High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Or like the Quel’Danil High Elves following “Dwarven Potential”. I mean, just look at the hammers on those Wildhammers.


Dwarves are small humans. :rofl:

Yeah, that’s a good take on it. Alliance high elves really are just fan fiction. It’s like finding a few sentences in a book the author was using to tell a larger story, and trying to make it the primary story. The blood elves are the high elves, and have been since TBC. High elves on the Alliance is just as ridiculous as Saurfang leading Orcs to fight for the Alliance.

There’s discussion that’s conducive to the topic at hand and there’s discussion not conducive to the topic at hand. What new or amazing idea is brought forward by re-stating the already known debates? No one brings anything new to those conversations. That means the conversation goes nowhere. Which means it’s noise.


Its already been approved here on GD many times. If you dont want to read it there is a mute option that will make it disappear.

GD houses many topics. Any time someone makes a topic about dungeons or raids they arent sent to that section are they?


Well, that’s you. But it’s not up to you to tell others what to discuss or how to discuss it.

Dwarfs, as in real life dwarfs are small humans.

Warcraft Dwarves (notice the different plurality) are a separate race. For all intents and purposes they look like small Humans, but they aren’t. They do share an origin with Vrykul yes, but as a race the two seem to be quite separate.


a sub reddit would better suit that then a general discussion forum

So you get to decide what is and isn’t noise? You’re the troll dude. You keep trying to have this meta-discussion to deride people on the con side. Either have a discussion about high elves or maybe you should stop posting and follow your own advice.

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A suggestion =/= telling someone what they are able to do or not.

I’m not forcing anyone to stop, nor could I. No one has to listen to me, but I can suggest and hope people listen.

Namely targeting the pro-helfers with my suggestions.


Say it with me now. That’s your opinion. You don’t want to discuss this or feel it’s worth discussing, other people do. It’s a public forum, not a discord or a subreddit where you get to choose what people talk about.


Answer the question I posed then: What new or amazing idea is brought forward by re-stating the already known debates?

I think it is noise, that’s my opinion. You may choose to think it isn’t, that’s your right.

I’d still like an answer to that question from anyone on the con side.


I see you haven’t answered the question I posed, let me re-iterate it: What new or amazing idea is brought forward by re-stating the already known debates?


Whats wrong with re-stating anything?

Maybe you should leave if you don’t like them?


Probably none, it doesn’t have to. Forums are purely for discussion, they don’t have to seek some goal.

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Awesome! Thanks for answering the question and proving my point.


Please don’t spam the thread for dramatic effect. As long as people are talking about high elves, it’s on topic for the thread. We can have the discussion for as long as people want to come back on the pro side with the same arguments. You calling it noise to silence people’s opinions is just trolling and off topic.


You don’t want to answer my question that’s okay, it wasn’t originally posed to you anyway. I got the answer that was needed from the person I asked anyway.

I hope others can see the point I was trying to make.


Yeah you proved your point now. You can stop bringing it up then, because that would just be trolling and obviously you don’t want to do that.


So he should stop bringing it up, but you guys are entitled to bring endless repetitive discussion?