High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Why wouldnt it? BfA is just the beginning of this new feature.



poor vulpera

Just like everything from Cataclysm going onward was kept. Remember MoP scenarios, WoD challenge mode, Legion mage tower?

If those didn’t make it through, why would Allied races. When the grind isn’t very popular with people.

Sorry, I find it hard to take lessons on what constitutes culture from someone who constantly rattles on about ‘muh forebears’ while simultaneously engaging in mildly offensive stereotypes and caricatures of people actually from that culture, if I’m being honest.

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You just seem of have an overall pessimistic view of anything in WoW. Anything someone has said to you regardless of topic you reply back with feeling of negativity.

Not saying thats how you are
its just how your post come off to me.


Pessimistic or realistic? I think you have the two confused.

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tbf, this was asked in a q&a where people wanted to replay the recruitment scenarios for whatever reason. its also single player content

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I’m happy about this as I’ve never completed the Nightborne Scenario because I love visiting the Sunwell. I even kept the heritage questline where you visit the Sunwell as well because I already unlocked the set on my priest.

So you dont want to see any more potential races added to the game? Even without full fledged starting zones it takes time to add races. We’re lucky if we even get another round of them in BfA. ARs allow Blizzard to implement new races for people to play without time constraints. Of course we will see new ARs past BfA.

When you ask “Pessimistic or realistic” I rest my case because once again, the discussion ended up with a negative feeling post from you.


We’ll get new races. Just not allied ones.

Of course we will. ARs are new races to the factions. How are those not allied?

I think you’re mistaking new playable races, for the playable BFA allied races that start at lvl 20.

I don’t see why they’d never do ARs again beyond BFA.


Oh you think all we will get is core races. The ones that start at level 1 that take a long time for the developers to make because they have to create whole new zones for them.

ARs can be added at any time in the game. It doesnt have to be BfA for an AR to be added. Why would it? Why are ARs a BfA only feature?


Then you clearly don’t remember or know the business case for why the Allied Race system was developed in the first place.

Oh, please do enlighten me then.

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there is no argument againstwhat they want.

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Theres actually one of the Dev Q&As with Ion where he was asked if ARs are just for BfA. He said its an awesome tool they now have for the future, not just BfA.

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It’s cheaper for them to do a quest line on for existing max level character, and then boom here’s you’re level 20, then it is for them to develop new level 1-20 zones that only a small fraction of their player base will use anyways.

Also they can use mostly re-skinned existing models and skeletons for allied races, rather than have to develop completely new models from the ground up.

So long it remains time effective and cost effective to add more Allied Races
 rather than you traditional new races, they will favor adding more Allied Races over a traditional new race.



it is a cheap and easy way to make content.

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