High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

no, they left the alliance at the first opportunity. a few individual high elves stayed with the alliance, but the high elves as a people left

and, unlike you try to claim, it would also damage the blood elves, as blood elves ARE high elves but if there was suddenly a group you could play in game that was listed as high elves, that group would then be able to portray itself as the true high elves (implicitly declaring the blood elves are not the high elves) and they would then be able to redefine the concept of what a high elf is and the blood elves would not, despite the blood elves clearly being THE high elves. even the devs agree with me :partying_face:

what you are asking for is access to the most popular race in the game, a fair skinned majestic elf, a core horde race without being horde


That’s a separate version with its own themes and story. We want ours.

And don’t get political.

By that logic all elves share the Night Elf story.

Since they only where separated from Night Elves for 3,000 years and Night Elves have millennia of history.

They High Elf story mostly split off from what would become the Blood Elf story 30 years ago. Each group developed its own story and themes.

But High Elves have nothing to do with the Void. The core unique them of VOID Elves.

This is clearly not the case.

Did Void Elves make Night Elves redundant because they are both purple and have pointy ears?

Seems I struck a nerve.

When it constantly is the major point of discussion for them it’s a fair question to ask.

The only negative feedback was giving the Alliance a brand new race out of nowhere instead of one of our established ones.

If it made sense.

It would more likely be the use of the Kul Tiran model for Ogres though.

They have different Themes/Use of Magic/Factions/Appearances/Ideals/History/etc.

They are similar because they come from the same place, but to say they are identical is a straight up lie that is easily called out.

This is bait.

Lots more than that. But I guess you don’t think being on different factions is important.

Perfect for an Alliance race then.

Ion even said so.

They don’t live there anymore.

When did the Blood Elves betray Silvermoon’s orders by staying with their Allies before shunning the Blood Elf ideals?

That’s why they are killing each other and why the Blood Elves are Horde so it’s pretty important.

5-7 times given the losses to Kael’thas betrayal and the Wretched epidemic.

Still doesn’t matter at all since bigger numbers doesn’t erase the other groups.


To me, it’s: “Sorry, we were going to do high elves… but we changed our minds at last minute. This is the best we could come up with to fill an allied race slot.”

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I don’t care. It’s irrelevant to the context of the discussion which is dealing with what has occurred not what you wish occurred. The thalassian race overwhelming went horde.
I don’t care how many named NPC’s you list because that never has been a factor.
I don’t care about the past that you feel justifies an entitlement for you to play them on the alliance.
If you want a pale elf, go horde.

So not a single horde player shifted over to play a blood elf? That’s an unsubstantiated claim. Why?
I rolled from playing an orc to a blood elf.

Sweet, can you conduct a poll that demonstrates this large chunk?
Ah wait, even if you could it would be irrelevant because TBC happened 12 years ago and some people need to move on.

Lanesh Steelweaver.

The entire history with them and the alliance state they were at best, shaky allies that left the moment they could. So…you’re really being misleading on purpose.

Which is why everytime the blood elves are around, so are the high elves…right?

Well, I don’t care because the two groups share the same history. So why care for something outside of correcting those who choose to misinterpret it incorrectly on purpose?

So…again…and you haven’t answer this part.

Lore established that the mage class needed to mana tap magical objects/creatures in order to be capable of surviving/using their spells.

high elves have a significant number of mages.
They can use magic, and they’re not suffering mental or physical damage which comes from sever magic withdrawal as a mage.
They had to learn how to mana tap in order to survive.

Chris metzen stated blood elves were the odd man out. A bunch of white chicks that were hanging with goblins and tauren. Keep in mind though, a similar thing was stated regarding night elves because they broke the standard lotr mold and they were worried how it might be taken.

Yeah, they were weird, but it worked out in their favor.

but you don’t want void elves either even though you play a 120 level void elf hunter. You don’t want blood elves even though that is what high elves are, what is it you want exactly?
The title?

I snipped it.
The Horde lose out on a unique race, because high elves cannot be implemented without being the same as blood elves in appearance. It ruins the constant faction opposition high elves have played. This has not ever been done for an opposing faction.

The entire game loses the concept of faction identity.
The player’s as a whole, lose the importance of choice.
Horde player’s lose their meaningful choice in having their only pretty race going to the alliance without any change which is huge.

The alliance destroys the significance of void elves existing.
The alliance loses the meaningfulness in choosing a void elf.

This idea that the Horde lose nothing, is a terribly flawed argument.
It goes against the very design that Blizzard has created, and ruins their implementation of the blood elves for the Horde. It ruins the story they created to justify the blood elves being playable for the Horde.

All your post is essentially “I want it, give me it. I don’t care how it affects anyone else because I want it.”

Well they won’t do it.

You’re playing it right now.
Cause you know what? if it was never about the aesthetics? You wouldn’t be playing a race that has the closest one to a blood elf/high elf.


I don’t need to explain anything. We’re told High Elvea didn’t feed their addiction. Deal with it.

This is what happens when the quel’dorei get reduced to “adversary to Blood Elves” plot device.

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They already exist and being playable doesn’t change that.

The story doesn’t retroactively change just because something that’s already there is playable. That’s a faulty concept.

Further proof you only care about looks.

Fine, we will have tan ones then if that’s the only issue.

That’s the kingdoms story.

We are talking about the loyal ones who have nothing to do with that other then not agreeing.

Almost like the two groups hate each other do to their major differences.

And considering the Silver Covenant was formed to oppose the Blood Elves they are doing a dang good job as our Anti-Blood Elf specialist.

Up to a point. But they are both branches of a bigger tree that starts with Night Elves.

Just stating it’s clear what you twos (One?) main focus is. Looks > Lore/Themes/Story.

You don’t seem to care or value the things that make Blood Elves unique or interesting and only like them for being

Which is a silly thing to base your arguments around. Especially since the Devs said it’s possible for Void Elves to get Fair Skin.

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Well…thats not generally true either. Since Quel’delar ends with high elf prigrims at the Sunwell.

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Wait. What?

So dramatic!

Thanks for proving Horde would lose nothing.


At that point they had no withdrawal anymore tho.

No, my point is that its a dead plotline. Their meditations arent needed anymore…and its also rather interesting that the only high elves we mainly follow after WotLK are the ones in the MAGIC city.

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if they’re so loyal why do they only show up to fight blood elves?


Killing your former kinsmen isn’t a sign of loyalty?

And they do other things, they are just REALLY GOOD at killing Blood Elves.


It’s still part of their history that defines them.

Which is why I think a good way of differentiating them would be if they chose to sever their link to the Sunwell so they could be free from Quel’thalas and seek a new destiny as a people.


it’s a sign that they are more concerned with their grudge than with actually supporting the alliance

a handful providing portals is hardly a significant contribution

perhaps by being completely changed by a different magic source


But they dont need it anymore. We follow the group of high elves who live in a magic city and have access to magic. The signs of withdrawal has never been shown or mentioned again since that event.

Its a dead plotline. Blizz has forsaken writing it.

But thats only the Silver Covenant, the only true anti-Horde group. We know some high elves still co-mingle and make pilgrimages.


Well, it’s the writer’s fault, not the race’s.

Blizzard writing has been very uneven over the years.

Yes, but it could be the start of a cultural change, and more elves choose to take that route.

No, its them saying “its resolved” Alamara.

But why would they? They are allowed access to the Sunwell. They can see some of their old friends and go to the most sacred sight for quel’dorei. They dont have to participate in the war.


It’s them showing they have lost their touch.

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