High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

If you’ll note, I never said they did. What I said was that the claim that people in this thread don’t flag is demonstrably false.

They delete utterly innocuous posts all the time.

I literally had a post deleted yesterday where I broke down a couple of reasons why I felt high elf shamans were a bit daft.

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The only issue I see with this is with the actual threads that do deserve to be flagged could have back lash on the player rightly flagging threads.

For example: someone creates a thread about the bee mount rubbing it the opposite factions face for the umpteenth time… it’s spam, but that thread creator can see the person and harass them in game or on he forums.


Clearly someone out there doesnt feel they are that innocuous if they keep deleting them. However, I am not concerned with that but rather the revolving door with players these days. If players were truly held accountable for their actions then perhaps the forums wouldnt be as much of brawl and it would be a more positive place.

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Ah I see. I’ll be sure to avoid posting anything anyone could ever conceivably disagree with so as to avoid getting mass flagged and auto-deleted in future. Thanks. :+1:


Um. What? A temp lock can happen without a mod, but there is no evidence that post deletion is automated.

By the way, since we are this far into it I will quote a blue about this very subject:

Mass flagging doesn’t get a post deleted, but it may put a temporary lock on the thread or temporarily hide the post for review. The thread isn’t deleted unless the moderator agrees that it violates policy.”


there is nothing to be ‘held accountable’ for voicing your opinion against something on the official forums. every thread has opposition in it. if you dont want to hear anti arguments you have the legacy of quel’thalas discord server for that

if its because you dont like getting on voice with strangers, the pro alliance high elf discord is pretty much silent and only used for the text chat

Again, clearly there is if the posts are deleted by a mod. Otherwise it wouldnt get deleted. People repeatedly get silences and vacations and deleted posts or threads or mod locks, but theyre right back here (the forums) more often than not, usually with the same behavior.

Im not talking about opinions. I am talking about posts that get deleted.

Nothing against any of that, but this is mobile friendly (made the mistake of logging in on mobile.) :face_with_hand_over_mouth: and I just know Blizzard really doesn’t look to discord… maybe I am wrong on that.

Last time i said that antis were legitimately saying that High Elves aren’t part of the Alliance or were Neutral i got called out for “blatantly putting words in other’s mouths” and that i had no place in a discussion.

Honestly i don’t mind it, talking to a wall isn’t my thing.


And on the Anti thread thing going, if the moderation removed the thread it sounds clear to me that something going on there was breaking some rule of the CoC. Another thing that is against the CoC is talking about deleted threads so my comment end here.


I must say I find this change in stance very odd considering how much you all flipped out when the helfer threads were getting deleted and locked.

I wonder why you all feel so differently now. :thinking:


no they arent. there are 2 types of exiled elves. those who didnt heed anasterians call to return to quel’thalas and simply remained in dalaran content with their established life there. and the lodge elves who we know accepted the blood elf rebranding and didnt oppose anything until they rejected rommaths teachings and were exiled by lorthemar because he didnt want to rule a divided people at such a desperate time and reverted to calling themselves ‘high elves’ again as a sign of political dissent

they didnt want to leave their homeland, they also didnt flee to dalaran or stormwind, they merely traveled south of quel’thalas

the way they are faction tagged is for questing purposes

they dont keep contact ‘with the rest of the alliance’ theyre point of contact is with the wildhammer who they only establish relations with because they have a common enemy in the area, the witherbark trolls

oh, and if they were ‘alliance aligned’ blizzard wouldnt be able to say ‘there are no high elf hubs where alliance high elves could come from’ the only ‘alliance aligned’ high elves are a few individuals

I’m for high elves, why because the silver covenant is part of the alliance just look at our new portal room and we also have high vale elves. The allerian stronghold elves as well.(but mister vardell the covenant and stronghold elves are neutral because of the sunwell and kirin’tor) and to that I say no they are not just because someone lets u in their city for something does not make you allies look at alleria going To eversong not once but twice one to talk to lorithemar and another for her sister. The kirin’tor is also not the silver covenant the are different groups of people. The silver covenant worked with the blood elves against the Amani trolls but the kirin’tor were not there during that time. But what about legion well we were working as classes not as horde and alliance.


Dude, as someone who used to be a forum mod, sometimes it gets deleted to help keep the peace of things and not necessarily because it is offensive. People come to the forums to vent much of the time.

Did you ever consider it might be because of who you claimed was making the statement?

Sometimes blizzard does make errors in remembering things lore wise.


When I have a post deleted it is almost always when I’ve made a good point, not anything even remotely offensive.


It’s like you didn’t read anything Kirela said about how it’s your own fault if other people abuse the system.

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Panderan: ONE character, carrying a beer keg even in battle, in WC3. That’s it.
Oh and a cute little ‘kung fu panda’ companion.
Blizzard makes not only a playable race, complete with starting zone but also a WHOLE FRIKKIN EXPAC!

But you were saying…?

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  1. If your name isn’t Sean Copeland or Ion Hazzikostas, you’re not in any position to proclaim anything as being “not meant to be”.
  2. There are a handful of concerns with implementing playable High Elves, “breaking the lore” isn’t one of them.

That’d be because Blizzard has intentionally avoided talk of population, because it’s inherently stifling for their writers – but in any case, here’s where we’re at:

We have, on the one hand, a source from 2006 which is a) the only source on the subject matter, b) was almost completely abandoned by 2008, c) has been un-published for coming up on a decade, and d) was described by the Historian Supervisor of Story & Franchise Development at Blizzard Entertainment as needing updating so as to accurately reflect the state of the narrative.

And on the other hand, we’ve got all of the lore beginning in Nov. 2008 (WotLK) which directly contradicts almost every assertion made by the Warcraft Enyclopedia as it pertains to High Elves.

So, people are just going to have to make their own minds up on which medium more likely reflects the reality of the lore: the actual game, beginning in WotLK and continuing through the present patch, or a since un-published series of documents from 2006. :man_shrugging:


Blizzard said nothing about the number of pandarens, and Pandarens were not playable where as high elves have a playable version of their race on the Horde. The context is completely different.


…who are NEVER wrong and NEVER change their mind and would NEVER EVER even DREAM of rewriting lore.

‘Times change’