High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And still are two different races in the character creation screen. That’s all that matters for this discussion.


Lore takes precedence over game limitations. That is what matters in this discussion.
If you want to argue game design, then high elves should never be playable because they look like blood elves, and the gameplay design already makes that fantasy available.

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Lol, Blizzard has always acted in the exact opposite way.

Add different customization options, give them a different posture. Problem solved.

What’s your next contrived reason for not adding them?


And give customization that fit them.

They seriously need more skin tones, hair styles, earings, black and white hair. Please!


Not really.

Why would blood elves not have those same options when they are the same race?
Let alone such skin deep customization options go to those races which remain on their faction.
So… try again?

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Nothing new



Blood Elves have literally more than twice more options than Void Elves. It’s funny because Void Elves are supposedly one of the special races that you have to do a lot of work to unlock, but their free counterpart have more than twice options to chose in every aspect. Nice logic Blizzard.


Replace blood elf with night elf, and void elves with nightborne and you have the same argument.

Well, it would be 3x rather than 2x.

Oh please, don’t use the lack of customization that Velf have in favor of your agenda.
Should I remind you how the Helf crew went to spam the threads that asked for more options for the first 4 allied races?


It’s a problem all Allied Races suffer. Lack of customization options.


Are you sure? Void elves have a good amount of options along with the other allied races.
The only ones who lack options are nightborn iirc, in terms of number of options.

Lightforged and their 3 skin tones have a word to say. For comparison, regular Draenei have more than 10.

Void Elves only require more options, compared to their parent race they are indeed lacking, like female Blood Elves have 21 hair styles and female Void Elves have only 10, it’s less than a half, and this is a norm for pretty much all AR’s.

I don’t play other Allied Races so i don’t understand their issues, but all of them have way less customization options than their related Core Races, for me it just sound unrewarding and unfair for the Races that you have to unlock to be less customizable than their regular free counterparts.


Yes, really. That’s undeniable. Blizzard changes lore all the time to fit whatever they need to add.

Every expansion has some retcons to established lore. Legion totally changed the Broken Isles (and most of its zones make no sense when compared with previous lore). That’s just one glaring example, and it happens all the time.

Same reason my human and kul tirans or (draenei and lightforged) don’t have the same hairstyles: it’s a gameplay way to show culture AND make them different.

Strange, it worked on void elves, lightforged draenei…

“But void elves have different skin color”.

And you will tell me that’s not a skin-deep difference…?


The most recent change being Nazjatar being far from the Maelstrom.



There should be a void class, priests don’t count.

Let me respond with a question that also relate to what i’m saying about customization options.

Why can’t Void Elves have Blood Elves options since they are the same race?

Maybe it’s because for Blizzard and in a gameplay perspective they aren’t?

If High Elves became playable they would look distinct because falling under the gameplay perpective they would be considered a “different race”.

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So lore matters until it doesn’t again. You can’t say “but high elf lore” and then say it doesn’t matter to serve getting them. It is contradictory to make such a statement.

some, and the reason it is done so is purely for the purpose of gameplay. When it comes to the lore of the races, however, they generally don’t change it. Regardless, you are perfectly fine with changing lore to get what you want, but you scream about not changing it. By you i mean generally.

Kultirans and lightforged dranei are separate cultures who developed separately.
This is not the case with blood elves and high elves who came from the same culture and/or generation. Stop ignoring the lore when it suits you.

My blood elf does not have tentacles for hair, or a lore to justify being different entirely.
Same for my nightborne.

remained on the same faction…as I stated earlier. Which…supports me you realize.

Tentacles don’t mean anything along with speaking to the void randomly it seems.


Legion is a particularly glaring example.

Broken Isles were introduced in Warcraft 2 and well-established in Warcraft 3. Both Alliance and Horde had knowledge of their existance and had visited them. We knew Gul’dan had raised them from the ocean, we knew the ruins of Suramar were there. Night elves visited them for the first time in The Frozen Throne.

Suddenly… only one island was raised by Gul’dan, the rest were there all along. And there were night elves living there all along. And night elf ghosts. And a fully functional living Suramar city under a purple energy dome that everyone ignored until then. Oh, and tauren, despite no one in the Eastern Kingdoms knowing about tauren until the Horde went to Kalimdor. Oh, and vrykul, despite no one knowing what was a vrykul until they were awoken from their slumber in WotLK.

Blizzard changes lore all the time. That’s a fact.

So, gameplay trumps lore, which is the exact opposite of what you said earlier.

Same is true about high elves and blood elves, who are developing separately. 10 years is a good enough period to start showing some differences.

Same can be said about blood and void elves, so…

“Oh, but blue skin! Different magic!”


Does this ever actually happen?

Like the priest dagger or the floating skull.

They aren’t the same race per lore, so they don’t have the same options.

That is because they really are not the same race per lore.

Except gameplay perspective says they don’t look different because they are the same race, as per gameplay for the past 12 years.
So now you want to re-write gameplay, and have blizzard go back and change the appearance of every single high elf NPC because…reasons?

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