High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

They’re both aspects of their eyes.

You can’t just be like “well this is a hard and fast hard coded part of the lore but that other part is just a game mechanic”.

I am not the one saying it’s just a game mechanic that their eyes don’t glow, you are. I’ve shown in game and out of game instances of high elves eyes not glowing.

So my question was, were their eyes being effected by the sunwell before, since they seemed to be just normal eyes and could be more than just blue?

And if they weren’t being effected by magic, can the blood elves eyes go back to that if the fel taint goes away? So far the fel taint has just been overridden by the holy magic.

There is literally nothing supporting the claim that because Light and Shadow are older than the other forces that sprouted from them that they’re more powerful or that they absorb the others when mixed together.

Otherwise we wouldn’t have seen fel corrupt both Light and Void creatures.

I know I’m not, but either their eyes are accurate or they’re not. Do high elves in background stuff have non-glowing universally blue eyes?

Either they do and their in-game model is accurate or they’re not and you’re cherry-picking parts of their model to suit your opinion.


High elves in background stuff like the warbringers video I showed images from?

Because as a high elf, sylvanas had non glowing grey eyes. For the mother and child I showed, it’s harder to tell the color, but they are not glowing.

Then I showed a screenshot of Vereesa in game, her eyes are not glowing but are blue.

So it seems they had normal human ish like eyes before, then the blood elves got fel green eyes that glow, and now some blood elves have yellow eyes that glow.

The Night Elves in Azshara’s warbringer also had none glowing eyes.

It may be a stylistic choice.

On the population thing, I’ve always felt that Blizzard really shouldn’t have done any kind of numbers thing at all, percentages or otherwise. It’s clearly severely inconvenient to the consitency of the story. They could easily have just said ‘one side hit the other really hard’ and just left it vague. Were there some massacres? Yeah, sure. Is it extinction level? No. But instead they went with this and …I can’t help but feel it all started with the Gnomes and High Elves/Blood Elves. They rely too much on the ‘near extinction inducing losses’ thing for tragic histories for their playable races.

It’s probably being soft retconned at this point but, who can say? It definitely doens’t seem to stop Blizzard from just making a race playable though, so it doesn’t appear to me to be an adequate reason to say High Elves can’t be playable. Draenei, Blood Elves, Gnomes, Void Elves in particular… these are some good examples of Blizzard just not letting themselves get tied down by details like that in their own lore.

But they did have glowing eyes in Sylv’s warbringers video.


I used to theorize that they had glowing eyes based on how close to a source of magic each elf is. I dropped this because High Elven mages dont have glowing eyes. Maybe it had to deal with the fel corruption. Like all the Blood Elves that were close enough to the source of fel gave them those eyes. It mutated the Blood Elves enough to where this is just a feature of their race now and what ever magic source they pull from would alter the glow. It seems like the npc Blood Elves that have the gold eyes are paladins or priests. I dont look around the city so I cant say those are the only ones that have that.

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That looks like how Vareesa’s eyes look.

the low population, while a factor, isnt their main problem. high elves are already playable, what isnt playable is alliance high elves. and a political opinion is not enough. otherwise the faction concept is pointless, which blizzard has said is important to them, and this would be warhammer where you can pick any race and do what ever you want

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You know what? You do you. If you want to make a claim that something that differs wildly from source to source (current model: universally blue eyes that don’t glow, BC model: universally blue eyes that do glow, pre-BC model: universally blue eyes with regular pupils, some art: normal eyes) is in fact definite and concrete then you do that. I am not going around in circles with you about this anymore.

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Yeah, that’s basically what I am thinking, that magic had nothing to do with their eyes previously.

Fine by me.

Edit: You are under the impression that I am making claims when I am not. I wanted to discuss the fact that their models and recent art has shown them without a glow, and what effect magic would or wouldn’t have had on them.

I never said that they’ve never been depicted with glowing eyes in anything, and you are correct that they can be pretty inconsistent. But the current model and recent art has them not glowing so it made me curious about the implications of that and just how much magic effects their eyes if that is the case.

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That just means they create everything else. It does not mean when you take light, and add it to arcane, you suddenly get light out of the two. That is just your interpretation which holds no support.
The lore states the sunwell is arcane and light. So, it is arcane and light.


I honestly didn’t expect this thread to come back and stay. Let’s hope it stays this way


Fel by it’s very nature is very corruptive and is Disorder. So that’s blantently false.

So Light and Shadow consume other magics except when they don’t then?

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I’m just gonna leave this here, since it appears to be the prime offensive to the ideal :arrow_right: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-high-elves-dont-work-a-primer/245034

I’d just honestly like to see an event incur that allows Void Elves to switch out between High Elves & their Void-Appearance, like Worgens do between Wolf & Human (Apart from the combat thing disallowing it) considering Alleria can do it - Why not others?
And allow Blood Elves to simply customise the appearance should they choose.
Have this achieved through a questline on each race, and that way it’s not a ‘New Race’ but merely a ‘New Feature’ – Alliance get a win, Horde get a win, Ion gets a win by keeping his word saying they won’t add them as a new entire race, everybody wins.

Except thats now how the Void Elves are. They almost became like ethereals. Their look is how it is because of how corrupted by the Void they are. Alleria came into her being doing a totally different method to harness the Void. Also, if you were to add the light skin customization to the Void Elves thats still in a way adding light skinned elves to the Alliance which is what the anti side doesnt want. Might as well just go the whole mile and do High Elves.

Blood Elves will never have the Void customization. They dont want any Void Elves near the Sunwell in fear of corruption.

No one gets a win with just adding customization for all Elves. You cant look at this as Alliance and Horde because theres supporters and haters on both factions for High Elves. All you get it one side upset or the other and will continue to see threads pop up.
Also Ion never said they wont add them.