High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And now they aren’t the same thing anymore.

They are not the group we are requesting and will remain exactly where they are when we get High Elves. So they are not part of our request.

You already have Humans with forsaken.

But if you can find a group with as much showing and participation as High Elves on Alliance the go ahead and ask for them.

It won’t do anything to my characters or change their identity in anyway.

And then they changed into different things.

  1. High Elves got to go to the Sunwell, not Silvermoon.

  2. More battles and fractures occurred after that.

  3. We no longer see High Elves at the Sunwell and with Void Elves about it makes no sense to allow enemie elves near your civilizations lifeblood.

  4. They where treated like crap at the Sunwell and where under Armed Watch. That’s not co-mingling.

You literally just dismissed all of Blood Elf development as nothing more than a name change.

It’s clear you don’t care about who they are in Warcraft.


I think that Sanlayn would be an excellent Allied race Horde side, if Blizzard add Queldorei and Sanlayn I gonna play both.


No, it’s not.

They’ve started moving away from lawful good light, chaotic evil void to pure lawful and pure chaotic. They’ve made it quite clear from in-game stuff and even interviews that all magic in Warcraft’s moral alignment is down to the user.

I would vote for Sanlyan/Darkfallen (so both factions have 3 Elfs) or Ogres


Horde was given Undead Night Elf NPCs this expansion. Not that it matters since these imaginary allied race scales are only in anti’s heads so far.

Shadow Priests have a corner of shame in the Netherlight Temple, and the Void is taking its toll on Alleria. Nothing has been done to show them as anything less than kookier warlocks.

She has yet to interact with any High Elf besides her sister.

Give us a quest to go do some symbolic thing like they did with Dark Iron, who were in a similar spot of being already part of the Alliance but not playable.


Alleria is told to kill her family by the Void. Sounds super neutral.

Void is evil, deal with it.


How so? The difference is purely political which isn’t enough to beget an entire new race.

Do we have to go over why Forsaken are not human?

Do…you not have a horde character perhaps?

They changed in thier political views. They didn’t change into different things.

Did you not get the Quel’dalar blade? High elves are in silvermoon.
In order to get to the sunwell, you also need to go through silvermoon.

And they were still allowed to go to silvermoon because the only high elves actively against blood elves is the silver covenant.

By your logic, Silvermoon is still in the state it was after Arthas came through in WC3. You know, because the devs didn’t dynamically update it. There has been no lore that suggests the high elves were no longer allowed to conduct pilgrimage. That is just headcanon.

You mean, the one’s who were from the silver covenant and had actively hunted blood elves down?

You are accusing me of being intellectually dishonest? That is a very bold move, but a weak one.
My statement was clearly, and explicitly, that the name change is a result of political affiliation but not the result of the creation of two races. In spite of the name change, they are all high elves. This is not a dismissive argument despite what you claim. I hope that puts an end to that, because accusations won’t strengthen your position.

You are joking right?
You are literally playing one of the exchanged races right now.
Tell me, where did nightborne come from?
There is precedent, you cannot act blind to it because it does not serve your notions.

We have also had warlocks accomplish things in the name of good.

So Alleria and the void elves just sit off in another corner, and the high elves are COMPLETELY ignorant of her existence despite the fact their leader met up with her?
Mmkay. That makes sense.

What faction is the Dark Iron’s parental race?
Context matters.

It happened once. You and some other folks have decided this is some sort of protocol that must be rigidly followed from now onwards. No statements have ever been made from Blizz regarding this.

Being able to point demons towards bad people doesn’t suddenly makes demons good. And Warlocks are actually safer than Shadow Priests since no voices in your head.

Doesn’t matter because High Elves are already part of the Alliance, have been so since vanilla, and had huge roles as part of it in Wrath and Mists. They are already members of the Alliance, they don’t need to “join”.


Y’rel is told to massacre any orcs who don’t convert. Sounds super good.

Pretty sure that’s the Naaru and not voices in Yrel’s head coming from just using the Light.

While Light had like, this one scenario and X’era to turn this into some 15-year old’s fanfic, Void has consistently been eeeeevil and remains so to this day. Even when Void Elves come help it’s by bringing some abomination with no right to exist to this world and unleashing it upon their enemies.

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Different Eye/Skin/Hair Colors/Factions/History/Themes/Characters/Locations/Use of Magic/Ideals/Culture.

More than different enough and will be even more different once they get the same touch ups every Allied Race got.

It’s just a little more work then dyeing Blood Elves Purple and removing Paladins.

Forsaken are Undead -blank-.

Fill in the Blank.

I do but that doesn’t change anything about what I said.

They clearly did. Just look at all the stuff I listed above.

The Sunwell is not Silvermoon. It’s on its own island.

Or take a boat.

Remains to be shown.

As of the recent showings there are no longer any High Elves there.

Quel’Danil don’t like them either.

And any High Elf could be a Silver Covenant spy.

And now there are some Elves who could corrupt it.

This was an update. There aren’t High Elves there now.

Recent lore trumps old lore.

No, they where treated badly in the Alliance Quel’Delar chain. As soon as the sword rejected Lor’themar the High Elves and the player where cornered by guards.

I don’t have to.

You are constantly breaking it down to appearance and dismissing it as a name change.

You don’t seem to value any part of the Blood Elf story aside from being Elves. That’s why you easily throw away any part of the Blood Elf story and development to say they are the exact same things as High Elves.

It’s clearly the case.


And personally, I myself would tell Y’rel to massacre every orc who doesn’t convert. After all the crap they did, they have no right to live.

And the Scarlet Crusade. And Male Human Paladin posters.
The whole cosmos of paired magic types is new, the fact this hasn’t come up much isn’t surprising.

Yeah, because a more nuanced fantasy setting than YELLOW IS INFALLIBLY GOOD AND PURPLE IS IMPOSSIBLY EVIL is for 15 year olds.

And if you think about it objectively, Lightspawn and Lightforged are just as unnatural and/or body horror as anything the Void creates.

The whole thing with the Light and Void are both want to enslave mortals and consume reality and if one destroys the other, reality in the Warcraft universe ends.


“Dark not bad, light not good” had been overdone already before WoW even came out.

Of course, the AU draenai forcefully converting and/or genociding the orcs at the behest of the Light the second they didn’t have the Legion to worry about sort of proves that the orcs were right to kill off the draenai.

The Orcs earned their genociding and a few more for everything they did in WoD.

no, because they would have only attempted this if the lightforged got involved, otherwise there would be peace.

The draenai on Draenor weren’t Lightforged when they started, they all became Lightforged after the Legion got ganked. Them going full DEUS VULT mode was an inevitability.

We’ve seen from the lightforging of Lothraxion on Argus that even a fully-mutated demon (Nathrezim in this case) will retain all of their demonic mutations and appearance, with the possible exception of horns (though he could have just as easily pulled a Hellboy and ground them down).

This means that a restored Sunwell would not purge any mutations that had already occurred in the Blood Elf population as a result of siphoning demonic crystals and being near them.

In other words, Blood Elves have been permanently changed by their usage of fel in a way that even the most extreme form of purification, lightforging, will not undo.