High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Here is the thing though, the moment they are some mixed blood type they stop being a high elf. High elves were defined by their purist mentality as well as their appearance. For example, blood elves are high elves who renamed themselves. If you deviate from it and say “well they mixed blood” then that means they aren’t a high elf. They are a different race of elf, ergo, still not a high elf.

You’re placing yourself in a situation where it becomes more about the title rather than the actual race itself. If you want the race itself, you run into the issue of faction boundaries blurring even further as well as making void elves redundant. Its a catch 22.

Except you can play as them, as their horde political base blood elves. Still the same race, they just aren’t with the alliance.

It is nonsense because you are essentially trying to defame someone and passively aggressively insult them. Just stop it. That kind of nonsense gets threads locked. If you want to ignore them, do so, no one needs to know about you doing so. Be respectful.

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Blood Elves were interesting when they bound demons, supped on Fel magic, and hijacked the Light from the Naaru to field Blood Knights, a twisted take on the Paladin that spat in the Alliance’s very faith. They were a great addition to the Horde’s dichotomy of Kalimdor’s noble savages contrasting the “screw honor, we’re evil” Eastern Kingdom, alongside the Forsaken.

Then Blizzard made them pals with the Draenei at the end of TBC and redeemed them through restoring the Sunwell with Holy magic, neutering the cool dark fantasy Blood Elves into standard “goody” High Elves.

At least Alliance High Elves through Alleria, Vereesa and the Silver Covenant could be a chance to get somewhat ruthless, Horde slaying, no-nonsense Celtic inspired Elves so we can get some bloodthirst back somewhere.

(And give the Horde San’layn)


how is playable alliance high elves a pre-req for san’layn. a race we know is trying to join the horde in BFA

LMAO, if you think that the cosmetic stuff is the problem you’re not understanding the message from the Classic community. Classic had a true class fantasy, true challenges, and true epics. Also, no LFR, LFD, Premade Groups or Cross-Realm.

Legion was way better than BFA, just because it had a better class design than BFA does, nothing more!

It has nothing to do with collectibles. Though the way that Blizzard currently handles them as a reward is a problem.


Why would it? If I’m 6% African American does that make me not Caucasian?

I think you are confusing them with Blood Elves. Even Ellisande says that the high elves are impure.

Having a thread run in the same circles because you anti’s just dismiss actual supported lore is so much better right?

Respect is earned, not demanded. Reno and Lydon earned theirs, you can too if you stop being dismissive.


They’re not. I just think both are cool. I keep repeating it: I’d make a San’layn Warlock in a heartbeat.

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idk. i think the majority of alliance will be upset horde got something new while alliance got an exact duplicate of a playable horde race

Mechagnomes are literally a duplicate of Gnomes while Vulpera feels like a brand new race, but you’re NOT concerned about it… I wonder why… :roll_eyes:


Considering High Elves are the most requested race not just because of BfA’s Allied Race craze, but throughout WoW’s 15 years, I don’t think the Alliance would be angry at getting them. Quite the contrary. So long as they have enough customization features like in the OP to be a fully realized race, like say the Zandalari, I think the Alliance would be mostly delighted. Except the weird die hard Elf haters, who I’d bet my retirement fund are a minority.


It makes you caucasian AND african american. It does not mean you can claim that you are a pure blooded Caucasian individual. Titles are very important, it is why various Native American tribes have a percentage requirement to be considered a Native American. For being on a side that wants high elves and states they are distinct from blood elves, you seem to stop caring about what the title means when its convenient to you.

Elisande states they have lost the right to call themselves high elves because of their actions and behaviors. It has nothing to do with their blood line. This is why they refer to other races as inferior and call themselves noble blooded. It is a matter of how the high elves have stopped being proud.

No one has dismissed your points. We argue against them, and if you find this as dismissal then I do not know what to say to make you feel as if you are being acknowledged.

Respect is given because someone is a human being period. The fact you even argue this is a childish action. You are not anyone greater or less where respect has to be “earned” in some way.
I do not aim to make you happy, and I do not aim to please you, and I do not aim to support you in your venture for high elves.
On the other hand, I will still respect you as a human being.
If you cannot do the same for someone who simply disagrees with you, ignore them and move on. Do not publicly disrespect them.

are horde getting mechagnomes? that would break the faction wall

mechagnomes have their own unique themes and aesthetic. they are not a duplicate, they are a variant of gnomes the exact thing ARs have been so far

I’ll answer your post using your own reply just replacing one word with “…”, look at how it sounds:

Yeah, Alliance will probably be upset about Mechagnomes paired with Vulpera!


refer to my previous post instead please

This is the definition of entitlement. I never said or claimed to be superior, but I’ll be damned if I indulge on giving in on your centaur feces.

Some people deserved to be ignored, has they do fit into society.

Don’t tell me what to do. I’m simply helping people by letting them know that some people are lost causes and giving them any attention is meaningless.


RAWR! Fangs.

Sound like you’re a little “superior” or at least a little uppity.

Also, why centaur feces? It’s an interesting choice.

You’re basically saying that Alliance players will be upset by High Elves because they’re a duplicate, yet ignoring all of our concept art, and at the same time, you’re saying that Mechagnomes that looks even more like regular Gnomes than our High Elf concepts compared to Blood Elves ARE NOT A DUPLICATE

Your line of thought makes no sense! At all…


Yeah, I’m just tired of people claiming they deserve the attention and respect of other just because they simply exist. It’s an old belief that needs to die. If you’re a bad person I’m not gonna give you the time of day. It’s the reason why the “Karen” meme exists.

Jiragha isn’t a bad person, he just hasn’t earned my respect. I just don’t see what is there to gain from talking to someone so closed minded.


i actually gave my criticism to the concept art in the OP within the last 100 posts i beleive

yea its acually post 787 in thread. im just posting on my phone before bed lazy to copy paste it


You sound real important.

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Because the forums rule dictate any bad word that’s not hell or damn is a no no. Centaur feces can be seen has a wow themed substitute for a pretty obvious word.