High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

the high elf storyline is that they were nearly wiped out, left the alliance, changed their name to blood elves and joined the horde

making alliance high elves playable changes that narrative to they were nearly wiped out, betrayed by their kin and yet they still stand beside the alliance even though they are few in numbers. that is an unavoidable consequence of such an addition and perhaps the main reason for my opposition. and anyone who thinks that is an interesting narrative is being disingenuous, and is plain to anyone its all about ‘we want light skinned elves too but we wont play the horde’

Most likely wrong models being used.

They were literally going to jump ship on Pandaria.

Blood Elves are willing to do whatever it takes to survive, are power-hungry (see the Reliquary doing archaeology just to seek powerful relics), and think a whole lot less of other races.

High Elves will refrain from actions they deem immoral (e.g. mana tapping) even when it might be harmful to them to keep their integrity and are more than happy to work alongside other races (Dalaran, Quel’Danil, Allerian Stronghold, etc.)

Blood Elves have turned from worshipping the Light to worshipping the Sunwell and its power. High Elves, as far as we know, still are into the Church of the Light alongside humans and dwarves.


The Blood Elves use of mana tap made them more and more hungry but now they have an infinite supply with the Sunwell.

The High Elves went through abstinence, use of arcane artifacts, and in some cases removed their arcane addiction completely. Thus only needing it passively.

High Elf Paladins are the same type as Humans and Blood Knights are their own unique group.

That’s one branch of a larger story. You don’t get to ignore the other parts just because you don’t like them.

That counts for San’layn, Kael’thas group, Dark Rangers, and Demon Hunters as well.

It doesn’t change the story in an way, shape or form.

The story is already established for all the different branches of the Thalassian Elves rather you value them or not.

Expanding on another group by making them playable does not change the story at all. Thinking so is ridiculous

It’s plain to anyone that all you care about is being a “Light Skinned” Elf. Since that’s what you’re constantly freaking out about.

All I have to do is point to the thread and the OP to show that the most popular ideas are Dark Skin, Tattoos/Warpaint, Half Elves and the like to show that is clearly not the case.

Someone else getting a “Pretty Elf” does not take away your “Pretty Elf”.

Void Elves look better anyway.


People keep thinking that adding High Elves would hurt the Blood Elves and the Horde in someway.

I think the opposite is true.

You can see the passion that both parties have in these forums. Now imagine that ingame.

The story, drama, and conflict that would come from the Helfs and Belfs could easily fill a book. It would also give Belfs some much needed spotlight. Without the idea that they are being stung along by a outside party.


No elf, high or blood, is confirmed through sheer force of will been able to ignore the withdrawal/addiction/w.e you want to call it of being severed from the sunwell. And how it separates them from their kin currently i have no clue

It’s been confirmed in the manga that Highvale no longer suffer from any form of Arcane addiction.

It was made in 2008.


You know, you did get shamans for paladins. I don’t know why I see people complaining about paladins to this very day but not shamans.

Sure, Alliance got Shamans, a feral monstrous race, and now spray-painted Blood Elves. Just didn’t mention it.

Though I’d say Paladins were much more tied to the Alliance than Shamans to the Horde… As seen as how the Horde keeps getting Paladin “variants” (e.g. Blood Knights who beat the Light out of a Naaru and now take it from the Sunwell, Sun-worshipping Tauren and T-Rex-worshipping Zandalari).


For someone arguing for a new race, you sure don’t like variety in your playable factions.

I’m not the one bemoaning about some ethereal concept of faction lines that High Elves would blur despite being Alliance from the very start of the game, and despite everything else that has already gone from one faction to the other.

Hell, Horde players are literally taking orders from a grey-skinned red-eyed human nowadays. Nathanos looks more like a Dark Iron Human than a Forsaken.


I kind of like how the Belfs became pallies. Even though I dont know how they didn’t just learn back when they were in the Alliance. Other Horde races make little to no sense IMO

Shamans though are about communing with both ones ancestors and the elements which none of the Alliance races really fit that much. That I can think of off hand


Sooo… blood elves with blue eyes?


Ideally they’d be able to have a wider selection of eye colors other than just blue


The same NPC has been used I believe three times
Lanesh the steelweaver.
Blue eyed blood elf.

Due to Garrosh not necessarily due to the Horde.

The high elves are reserved in their usage of arcane, but they weren’t so restrained in going to the isle of thunder to try and harness the lightning magic. nothing came of it afterwards though, so it was a dead point.
The blood elves are willing to be cooperative so long as it serves them, and the high elves have been similar in their actions given that it was Khadgar who mobilized them in Legion. It wasn’t as if Veresa was there gladly giving her assistance to those in Suramar.

Hell, to that point, the sun reaver’s themselves tried to rejoin Dalaran and only managed to do so in Legion because Jaina and the high elves stopped persecuting them.

Except that the high elves conduct pilgrimage to the sunwell. it is something all the thalassian elves consider important to them as it is a part of their birth right. So it sounds more along the lines of being a plot hole in this aspect.

Yea they dont use magic, doesnt mean they didnt suffer withdrawal from losing the sunwell connection. Tbf, ranger types are said to have not been as affected as mage types :tipping_hand_woman:

Is that true regarding rangers? Not to be the “source?!” guy or anything, I’m just genuinely curious


I believe it is referenced in Blood of the highborne. The ranger types were not as badly affected, though it isn’t stated as to why. Theoretically it may be because they did not invoke magic on the same level as their mage based brethren.

i touched on why this should happen here from this post not too long ago in this thread

Everything points out on High elves having a different relationship with the Sunwell.

We will have to wait and see what is that about, but hints shows that they could have been trying to break ties with it all this time.


by becoming void elves? as evidenced by high elf wayfarers in the rift