High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

there are no more “fel tainted” blood elves. this was all rejected when kaels corruption was revealed and reveresed the moment the sunwell was reignited

the farstriders are still the farstriders, the magisters still govern magic and the sunwell is still the centre of their culture. in every aspect, blood elves live as they have for thousands of years. the blood elves ARE the high elves of the warcraft universe! :+1:

Hahaha. This guy is funny. Similarities? Like the orcs burning Quelthalas forests? or like the orcs siding with Zuljin and the Amani to wipe out the elves? Or maybe you’re talking about their shamanistic similarities? Or the fact the Quelthalas elves share 2500 years of shared history with humans? And both societies are sophisticated and we both worship the Light and we’re masters in the Arcane magic. Or like humans and elves have kings and kingdoms? Not savage chiefdoms.

Yeah humans and elves are wayyyyy different…


They ars still fel tainted elves. The effects are long term even if the exposure ended. Lorthemar’s new model is proof of that


Your headcanon is not canon.

Blood elves can “reject and reverse” fel taint just as much as orcs can reject their green skin.

With exception of those who are now showing signs of Light-infusion, void elves retain their fel-stained eyes. It’s in every media and depiction of them, including Hearthstone (where new designs come out all the time), and exemplified in Lor’themar’s new model as well.

Fel taint does not go away so easily. And purification by Light may cleanse it, but also does not return the elf back to the original untainted eyes.


Just wanted to pop in and show my support in this new thread. Pretty sure no new High Elves have been added, so no modifications to the list.

Best of luck guys!


I’m not going to rehash what I just said, but maybe I can simplify it for you. The Horde are united thematically by being morally grey survivalists. The high elves ultimately were reduced to tapping into the corrupted sunwell and were forced into survivalism by the legion. That makes them a Horde race.

Of course there are going to be counterexamples on both sides, but that’s the core identify they’ve had since TBC.

currently blood elves should have all their natural eye colors back. it doesnt take 12 years

tbh, i suspect when eye color customization is introduced between 8.2.5-9.0 and we get blue/purple/red/brown/green/gold etc eyes. the debate will change to “well eye color never really mattered”

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Riiiiight. [Backs down and calls the medics]


I just want to give a huge shout-out to everyone who became more open to the idea and every new supporter. :hugs:

It’s always good to see empathy from some hardcore Horde players, and also the acknowledge for our passion from every newcomer. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heartpulse:


The high elves we want remained alliance, and chose their moral objections to what the blood elves were doing over desperation to survive.


Their eyes change based on the energy they are consuming. Unlike the orcs, the high elves have this powerful font of energy that is capable of drastically changing them in a short span of time either towards fel or towards the light. The blood elves now have basically returned completely to high elves except from a name perspective, which is just an honorary name meant to confer the losses they’ve suffered.

They have fit just fine for the past dozen years.

TBC blood elves don’t really exist anymore though, as the national agony over what to do with their addiction has been resolved with the restoration of the sunwell and the blood elves settling back into being pretty much high elves again :+1:

the evidence is my paladin finally getting golden eyes to reflect this which we have been asking for since they gave them to lidarins art in hearthstone YEARS ago

High elves did not tap into the corrupted sunwell. There is a distinct difference between High Elves and Blood elves. I would explain the difference to you, but you are a troll just like Frye. If you weren’t you would learn from these megathreads.

It’s okay to not want High Elves, but to deny there is a difference despite our teachings is trollish behavior. At least Starlogasa, Reno, and Lydon know better, I actually like having them around. It’s people like you and Frye that gets on our nerves


Ion already said if you want to play a high elf, roll a blood elf. Blood elves are the inheritors of Silvermoon, the farstriders, the magisters, and all that is the high elves. The Alliance NPCs are rare ronin who are not culturally or thematically different from high elves in any way except for the tendril of their story meant to confer a deeper narrative for the Horde blood elves.

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if there is a difference please tell us

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Liadrin appeared with golden eyes in Hearthstone. Some time later, golden eyes given to blood elves and her model is updated. :white_check_mark:

Tortollans appeared in Hearthstone first. Some time later, tortollans are introduced in WoW. :white_check_mark:

Vereesa has Thori’dal and heavily-infused arcane eyes in Hearthstone. I wonder if that will be reflected in WoW some day…


Don’t act like we haven’t told you in the other megathreads


You realize of course- putting aside the fact that the elves who were in Quel’thalas at the time are the ones who left the Alliance in the first place- this whole thing happened after Lordaeron was still reeling from the plague, as well as the deaths of their king and a number of their paladins. Not to mention, Jaina had already left for Kalimdor with most of the other troops, leaving Garithos as the only remaining officer who could lead the troops. So it’s unlikely that Lordaeron could’ve been much help.


Here you go