It took me a moment to figure out a reply without being mean.
Allied races were NOT around during the wotlk expansion.
Like Pandaren.
Were high elves around for wotlk? Yes? They get to be Death knights. Why limit their options so needlessly?
It is still a paladin. Again, limiting options for no reason.
An arcane junkie is still a junkie. Let alone in the very starter zone of blood elves they literally explain the importance of draining mana only to stave off the hunger and not to abuse it lest they turn wretched.
Sure though, let’s continue with the false narrative of blood elves being junkies. Let’s ignore all the lore that details what happens when they go junkie mode.
How so?
Ahahaha. What?
Neither are monks but they’re available to them.
Just putting my own support in the thread.
Also, to add on — not all of the Farstriders renamed as Blood Elves. Plenty are also High Elves and joined the Silver Covenant.
Also – just because they are the same species doesn’t mean they are the same people anymore. They diverged.
They actually wouldn’t necessarily have the same racial ability, given that the Arcane Torrent ability is a holdover from when the elves were draining magic from wherever they could. It represents their ability to do that with a fun in game use.
The high elves would have mages — because plenty of the ones who remained High Elves were in Dalaran in Lordaeron and were mages (well mostly for the former).
I don’t think druids and shamans would make sense for high elves, but Warriors, Rogues, Hunters, Paladins, Priests, and Mages certainly do. I think an argument could be made for Monks. I would say Warlocks are no (given that’s one of the big splits between high elves and blood elves initially – the demon magic thing). Demon Hunters are a no (only Blood Elves with Illidan got that training, not any of the High Elves that were likely refugees in Alliance territories in that time period). Shamans and druids as stated previously are a no.
Death Knights — that’s a toughy. I think it’s just easier to keep with the newly made Death Knights were all Blood Elves than to figure out which elves in the Knights of the Ebon Blade are high elves with the Alliance vs. blood elves with the Horde.
Anyway, I think it’d be great to have playable Alliance High Elves — most likely from the Silver Covenant.
And based on just all the concept in the first post – it wouldn’t be nearly as hard to implement as the other allied races so far and they make the most sense (far more than void elves…read their history…played their recruitment quest line…epitome of a very lazy shoehorn in my opinion — focused too much on tentacles, not enough on a story, when a more obvious choice was right before them and has been since Vanilla and Wrath of the Lich King).
Lets be fair here. If blizzard really wanted to make high elf playable they could even create a new island for it to make them lightly different.
I also don’t see they becoming playable, as long as blizz see them as the same race. Even in the next expansion, that im sure they are already working on it, i highly doubt that high elf will become an allied race.
They had to feed their addiction or risk suffering severe mental/physical damage. The only ones who did not have to were the ranger classes as per blood of the highborne. Anyone who was a mage was screwed and had to feed their addiction or suffer those effects.
Overcoming the addiction to magic, which sounds less like an addiction and more a necessity like nightborne, was nigh impossible and no cases were highlighted. In fact, it is noted many high elves fed their addiction using arcane objects.
The junkie narrative doesn’t fit.
A class does not need to be the face of a race in order to be made available to them.
Racials are not based on a class.
They are based on all the classes made available to that race.
This is why high elves get an extra 1% crit which applies to ALL classes.
Yes…yes they did.
Or they wouldn’t have any high elven mages.
It was also established that alternatives include feeding off magical objects which was shown in the books.
The point is that blizzard always knew that high elves are by far the most popular alliance request. No doubt on it.
But, they came with void elves as alliance’s thalassian elves. They see high elves and blood elves as the same race.
So, I really highly doubt they will becoming an allied race. The lore of next expansion are almost done, and if they wanted to, they could have done it instead of void elves.
Well, its a opinion. Good lucky you all. There are a lot of goood lore info here, i’ll be just watching
Just for the sake of being different. It wouldn’t be the first time characters models changed because “reasons” and I doubt it would be the last.
Dark Iron Dwarves were just regular Dwarves with gray skin, they didn’t have all of the fire beard goodness that they have as a playable race. Kul Tiran humans were represented with the standard human model prior to BfA, and their soldiers looked like recolored Stormwind guards but with a green tabard with an anchor on it
Blizz could easily come up with a believable and lore friendly way that the modern Quel’dorei could be different. It’s not as though High Elves can’t be developed further
I assume that they just would. We’ve theorized potential racials countless times
I actually thought this could make for a neat racial. High Elves, without mana tapping living creatures, could’ve opted to feed off of magical objects to sate their addiction. Allow playable High Elves to “disenchant” objects even if they’re not an enchanter at the cost of receiving less mats (maybe give High Elf enchanters a slight chance to receive extra mats?)
I’d assume they wouldn’t have access to death knights, demon hunters or warlocks. Perhaps they could gain access to the shaman class via the High Elves’ relationship with the Wildhammer clan? Those elves in particular have seemingly kicked their magical addiction, and could be more connected to the elements than any other elf. An elf race that could be a shaman would be cool and unique
Future allied races are going to be fan service. High Elves would definitely be popular, so why not put forth the effort? Blizz could create a “new and interesting” allied race, but if they’d be played less than female Dwarves then why even bother?
Dark iron dwarves are also on the same faction as their respective core race. So the options are not out of reach of someone who is on a faction. So it is acceptable, same for LF dranei and kultirans.
Your proposal is the same line as nightborne and void elves.
Oh look, void elves, who havce the thalassian model.
Furthermore blizzard said the kultiran human model is to be used for ALL humans. It is not kul tiran specific.
It is a very important consideration when doing any design.
Why? Blood elves also fed off magical artifacts too? Why would they get no access to it?
Why does everyone keep making this statement? It is so silly. They were around for wotlk.
Primarily because blood elves fulfill the fantasy of a pale elf?
Void elves fulfill the fantasy of being a standard elf appearance that is purple?
Redundancy is bad for an MMO? Especially when it involves the most popular race in the game?
Many, many, many reasons.
Giving you vanilla ice cream six different ways is still vanilla ice cream. It is a waste of resources to literally copy and paste a model onto a different faction just because they don’t want a red background.
If redundancy was bad, why did the Alliance get a second purple elf? Wouldn’t the variety that High Elves brings be better than either a short or tall purple elf?
Did…you just compare a night elf to a void elf, say it is redundant due to color, but say high elves would bring variety even though they are the *exact.same.race. as blood elves?
It wouldn’t bring any variety. At all. It would only take away from a core race of the Horde. Their most popular race I add.