High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I do believe you will find that those are, in fact, npcs my good mate.

By that argument I should be able to play as a Sunreaver as a distinctive race. After all they are the opposing faction to the Silver Covenant. Both of their stories have been tied up. Blizzard may decided to repurpose them, but they are not a culturally separate race of people. They are simply Blood Elves who are doing their own thing, calling themselves by a different name.

NPCs of the Alliance.

Of course they are not playable. If they were, we wouldn’t need to ask.


Okay, so you’re saying you got the joke I made?

This thread supposed to be for High elves’ enthusiasts. To bring ideas and create content, it’s sad a couple of trolls, who usually post no sense, are ruining it for everyone.

You don’t like High elves we get it. I don’t like Coke but that doesn’t mean I can go and tell people they can’t enjoy soda only because i don’t like it.


I don’t see why not. Maybe you should ask for Sunreavers?

Yep calling themselves High Elves and aligning with the Alliance thats what we want and we do expect there to be physical difference between the 2 groups.


Helfers vs. Anti-Helfers.

(Best episode of Ducktales ever)


Ok, Reznik is a Goblin who is also a member of SI:7. So I should get to play as an Alliance Goblin right? After all not all Goblins are allied with the Horde. Every offshoot or mercenary that is apposed to their factions ways is grounds for a separate race no?

Sunreavers as a different race wouldn’t make sense because they’re not a different race.

They could be an allied race, however. They would probably have a different model to make them look different from Blood Elves (no lore reason is needed for this, just like devs clearly stated when talking about Kul Tirans).

So sure, if you guys want a Sunreaver allied race, go ahead.


Also, the only one.

There’s no Alliance goblin faction in Dalaran.
There’s no goblin scouts in Theramore.
There’s no goblin walking around the streets of Stormwind casually talking.
There’s no Alliance-only goblin lodges in Eastern Kingdoms.

False equivalence is false.


But that’s what I’m trying to point out to you. Neither the sunreavers nor the silver convenant are physically different than any other High Elf. So they are not distinctive enough to warrant an allied race.

They aren’t physically different now, just like Kul Tirans and Zandalari trolls weren’t in the past.


They can be though, and allied races are known to not have much a difference between them and the base race.

Its what the AR system is built for.


So basically both sides are the same and no one but those who are already invested can tell the difference? Too real, chief.

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+1 for High Elves! Void Elves left a bitter taste in my mouth and I would prefer to play a High Elf.

Also, not sure why the above person is singling out High Elves as “not different physically.” Highmountain Tauren have a minor horn difference, Lightforged have gold eyes and tattoos, and Mag’har are the same barring skin color. High Elves could easily have this degree of difference and more with customization tools, eye color, and paints.

This isn’t even to mention the deep lore differences and their presence as a military force with the Alliance in several expansions such as Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria, and Legion.

I’d suggest learning more about the game and coming back!


SINGED… but triumphant!


One is trying to be the hero he always wanted to be, while the other is a crazied person that feels he’s the only one who can be that hero.


No, you’re misrepresenting the AR system. Every AR race introduced is a physically distinct faction with a distinctive homeland and faction leader. Even if it’s as simple as horns vs. no horns. They gave you that with Void Elves. They are led by Umbric, live in Telogrus Rift, and have crazy skin colors and don’t add any confusion by trying to call themselves High Elves. They are the Void Elves.

I mean again, both sides probably feel that way.

Why are helfers so liberal with the moral judgements? I don’t get why the fact we disagree with you about something always seems to boil down to us being selfish or stupid or spiteful.

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The difference is those other races are on the same faction as their base race.