High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

If, if, if.

The few of you in here are complaining about people conceptualizing ways in which HE’s might become distinct form BE’s, simultaneously presenting conjecture about how Blizzard may (though, probably, isn’t considering HE’s continue to be utilized separately form VE’s) feel about their own game.

I’d be alright with this, provided Blizzard made concessions to allow for much more typical “HE-esque” appearance.


Except they drained mana from artifacts per lore for their survival. The voice stems from creatures of the void, what if they found a way to prevent it?
Again, if lore can be changed, why is it so dissatisfying for high elves to become void elves?

The whole complaint about void elves is “but they were blood elves”, even though those same blood elves never did anything for the horde.
So if they were high elves, and they were just like Alleria who could ignore the voices, why would it not be acceptable?


Because never a Megathread was deleted by a mod before, differently from High Elf spam threads, which by the way i and other people here didn’t cared about, i was actually thankful for the moderation for closing and deleting parallel High Elf threads. The only complaint we had is how people were flagging Megathreads like this, but they never were closed by a mod.

It isn’t hard to notice the difference.


Good question: here’s my answer which you will immediately label ‘headcanon’( correct spelling btw) because it isn’t in game.

Realizing the Sunwell was gone for all practical purposes, and recognizing Kael for the looney he was, they set out into the world. They eventually found…
Other High Elves.
y’see, over the years, some of the Quel’Thalas High Elves moved away. Research, boredom, a roving foot; call it what you will. Many of these found areas that contained various amounts of essences/nodes/thingies that intrigued them.
So they settled. And experimented. And discovered!
LONG STORY SHORT When the World was sundered, stuff flew all over the place. These wandering High Elves found some.
In the course of time, camps became settlements became towns, Living and working quietly, they were soon forgotten by the rest of the World.
Until now.

Yes this needs work but its a start.

I’m just speaking for myself here. I don’t like the void theme. I’ve tried to play one and eh. The only thing they have going for them is aesthetics, but nelfs are the superior purple elves minus the whole boring void theme.


Just like Alleria? Absolutely.


Just reread your stated post and yes you did too say that.
And what exactly would these high elves be volunteering for?
Not to become Voids, I’m sure as we already have that going.

AND as long as the ‘volunteer’ could say no and still be High Elf, then this could work.

This is a little all over the place.

First off the argument made typically by people who argue for playable Alliance high elves isn’t conceptualizing how they might ‘become’ distinct, it’s that they are already. Though I don’t frequent this mega thread and wouldn’t know the arguments you personally make.
…I don’t know why you’re kicking that one up.

We’re talking about a niche part of the lore and how Blizzard intends for it to come across. As far as that goes the only commentary they’ve actually offered would support that they aren’t a viable Allied Race. I’m helping to offer alternatives. When people who argue for playable Alliance high elves see a high elf in an island expedition team they view that as evidence of a population. I’m proposing that maybe it is just a friendly nod and nothing more.

Granted there are a multitude of people who work on the story of Warcraft, different people have different ideas and that can come across scattered in the final product. Which may be apart of the problem here.

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Do not be facetious, it is unseemly of you.

Why not?

What? If they volunteer and become a void elf they’re a void elf whose history was a high elf. You know…the thing you and everyone else has been espousing through arguments of loyalty?

Ah, so that’s why I would see a handful of you and yes, including you, posting on those and even on the ones posted after claiming “Blizzard was silencing” the topic? Because you don’t care?

As a veteran of this argument (7 years of… this), I remember this to be absolutely false, but ok.

Honestly, at this point I don’t see it as a friendly nod, but more like childish trolling.
Things would be much better if they remained consistent and started phasing out those in favor of Void Elves… but consistency and Blizzard are like oil and water.


We can not care about a thread and still post in it. At most we posted in those to stop misinformation by antis to less involved forum goers.

Since besides trying to stop people from having something they’d like with 0 effect to you besides personal, you had a strong agenda on painting our side as “toxic”, in the pop up threads.

Also mind you the High elf megathreads were locked for a long time.


If you actually just start at the beginning of the thread, and read through like 300 posts, what you’ll find is that almost every time someone who is in favor of playable High Elves says something akin to “the High Elves are already distinct” it is as a direct response to someone that isn’t in favor of playable High Elves saying something akin to “they’re literally the same race, completely indistinguishable”.

You won’t find very many people that are in favor of playable High Elves that genuinely believe that there are enormous visual distinctions between HE’s and BE’s, and those that you do find aren’t going to be the type of person that spends hours conceptualizing ways in which HE’s could become different (i.e. Alamara, Talendrion, etc.).

Edit: The point of the above being that these types of folks, who demand unaltered HE’s be implemented on the Alliance, aren’t being reasonable at all – and their opinion(s) on the matter can thusly be mostly ignored. It is just as unreasonable to suggest HE’s don’t need any changes, visually, as it is to suggest they’re not culturally and socially distinct from BE’s at all.

What you meant by “just like Alleria”, then, was “not like Alleria at all”. It doesn’t really change my answer, but just being sure we paint the picture accurately.


Nice deflection mixed in with spurious claims.
Since Voids are already a thing, AS I SAID, then obviously there are no such claims as you like to write.
Your distortions used to be so much more clever than this.

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Link it.

You can even check my profile.


The inclusion of any new race, core or otherwise, will indeed change the game.
Good; that’s what keeps venues like these going. Will these changes DESTROY THRE SANCTITY of other races’ cultures?
They will cause hideous division or enrichment or both.
But nothing will ever be the same.
Live with it, Horde; we’ve had to.


Man that wouldnt be sort of cool. Hearing voices while you play? Why arent void elves like that already?

Yeah I wouldn’t buy the high elves voluntarily or even being forced to be void elves at this point either.

It would set up the premise that Blizz was wrong on Void elves.

Also it would be a forced situation at this point.

High elves seriously are the best solution at this point and time. It’s probably the biggest bang for their buck.


Not sure what I deflected but okay.

Except that they could write the lore for it, which you and others have proposed for high elves. So what is the issue?

but we can write lore to suddenly make them playable despite current statements by devs and lore stating blood elves are the same as them?

Which…you’re doing now by asking for high elves.

Clearly not, or they would not have done void elves instead.
Making high elves does everything you just said they don’t want to do.


Not really, Void elves are void elves. They add a cool edginess to the alliance. I just don’t care for their lack of story… at this point tho I would leave them as they are.

The two do not have to cross over the other in any way shape or form. I am not sure they read the room correctly with them either… imagine if they would have pulled the trigger at pre-patch or Launch and had high elves available, would we be having this conversation today? More than likely not.


Merging high elves with void elves at this point would just be another middle finger to high elf fans.