High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Blood elves have the right to claim blue and violet eyes, because it is assumed that the sunwell has already been restored. This would put an end to all these fan fiction.


I agree, and I am done responding to some people about these same subjects. The first post covers them all very well, and they have been rehashed so many times they are a mass of goop.


No it’s stop re-discussing. It’s a cycle that has happened in every mega thread.


The eye argument has been covered many times.


So what? That’s what forums are for. If you don’t like the conversation you don’t have to read it.


the fact that those with a strong devotion to the light like liadrin and my paladin developed golden eyes proves at the very least any arcane/frost mage should have blue eyes by now

More like “stop filling the thread with discussion that leads nowhere and has been discussed 100x times over”

Btw, Lydon’s thread seems more apt at discussing whether High Elves should or shouldn’t work since his thread is literally titled “Why High Elves Don’t Work”


I don’t see the other Allied Race Megathreads continually going through circular discussions on the merits of their AR request. The High Elf thread shouldn’t be exposed to such useless cyclical discussion either.

But at this point it’s honestly more of those in support of High Elves that can’t help themselves from taking the bait of forum trolls.


Your elf made a choice. She accepted to drain magic out of creatures, to use fel as battery, to accept light-sucking blood knights as a good thing. She heard her prince claim you were no longer a high elf and got into it. To her, the very claim of being a high elf is to disrespect those who died.

And if the reasoning is “I was a high elf some time ago”, then nightborne are just night elves. They were night elves in their lifetimes, were changed by the Nightwell but are still the same people, with the same highborne culture they had before.


Sucking power from a wellspring of Light is not strong devotion.


Why not? I can express my opinion in a thread related to a topic just like you can. If you want an echo chamber don’t post on a public forum.

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You may express your opinion.

I’m more asking others to not engage in circular topics.

Feel free to use the thread however you wish.

But that doesn’t mean anyone is required to respond to you or others.

This is what I’m trying to point out.


also that the blood elves are the high elves of always, but hey, here we are discussing the same thing.
I believe that the reason why a writer or developer intervenes in these issues is because they are tired of this ridiculous discussion. They have already argued several times why the blood elves are in the horde and why there will never be high elves as an allied race.
If you read carefully the OP, you will realize that it is what I always said, a fan fiction, basically it would be an alternative reality of Azeroth where a dark portal never existed, the orcs never invaded them and never an alliance existed.

The void elf was the “official” response to this request. Take it or leave it.

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blizzard has used alliance high elves as a minor story tool. what of it? theyve used undead elves expansion after expansion too and they aren’t being made playable either. given the super abundance of elves now in game, I doubt they ever will be

high elves are not a core alliance race

they arent an allied race

given that the vast majority of the few who are still alive live in the neutral city of dalaran, working inside the silver covenant which is pledged to the neutral kirin tor, the vast majority of them don’t even live in alliance territory. they have alliance sympathies, sure. and some of them put on a 7th legion uniform when they want to act on it. but stop arguing that a non playable group, confirmed by multiple in game sources and word of devs/game director to have little in terms of population, who live in a neutral city, are an alliance race of any true standing

If you don’t want to have a discussion then don’t post. That’s what the forums are for. You don’t get to decide what is and is not a valid opinion to have, and your posts are just trying to derail the subject by addressing meta issues rather than rebutting arguments.

We all know Blizzard did in fact listen to the feedback and made void elves to fulfill the request for high elves. They aren’t going to take void elves out of the game. We also know that they do not want to do another Panda, and that they want to take the game back to the Horde vs. Alliance roots after several expansions of us semi-working together and blurring factions into subfaction conflicts.

Ultimately Alliance high elves aren’t a good fit for a Horde vs. Alliance race. They are not thematically different enough, and at this point the die has been cast and we already have six distinctive elves you can play as across the factions.

Or, High Elf fans can sit here and discuss it in peace and you can go discuss your points in the thread made for you.

There is nothing against the rules when it comes to discussing or requesting something.


I agreed to stay with my people instead of following “human potential”. :wink:

I’d rather not have circular discussion. And it’s why I don’t want to engage in those topics, it fills the thread with noise and goes nowhere.

Never said anything about anyone’s opinion being valid or not valid. Merely suggesting to others to stop engaging in circular discussion headed nowhere and to not take baited posts.

Everyone’s opinion is valid, but no one’s required to engage with every opinion either.


speaking of that, this topic would not have to go to the “fan fiction” section? That’s why it is.

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That’s called a conversation.

I’d rather come into this thread and see more brainstorming and some such, that’s the line of discussion I’d like to see.

I’d rather see people brainstorming scenarios like other AR megathreads are doing. Some posters in them are brainstorming RP scenarios for how their race request gets recruited into their faction.