You are not the only one proposing this. It’s not about you.
Writing like that won’t make you look smarter.
The difference between blood and void elves is the same as between dwarf and dark iron, or draenei and lightforged.
You are not the only one proposing this. It’s not about you.
Writing like that won’t make you look smarter.
The difference between blood and void elves is the same as between dwarf and dark iron, or draenei and lightforged.
I’ve thought that as well. None of our suggested changes can be done because such minor changes clearly need years of in game lore to happen. Nevermind that a race can appear out of nowhere with a small recruitment scenario and suddenly be playable, that’s fine, but minor changes to differentiate two groups is madness!
Sarcasm, for any who may not get that.
Such the convenience
Alamara continues to use whataboutism after shooting her position in the head.
That’s it. We’ve been suggesting solutions for differentiation since day 1.
Their answer is to defend that even the current differences do not exist. Which includes but it’s not limited to:
I’ve made no such statement about it not being canon, simply that it makes little sense for them to conduct a behavior also observed in blood elves. They are the same culture after all.
Except that it is canon?
If void elves regained their normal skin and hair they’d be blood elves. They were blood elves until they were booted out. We already have alliance blood elves, we never wanted them. We want the high elves, you guys can keep the blood elves.
You realize that people asking for blue eyes are trying to bait your community? Right?
Literally one of them has them
A half-elf with a placeholder model.
Depicted with green eyes in a comic.
Lanesh steelweaver
It makes sense since they are affected by the sunwell as well.
Yeah its been pretty clear they are alliance based.
Yes the model. Just how Slyvanas used to use the night elf model.
And what half elf part is it?
Maybe they secretly want playable high elves to look just like blood elves?
Or they just are trying to say “they already look similar” without the mental gymnastics or clapbacks
For this long?
And when did the comic occur?
Let alone that the devs stated in regards to the gold eyes matter
“If you want to say they’ve been purified by the sunwell, now you can.”
All thalassians are tuned to the sunwell. Therefore they can have gold eyes, and I believe we have seen some high elves with golden eyes
Shes talking about Three sisters. I guess Arator needs to be made as horrifying as Vareesas children
They are quite scary. They could have there own horror movie. Good for the alliance to have a scary race tho xD
Yeah, one NPC without backstory that could just be a converted high elf.
Finds one exceptionsl NPC: “blood elves can be like him. Me wants.”
Finds three different groups of high elves in the Alliance: “no, you can’t have them”
That’s sorta the basis of this entire thread, innit?
EDIT: Before everyone jumps down my neck for this, can we all just admit it was a good line?