Some people are weird. They haven’t learned “object permanence” which is a developmental trait during the growing years.
Like for instance, there’s no Kirin Tor in BFA (i think?). By this logic that must mean all Kirin Tor have died at the end of Legion, no more Khadgar, no more Dalaran, Violet Hold, etc.
every time the devs talk about high elves they always cite the population issue. twice since we knew void elves and lightforged draenei were a thing. void elves growing numbers implies they can turn other elves into void elves, its just unconfirmed. any draenei can become a LF draenei, its a known ritual that bombards the draenei with light transfroming them
the high elf fantasy is one rooted from other fantasy universes. warhammer, LOTR, etc.
long lived, pointy eared, almost etheral beings with a talent for magic. the blood elf fantasy fulfils every aspect of the high elf fantasy that matters. the fact that they are members of the horde does not undermine that nor does the few alliance high elves still alive provide a different experience
oh and dont forget the reason given for why high elves were rejected by ion. because they are already playable as blood elves on the horde
They knew they wanted to do an upright orc, which is where the posture change came from. Then they also felt having orcs in armor would look the same (as in brown orc in armor vs green orc in armor) so they decided “let’s also add all clans” to help justify it more.
So that means they felt “brown orcs” couldn’t stand on its own, even though there’s clear differences.
But because we know they’re loosening up transmog restrictions in 8.2. The issue they had original with “brown orc in armor vs green orc in armor” isn’t going to be an issue anymore. We’re going to see a lot more bare-chested/shoulderless/gloveless/pantsless/bootless characters with the upcoming changes. So you’ll definitely get to see your character’s skin more.
I don’t think they would’ve just been a skin option for regular orcs because then they wouldn’t have their own racials. And that’s what one of the biggest detriments to shoe-horning a race into an existing one is.
Blizzard tends to not take the subtle route when implementing changes/additions to the game, they do that subtle stuff over time, just like with the tmog restrictions.
Pray tell how they are different according to the lore and developers of the game?
See? You’re trying to redefine the argument to try and make it favorable for you. It doesn’t work that way, you can’t try and re-define race in a cnovoluted way to favor you.
You need to give YOUR definition, and then demonstrate how they are different.
If the latter part holds up; it won’t; then we can accept the definition.
You want the elves that coincidentally, have the exact same appearance as a core horde race. In spite of the fact that you have void elves, who were blood elves, who were high elves, who were the exact same race you are requesting.
You don’t care about aesthetics. You care about the culture and attitudes. okay, who is to say that void elves cannot adopt the culture or attitude then? That they cannot assimilate?
You are mistaken.
Quel’dorei make up 90% of the existing population, maybe a little more.
The 10% is what was left after Arthas killed them all.
History: The study of past events.
Do you not consider what happens in game as a part of their history? You can’t bring up history then say you didn’t. That doesn’t make any sense. You weren’t strawmanned.
I like how you completely cut out the rest of my quote where I said
Why would you intentionally mis-represent the point of my post? I mean, be a bit more honest man. I don’t cut parts of your post out unless its to save space and I still address the entirety.
If you’re going to accuse me of bias do be more honest and find cases where I’ve been biased. Which you won’t.
The do not cite it every time and all that means is it’s no longer an issue.
They literally said they are not recruiting and they don’t know how to reproduce the process yet.
This is the opposite of what Blizzard has said.
Regular Draenei number in the few hundred so that doesn’t help the numbers thing at all.
In that case every Elf qualifies and this it is not a part of the High Elf identity.
Also talking about the idea of just being “An Elf” still shows all you care about is looks.
The fact that the Blood Elves changed and adapted means they do not have the High Elf experience.
You literally just said the only thing that matters is that they are an Elf, and that is not a thing specific or belonging to Blood Elves in anyway.
High Elves have completely different themes to Blood Elves no matter how much you want to pretend you don’t.
All you are really showing is that you don’t care about the Blood Elf themes or stories native to Warcraft at all. All that matters is they are an Elf.
Except that’s not way he said and you know it. He just said they where alike and if all you wanted to play was a fair skinned elf the Horde had an option.
He was justifying why Void Elves came first, not saying why High Elves are not an option.
And he went on to say they where possible in the future as his closing thought. This framing the entire quote in our favor.
Because they don’t have the history High Elves have with the Alliance. They weren’t there in Outland, Northrend, Zul’Aman, Pandaria or the Broken Isles.
Because they are all schizophrenic.
Because they are all researchers obsessed with the Void to the point of preferring exile from Silvermoon over quitting their research.
Because they were Blood Elves.
One of the High Elves’ defining traits is avoiding corruptive magic, even taking care not to fall to their arcane addiction. Void Elves definign trait is going too deep into the most corruptive power in the cosmos.
yeah it counts. They were still high elves after the betrayal and changed their names when Kael’thas gave them a new name. It is just intellectually dishonest to act as if blood elves are not high elves with a different name.
Hm? They were there for TBC. They were banished after the sunwell’s restoration.
Furthermore, why would they not inherit the high elves’ cause? Believe in what they now believe?
They aren’t schizophrenic. It is intellectually dishonest to compare them to a schizo. Their auditory and visual hallucinations are very much real.
high elves went straight for thunder magic on the isle of thunder. To oppose blood elves.
Alleria is also now a void elf. The void elves pledged themselves to Alleria. She hasn’t turned them away either, so clearly what happened in lore doesn’t necessarily agree with you turning off the idea of them becoming high elves in name.
Who used to be high elves.
Which is why Alleria accepts them as part of her own people?
