High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Which included many high elves, I must add. :wink:


Ion has said that the blood elves == high elves. Blizzard is the narrator of the story. There is no difference. You calling out people as trolls because they disagree with you is trolling. All your doing is making it more apparent that the pro shoehorned alliance high elf crowd has to resort to name calling because your proposals don’t have much of a leg to stand on.

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Well, not really. Blood elves have green eyes because they used fel crystals to power their arcane structures and the residual fel energy tainted them, not because they fed on fel energy. They consumed arcane energy from stuff like mana wyrms.

A few blood elves definitely did consume fel energy from fel crystals, but not many.

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He didn’t, he said Blood elves are a flavor of High elves, which is technically correct.

I disagree with Lydon, reno and star but they are not trolls. You and Frye are


I get where you’re coming from, though personally I prefer my Blood Elf Mage as Fire spec since I find it fits the Blood Elf theme more.

I just feel that no hair colours should be locked behind classes, especially when Blizzard keeps taunting us with NPCs who break this rule.


Why people only bring what part of what Ion actually said. Same as Metzen.

We’ve already covered that, more than once:


i honestly expect hair color to be next after eye color customization

Both at once would be nice.


I have blood elves already, thanks. I would also like to play the elves who never changed their names to blood elves and have lived separately from them for quite a while now. I want the high elves I’ve seen working alongside the alliance throughout the entirety of wow. I appreciate blood elves and their lore too much to pretend they are the same thing, just as I respect the high elves too much to pretend they are the same thing.

They made different choices and followed different paths, and that is both interesting and significant to those of us who want a chance to explore the side that hasn’t been open to us previously. It also would make my belf side happy because it would inevitably bring blood elves to the forefront, as well as the void elves.


the problem with this is that it is a contradiction. blood elves are high elves. therefore, the only way to differentiate an alliance high elf from what a blood elf is to make it a lot less a high elf. this is what was done with void elves and while I feel void elves don’t damage the faction boundary, they are JUST about there

blizzard created the void elves to be as close they could to blood/high Elves without crossing that red line. a variant that was closer still would be too close, it would violate the faction boundary and the sanctity of the blood elves

You don’t even know what are you talking about, do you? Natural elves eyes are like the humans ones, pupils etc the colors of the elven eyes come from the Sunwell. Blue when the sunwell was made of arcane power, nothing or white when Kalethas destroyed the well and green when blood elves liked to suck demon/fel magic. Now golden because the Sunwell is made of Light because of the Naaru sacrifice.


They didn’t, though.

Just ignore her. She’s just a troll. It doesn’t matter what sources and truth you site to her she will deny it with her own head canon


Except that they aren’t high elves. They’re appropriating the name. It’s like if Germans renamed themselves to Romans, and a few Germans ran off the Switzerland and kept calling themselves Germans. The people who live in the land of Germans, who call Berlin their capitol, are who define what it is to be German and what their people should be called.

Blizzard has already built you a side faction of high elves that are thematically and culturally different in void elves. So enjoy.

High Elves are already part of the Alliance, just unplayable. There is no faction boundary to be crossed. It’s just like how Dark Irons became playable after being in the Alliance since Cataclysm.

No faction boundary is being crossed.


I am here showing my support for high elves for the alliance! I will never stop supporting you or playable high elves!


I feel like anyone who brings up the same already drawn out arguments such as,

“Ion said Blood Elves are High Elves”
“They would cross the faction line”
“Blood Elves are High Elves so go play them”

etc etc, should be ignored. Not because what they’re saying isn’t a valid opinion of theirs, but because it just leads to lots of rehashed posts where people are saying the same thing over and over that’s been discussed to death.

This thread wouldn’t occur as many posts if the circular discussions stopped and the trolls were ignored. And I feel that would be much better overall.


high elves are not an alliance race on par with what everyone thinks of as an alliance race (humans, dwarves, night elves, gnomes, draenei, worgen, lightforged draenei, dark iron dwarves and void elves). you implicitly admit this by stating they should return ; recognising that the high elves left the alliance, renamed themselves the blood elves and that they now form a part of the horde. after all, you can only return somewhere once you have left it :grinning:

Uhm, they are the original high elves, how could they possible be appropriating the name? It’s the name they’ve had all along. They chose not to rename themselves to blood elves, just as they chose not to suck mana from living creatures in order to survive. They chose to remain with their allies in the humans, and in the case of quel’danil the wildhammer dwarves. Blood elves came second, not first, so high elves haven’t taken anything from them.


That’s not a great example, for 1000 years Germans did call themselves Roman and the Swiss Germans do call themselves German.

Please tell me that’s the joke and I’m making myself look like a tit with this post.

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