High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

wrathion like, curly haired elves. long wavy curly hair in blonde, silver, black and white? sorta like this but with elf ears? (excuse my terrible art. i’m trying to paint with a lame hand and slightly off kilter visual defects)



that could be cool. :slight_smile: i am thinking rogue, hunter, warrior, mage, monk, priest? people were talking earlier about helf shaman which could be cool. i’d like to see their totems! people were kinda anti helf druid though for some reason.


Love it; I wish I was better at modeling to really make a curled hairstyle like this for my models. But once I can export the Wrathion Model I’ll definitely play with his hairstyle.

IMO taking High Elves to a more wild but shamanistic route could really help make them more distinct from other elves.

But also focusing on how High Elves mostly live on human cities also is a big difference, as it focus on assimilation to another culture.

IMO elves that focus on a once highly isolated and magical society now living on a more traditional setting would be a good differentiation. All other elf races are still linked to their elven oppulence in a way, NE’s more so to their symbiotic lifestyle with nature (opulent on it’s own way)

So High Elves as a more “down to earth” version of elves would be perfect IMO.


they could write anything. but it wasnt a retcon. in vanilla pretty much all of us high elf fans visited that blocked road that led to quel’thalas from lordaeron wondering when they would be playable. but they wrote them into the horde. as they are the most popular race in the game it appears you and i and several million others players have accepted this

Thank you for the support too :hugs: you are a fine Orc!


Nah, no Druid.
Shaman all the way!
AND with Totem animal tats!

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i got DID warlock and orc priest this expansion which are the two things i’ve wanted since i started playing. so i am all for others getting what they want as well. :slight_smile:


it’s a retcon

its a retcon if arthas and the rebranding never happened. and they just gave a race identical to high elves called blood elves to the horde

I used to be anti mech gnomes, but I don’t care now, I wouldn’t play one personally, but there are those who want to play one. I say more power to them :slight_smile:


listen to what he says. to quote him
“this is certainly a break in the lore. how are we gonna rationalize this?”

i want a mechagnome hunter SO BAD. i didn’t know i wanted one until fairly recently but it’s sort of becoming a need. XD

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he was talking about high elf paladins

…which is why you and a very few others think the Horde will be totally deserted for Alliance, just to play High Elves. Not so, says I.
GIVEN the Alliance and Horde have COMPLETELY different storylines (both of which currently stink but that’s another thread), there is no doubt in my mind that, whatever and however High Elves may be portrayed, the faction of the Alliance will feel…odd.
you’ll get your little prodigals back, don’t worry.

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I think some of the fan art made in the OP is amazing for tattoos, body styles and so on. It is absolutely great! The tats that are reflected on the wc2 archer portraits and on Alleria.

Is that your work?? If so it’s amazing! I do 3d modeling and such at work and it’s not easy!

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faction diversity matters. faction choice matters

what you want is access to a horde race without playing the faction

its all about the aesthetics


let’s all just pretend nightborne aren’t just better nelves…


Hellve’s Bellves coming right up for you, Sir…half a mo…
…just a sec…

…ah…here go!

I ran out of likes because I adore you guys too much <3


I too ran out of likes …yesterday, and it hasn’t quite reset yet. I got one or two likes in before I ran out again.

I don’t like the like limit :frowning: :t_rex:

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