High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Because we just want to play as high elves.

While you put your energy into denying us that simple wish.

And high elves don’t take away anything from the Horde. Blood elves keep existing, Silvermoon is still Horde, high elf heritage armor wouldn’t be the same… you lose nothing. But the effort is all put into making us win nothing.


I see you’re still confused! Allow me to help!

The AR system is absolutely what I described, every AR is a cultural variation of an existing race and Blizzard made the system to avoid having to do a full new race just to add in fun concepts.

Nightborne are reskinned night elves with minor customization variation such as hair and jewelry and skin color! High Elves could easily have a lighter skin palette, jewelry differences, war paints, and hair!

Highmountain Tauren have horn differences as well as some markings! High Elves could easily have the aforementioned war paints, jewelry, and other markings to reach this level of difference!

Lightforged Draenei have glowing eyes and tattoos! Many of the High Elf concepts posted here feature differing eye colors and tattoos for high elves!

Mag’har orcs are identical to orcs and actually no longer have a distinctive location at all! High Elves not only can have more customization than this, but they also have Silver Covenant locations that can be used for them as well as possibly adopting somewhere new! Wow!

As you can see, High Elves literally fit all the criteria of other Allied Races, have a deep lore association with the Alliance in multiple expansions, and aren’t confusing at all because Blood Elves are called Blood Elves! Wow!


Nightborne and Night Elves are in fact not on the same faction!


It may have to do with ignoring a mountain of legitimate evidence and something other players would love to have because you decided you don’t like it and ignore the evidence!


We feel that high elves would be a negative change to the story while you feel it would be a positive. I would be subjected to what I feel would be a negative change if it occurred so there’s nothing wrong with me letting my concerns be known. I don’t think that your opinion differing from mine is borne of malice, you’re just trying to enjoy the game just like I am.

It would be lovely if you could extend the same courtesy without assuming I’m simply trying to hurt you because I am a bad person

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It’s the same argument as flying. “Why can’t we have what we want, why do you not want us to have fun?”. No one wants you to not have fun. Blizzard is saying that. I also believe that you should have fun. But when you want something you tend to ignore the downsides and unintended consequences. Like would adding another Elven race that isn’t that distinctive from a current Horde race really make a lot of sense to the game? This game has to work for the lowest common denominator, and that means making sure people who don’t read the lore can see an easy difference between a race on the Horde and the Alliance. Blizzard has said they don’t think Pandas worked out that well, and they started off as Neutral from the very beginning, and their starting zone, lore, and expansion reflected that. Think about how confusing it would be to take what are essentially blood elves who have been on the Horde for over a decade and add then to the Alliance because of some sidequest NPCs and rep factions. There has to be some give and take and they did that with Void Elves.

What you want is an excuse to undo what Blizzard did, which is make their version of the fantasy elf morally grey to the point that they are on the Horde. It’s childish, in my opinion, to want a story like that.

But every other allied race is. Void Elves and Nightborne are the exception to the rule.

This is very true. I believe as a whole, neither side is malicious in intent. Everyone should be treated fairly, and not be jumped on for having a dissenting opinion.

This on the other hand is an unfair blanket statement. You may be directing it at specific people, but just saying “helfers” is the same as pros saying “the antis ___”. Both sides do it, and both are wrong when they do.


Mag’har orcs are orange and from Draenor. Nightborne are a unique elven species that split away 10,000 years ago who have distinctive skin colors, just like the void elves.

What you are asking for is to give Blood Elves a tan and call them a new race because you really want to play a white skinned good guy elf right out of LOTR.

I mean, it’s kind of true though, it comes up ALL THE TIME that we’re selfish, that we’re spiteful, that we’re biased, that we just want to hurt you guys, that we don’t care about the lorr. Go through the anti thread and see how often we actually make statements about the person making the post.

I mean the first half of this thread is borderline dedicated to a conspiracy theory that we banded together to sabotage your old thread with mass flags.

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a few high elves are a part of the alliance. a few hozen are a part of the Horde too and we see them wandering around our camps occasionally :woman_shrugging:

I am a proud anti. :no_entry_sign:

you, and others before you, have argued that a difference of political opinion is enough to base an allied race on. the defias have a different political opinion to other humans. under your own rules, they are allied race material. but those are your rules and a defias allied race is self-evidently ridiculous as humans are already playable, just as high elves are already playable as blood elves

and no, high elves do not qualify as allied race material under ‘wow’s own rules’. we know they dont because they were rejected on the grounds of damaging faction diversity, which has been told to us on two occasions. so if allied races do have criteria, not copying the other faction is demonstrably one of those rules and high Elves flunk it as blood elves are a thing

I would honestly love to have had Void Elves on the Horde. What a great class for a Warlock or Priest.

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We want High Elves to be different enough from Blood Elves as Nightborne are from Night Elves which isn’t much just posture and they look a little different.

Nightborn get to occupy the purple elf space with Night Elves we want our High Elves to occupy the Fair skin space with Blood Elves.


What is true is that your side gets unfair accusations hurled at them more often than they should. It’s far too common, and it’s wrong. However, that does not make the blanket statement of “helfers” implying all or the majority do it, correct or fair. For example, I’ve never been hostile to anyone, so I don’t fit under this generalized statement.

I’ve been reading through the new anti thread. I don’t think your side, despite being opposed to my viewpoint, is like that. There are people from either side who make baseless claims and attacks against the other. However, sinking to that level doesn’t help your cause. You know the saying “if you argue with a pig, you’re going to get dirty”.

I choose to walk the high road. If someone has no real interest in my points, I don’t engage. I also don’t join in baseless attacks against the opposite viewpoint, just because we disagree.


i would trade them for the nightbourne in an instant. the model never should have crossed factions

altho i am enjoying the nightbourne/blood elf interactions… :smile:

Hyperbolic claims for 1000, Alex


Mate, stop being hyper-literal. This isn’t a courtroom. When comparing two groups it’s perfectly natural to use the name of the group.

Actually defias would be perfect for the allied race system.
Now I want them actually they might be a good fit on the horde.