High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

If disagreeing with people who argue for playable Alliance high elves (or anything else for that matter) it would be nice if a blue would come in here and clarify the update to the TOS.

…unless this is a product of forum abuse.


But now it’s like you didn’t read what the other guy said about helfers never abusing flags. Double yoo tee eff, bro.

I guess I don’t believe them?

Maybe it’s not the same small group that posts in here, maybe it some of the other ones from the discord. Maybe that Chinese guy with hacking skills we can’t talk too much about?

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You’re right about that, the context is different. Just imagine if the implementation of Pandaren had gone down like this:

  1. You start a Pandaren, who’re still neutral as they are now.
  2. You complete the starter zone, which still details the political ambiguity of the Tushui and Huojin.
  3. You complete the starter zone, but instead of choosing a side you’re automatically adjoined to the Horde – even though they mince no words about the fact that the Tushi, as a group of Pandaren, still join the Alliance.
  4. When all is said and done, the Pandaren are only playable on the Horde – despite Pandaren definitely existing, with similar levels of representation, in the Alliance as well.

Sounds pretty absurd, right? That’s High Elves and Blood Elves.


I mean. I tried to mention that all of the ARs introduced had new lore written for them to be in the factions theyre with. But I guess because its High Elves they cant have new lore written even though thats taken place a lot. High Elves are the exception apparently.


Agred! Especially on that chasm!
simpl y because races seem to resemble each other ( ‘silhouettes’ that’s really reaching!), should not automatically mean same culture or even being on the same side.

Going to the SciFi world; have you ever read that STAR TREK novel about the Romulans, and their ‘origins’?
Go on tell me they’re just like Vulcans.
And PLEASE no strawmen OR cherrypicking about ‘oh that’s not WoW’; we got more than enough from other games and IRL media un this one. HEL we even got space travel.

Except I don’t even think the existence of Alliance high elves is even mentioned in the belf starting zones.

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When exactly were they implemented in WoW?

King Budd the Shiny FTW
Better than what we got

Hopefully we at least get some clues soon. Would be nice to have something to look forward to.


And ever since then it seems like high elves are defined by blood elves but blood elves couldn’t care less about high elves.


Dev comments suggests Alliance high elves are very niche part of the lore… so that shouldn’t surprise anyone.


Either Lore matters or it doesn’t.

You can’t bash people over the head with Lore reasons why HIgh Elves must be included. And then suddenly pretend like the Lore doesn’t matter because you want to make up a reason that High Elven shaman should exist (example).

I have a great way to ensure people say “thats not WoW”. It involves not saying “but go look at Star Trek”

Btw, the Romulans split with the Vulcans during the “Time of Awakening” about 3000 years before the Star Trek story.

I fully support High Elves to be added to WoW during its 1500th expansion in the year 5020.


They’re pink to OUR eyes but to the superior senses of the ALLIANCE HIGH ELF they register in ALL their spectrums, making for a veritable sweep of shades and colors that we lesser beings can only dream of!

Lor’themar can be quoted that he wishes for all children of Silvermoon to return to Quel’thalas. The thing is theres been a schism between the elves. This has resulted in exiles and hositily between High and Blood Elves. To say Blood Elves could care less about them seems false when the Blood Elf leader wants them to come home.

Things change?

They already have.

That is some breathtaking conflict.

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Lore does matter. What im saying is lore changes. In legion the Alliance were friendly to the Highmountain Tauren and now theyre not. To completely dismiss the possibilty of changes in lore for just High Elves is wrong.

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Players were representing class halls, not factions, in Legion.

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I am not dismissing the possibility. I am saying if you want to argue for High Elves for Lore purposes…sure. Stick to your guns. While I may disagree, I respect that.

But the moment someone wants to argue for something about High Elves that is supported by zero Lore whatsoever, that comes closer to contradicting all known Lore…using the argument “We can just make up some new stuff”, then it becomes hypocritical.

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