High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Woah woah woah, havent you guys literally used single NPCs to push ideas? This comes off as very hypocritical

Alamara shoots her argument in the head, once more

And we were talking about how Rexxar is the only mixed race to get an update. To which I said that’s because he’s involved heavily in the War Campaign.

And that should either Kalecgos or Arator be of importance to the story, then they’ll get updates as well.

Just like Rexxar, who is a mixed race. I brought up Lor’themar because even though he isn’t mixed race, he got a model update within BFA itself because he plays a bigger part in the upcoming patch.

In battle for Lordaeron, Lor’themar had his old regular blood elf model, it wasn’t until the upcoming Rize of Ashzara, or maybe in 8.1.5 that he got updated to a newer model because he’s becoming important to the story.

So since Kalecgos/Arator, who are lore-wise a mixed race, but not visually, will get their mixed race assuming they become important to a future story.

Kinda like how Rexxar previously was pretty much a brown orc looking character, until his update in BFA.

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pics please.


Blood elves are playable. Different argument all together.

Because blood elves are playable on the horde. Again, differnet context.
You can’t liken two things and say they are the same when they are not.

Big strawman

The point is, they don’t want the blood elf appearance stolen, we offer ways to differentiate them, and they say no to that too.

Let me ask this of all of you who oppose high elves for the alliance. If it were confirmed that high elves were being added to the alliance, what would you want them to look like? Do you want them to be a blue eyed copy of the blood elf model? Or would you want there to be adjustments to the model/stance/etc to make them distinguishable?


My theory is these people secretly consider High Elves better than Blood Elves. That’s why they’d rather not want them to exist, because then other players will get to play what these people see as “their betters”.

They don’t actually care for what Blood Elves are, just that they’re a pretty race on the Horde side.


You are pretty much an anti posing as Neutral. You don’t fool me anymore.


I would want them to be a blue eyed copy of the blood elf.
If tattoos are made available, I want red ones made available to blood elves.
Mind you, I am not arguing about appearances, I am arguing about them being playable.

From my perspective, at least, it’s like painting a horse in black and white paint and saying it’s not a horse (or a Horde in this case) any more, it’s a zebra.

Yeah, you beat me, how terrible.

You know all about that.

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Demands that others stop speaking for him or putting words in his mouth.
Proceeds to speak for others and puts words in their mouth.

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I want tattoos for all the races honestly. I think blood elves and high elves should both get tattoos, and not just limited to blue and red. Gold glowing tattoos on a blood elf would look pretty awesome.


The point is Blizz literally did this and had to change the biologics of the race…you guys rejected it.

What makes you think a community of people against high elves would accept different hair styles and tattoos that could easily be apart of the Blood Elves as viable differentiation?

I dont know, because i dont want them. If i wanted them, i want them to be biologically different more than just blue eyes.

I am neutral though. I dont agree with you guys, and i dont agree with the antis. Its why i call out Fyre and Lydon.

Alamara, youve literally called out people for doing the same things you did. Dont thinkcyou are above them to use similar tactics.

Wheres my strawman so far Alamara?

Like Void Elves? Here we are with the double standards, Void Elves can be just like Blood Elves but with a different color scheme, but High Elves can’t get their own concepts and customization because… why again?


Because what can a high elf have that a blood elf cannot ask for? You guys have come up with some. Ill give you that much

And i am Vareesa Windrunner.


They can just like kul’tiran humans. It just makes it fair game for the horde to get alliance races.

I am speaking only for myself. Reading comprehension would do you some good.

I could tell by you appearing out of nowhere, offerinf nothing substantially, then acting like its something

First of all, you’re assuming I have no issue with void elves.

Secondly void elves are noticeably different from blood elves.

Chuck a set of sunglasses on a high elf and no matter how you change the model, it’s just identical to a blood elf who works out or smoked too much as a child or managed to sneak around Silvermoon’s draconian laws banning facial hair that doesn’t look like it’s from a 90’s boyband member.