an opinion, so you are either having issues about how you come across, or are simply trying to cover your nut.


Loaded question, how come humans help the Horde in BFA if humans are alliance sided?
your question is a disingenuous one.
Why are their neutral high elves if they are alliance aligned?


You mean the 1% of the high elf population of that time? individuals who chose to remain and the only reason they have the title high elf, is because the rest changed their names.

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i understand this. but that’s not what’s happening. they have a near captive audience of dopamine junkies (people hooked on gaming). they’ve overdone their favoritism to one side, while basically insulting the other on a regular basis. tried to make one faction look like racists. at blizzcon, year after year, belittle, criticize and even played a video of a guy telling alliance players to kill themselves. its almost playing out like real world politics, which is bad enough as it is, for the level of psychological mind games.

No they do not count. Not unless they have eyes on them

And that matters why?

It doesn’t erase them from existence and it’s still thousands of “individuals.”

And lets not pretend that less than 9% of High Elves that became Blood Elves is that big a number


That was a simple statement, not an argument. Let me clarify it for you then, that was an opinion.

Speaking of bad faith, you are making something of nothing just to bait and harass someone who disagrees with you.


Probably because it is inaccurate and disingenuous to claim high elves have always been alliance aligned when this is not the case.
Every race has a fringe group that is aligned with another faction such as fogsail humans.

We don’t know the numbers, but we do know there are so few thalassian elves left, that when Sylvanas blackmailed Lorthemar into sending blood elf forces during WotLK, Rommath protested because there were so few and they didn’t have enough to do anything.

mind you they have a pool that was nine times bigger than high elves, and they were worried about losing what little they had left.

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I don’t feel that way, even a little bit. If anything I feel the Horde is being insulted. I don’t think being made into war criminals is was a good thing.

I’m certainly not happy about it.


You have been telling Hyper that is not healthy and that they should just walk away or find a different hobby…

When what you are doing is just as bad making arguments on a forum for something you claim will never happen.

It’s a discussion of what we want to see in game, and you are poo pooing on it. Who cares!? It’s a condescending tone you have that is sick!

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I am choosing to remain positive. I also am not going to bother going in circles with the same people on the same things.

I want high elves, and I personally hope they have a new model, and an absolutely stunning one at that!


The exist so it’s clearly the case.

So it’s not very big anyway so the claim on “The vast majority” has little weight.

Should we stop using the 1% (That might not even count those that where outside the kingdom) and start saying 15-20% the size of the Blood Elf population to make you feel better?

She’s telling me she feels she’s been abused. She’s telling me that this is causing her to feel pretty bad, not advising her to walk away would be wrong. If she really feels what she describes, she needs something else. Though you’re just saying that to try and land a blow.

Are you the pot or the kettle? Maybe you want to check your tone? I trust you have something to say to any number of the people who argue for playable Alliance high elves?


agreed. see what i mean? its abusive. not sure why they’ve chosen to make things like this. they’re basically saying alliance are old racists and horde are new racists. but its edgy when horde does it. that means we can all point fingers at each other. divide and conquer tactics perhaps. rub up civil wars. we could learn from this, no doubt.

in the meantime though, they are still doing silly things to the alliance, like trying to say blood elf AR is the same thing as high elf AR, when lore wise, they are the complete opposite. why why why, did they not use alliance high elves as the race to turn void? i want you to think about that for a moment. pretend like you’re a helfer.

i see this said a lot but if all of the helves got turned into velves and you guys had blue tentacled helves without the possibility of ever having “normal” ones the helfers on the forums would riot