Then they don’t count towards the request and never will.
It’s a ridiculous leap in logic to think so.
High Elves.
Then the groups splintered apart and became different things.
Why does something not part of the group we are asking for that is different matter in our request?
Also I find it funny how you guys pretend to care about Blood Elves but don;t care at all about their story in Warcraft and what made them who they are now.
Is that supposed to make it better? That they are 24/7 hearing voices from an actual force of evil rather than something entirely in their head?
And? Thunder isn’t known to drive people insane or be innately evil, unlike the Void.
Not the High Elves we want.
Who is Alleria’s people nowadays? She just ate a whole Void god-thing and has yet to interact with any High Elf besides her sister.
Dude they didn’t exist until their intro scenario. And as Blood Elves they were part of the Horde in TBC, if they were around then. Of course, Blizzard made absolutely no effort to place Void Elves at any point in the past because who cares, Thalassian model, people will play this trash anyway.
You’re using the word “history” and then explaining a completely different meaning than what I explicitly stated “what NPC Horde race has helped the Horde across multiple expansions, like how High Elves have helped the Alliance across multiple expansions.”
You’re changing the subject with your “history” posts because I’m explicitly stating to you what I mean, and I never used “history”. Again.
Strawmanning is taking what I said and saying I’m making a point which I never made, that’s exactly what you did in your earlier post. Broflake is definitely an apt name indeed.
The only point I had to make, was that if overthinking isn’t flame baiting, neither is underthinking. The rest of the post doesn’t apply.
If someone is too sensitive to handle a person saying underthinking/overthinking then I’d suggest staying off public forums.
Someone mentioned that since High Elves are already members of the Alliance they should be made playable.
Say they do make them playable. What race can be introduced Horde side?
You do realize there has to be. I’d hate to see this forum if Alliance got a new race and Horde didn’t. It would only be fair.
No matter what someone will say " just because we got this the crybaby Horde think they should have a new one as well". Which by the way is both sides. Although there are those who think that the Alliance deserve more because "Horde Bias/favoritism.
I don’t care really if Alliance get their High Elves. I won’t level one. While I have characters on both side, just 2 Allies that I maintain because they were my first ones and I like seeing both sides of the story I’m Horde and I love playing my Blood Elf I think there’s to many elves already. Ok to many humans and creepy gnomes, but that’s another thread.
Not really because that is what blood elves are before the name change.
Can we get humans based on your logic? I mean, horde are working with tirigarde in an oddly similar way the blood elves did with the horde.
Tiri humans?
[quote=“Drede-cairne, post:3857, topic:182516”]
High Elves.
Then the groups splintered apart and became different things.[/quote]
But at one point, outside the past 7 years they were one and the same. Same beliefs. Same cultural values.
I mean, you see this again when they pilgrimage to Silvermoon itself. The only reason Alleria was banished was due to her void nature, or she would have been accepted to continue her pilgrimate. A high elf, acting as if blood elves were still the same people she knew them to be. Does that not seem odd to you? If these differences were so utterly distinct, why do we have blood elves and high elves allowing each other to visit silver moon and co-mingling.
That is not what two rival cultures do
Sounds made up.
Re-read the quote.
Yes. Yes very much so.
I mean, it was only ripped straight out of a titan and used in a perverse way of conquering an entire country.
Void magic is like Light magic. It is neutral, it falls down to who is using it, and the void lords just happen to be evil.
Xe’ra isn’t innately good because was a Naaru of light.
Void elves give a good a
Seriously? This is you just dodging off to the side on the matter.
probably because they saw no way of implementing high elves in a way that didn’t destroy the lore, or didn’t step on the design of the last game dev.
Let me rephrase what you said.
“What NPC horde race has the sme history as the high elves in helping the horde as the high elves did the alliance.”
Dude, you can try and phrase it any other way, but you are using the literal definition of history as an argument.
If I said I moved at a rapid pace across the hallway, but with long strides not seen in jogging or walking, you would say “So you ran?”.
based on how you’re acting though, my response would be “NO I DIDNT RUN! I MOVED QUICKLY WITH LONG STRIDES NOT SEEN IN WALKING OR JOGGING!”.
You weren’t strawmanned. You’re making an argument about history.
My point was that both are forms of flamebaiting. That was the point. I fail to understand why it is needed to simplify it.
Orrrrr, you can refrain from such comments as they’re flame baiting?
Multiple suggestions have been made multiple times in multiple threads. Most popular seem to be
Ogres or Forest Trolls, to go with the already-member-of-the-faction/WCII theme
San’layn or Undead Elves because something something we gotta balance scales
Void is evil. You use it to drive others insane, using it drives you insane, its uses are corruption, madness, destruction, killing, spawning semi-controllable aberrations that seek to devour everything near… and help assassins hide I guess. Great stuff.
Alleria has no people anymore. She’s been out of the loop sinc WCII. The High Elves Quel’Thalas are no more, all we have left are their successor races.
High Elves literally are already part of the Alliance lorewise in every way shape or form.
That does not balance the scales because none of the races you suggested are core races of the alliance.
This is why I begrudgingly like you. You are consistent I’ll give you this.
I don’t know, we’re clearly moving away from the whole, void is evil and light is good.
Xe’ra did questionable stuff and well, shadow priests.
Except that she learned of what occurred to her people an wished to bridge the gap to reunite them. She is accepted by the high elves and void elves. She is accepted by her sister who leads the silver covenant.
I am not so sure why you’d say this
You’re looking at it from the way you want it not from hte way it needs to be implemented. Changes don’t exist in a vacuum