High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Adding more customization to blood elves, who are in fact the high elves, isn’t a bad idea. But to do that they would need to give more customization to every race to be fair. I can support doing that.

Seriously. Gimme Ogres.


Thanks Eevee! I’d like to quote this out just to point it out again.

Everyone let’s please leave the circular discussions at the door. It can all be summed down to “I think High Elves can work” vs “I don’t think High Elves can work”.

And ultimately that decision is left for Blizzard. We may point out what we like vs don’t like about this suggested race becoming playable.

But I’d love to see more brainstorming done within this thread, and much less of the same exhaustive arguments over and over.

Brainstorming is how some posters like Lydon and Shadows have said they’d be fine with a form of High Elves through Half-elves after seeing potential designs brought to the table by people like Somand/Lancelot/Talendrion/etc etc and many others.

Not saying no dissenting opinion can’t be posted here, but let’s stop cyclical arguments, they’ve been done to death.

Also ignore forum trolls please, even when obvious, even when you want to point it out soooo bad. Just ignore, report, and move on to more conducive discussions/brainstorming.


Fair post. I need sleep anyway, so I’m out for the night. Later!


You want high elves because you want to play an Alliance elf. That’s the only reason. You can’t accept that high elves have been on the Horde since TBC, or that the narrative didn’t fit into your cut and dry head canon.

The Windrunner story is the story of a single family outside of the Horde/Alliance conflict. The sides are just vehicles for that particular narrative. As I already said, the story ultimately comes back to the real high elves, the blood elves. There are many such NPCs in WoW that exist as a single strand of a greater lore. That doesn’t mean they are grounds for a faction race. The faction races are about the war between the Horde and the Alliance, as Ion already said. They already took some high elves and invented a narrative to fit them into the Alliance: void elves. So you already have your final solution.

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as for nobody on the pro high elf side asking for void elves, of course nobody asked for them. nobody even conceived they existed. but void elves exist because of the request. blizzard was almost certainly never going to give the alliance playable high elves, and they told us why. because blood elves are high elves, it damages the faction wall

when you look at void elves, you can almost see the underlying thought processes they went through as they considered high elves due to the requests, rejected them and then refashioned a variant that would give the alliance the model but preserve the theme and aesthetic to the horde


Why is it whenever Alliance want to claim the Undercity rightfully belongs to them the Forsaken aren’t the legitimate successors to Lordaeron but when they want to claim that blood elves shouldn’t be a Horde race they are?

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Blood Elves shouldn’t be on the horde because they don’t fit. Plus a lot of hordies just don’t like elves


It seems hypocritical that you want to democratize what gets added to the game, but when it comes to open forums you only want assenting opinions as part of your discussion. The forums are the place for ask and rebuttal arguments. If you just want to show your support there’s a like button and if you just want to suggest something there’s a suggestion form you can fill out.

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Of course they fit. There’s a 15 year old narrative of why they fit. The orcs and blood elves have more similarities in their story than the blood elves and the humans.

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Because they were fel tainted? Because that’s the only simularity they share other than racism, which almost every race shares.

Blood elves have no loyalty to the horde. That’s why the tried to run back to the alliance in MOP.


They’re not REALLY tainted tainted though, felblood elves were fel tainted. Blood elves just have a bit of a green infection.

Fel elves are Infused with fel. Tainted just means they are radiated by it.


To tell uncorrupted, fel-taint and fel-infused apart:


The blood elves were betrayed, which ultimately led to the decimation of their home by the legion and a mutation by fel energy. They were also denied acceptance and aid by the humans, which led them into the unlikely alliance with the Horde. The Horde is a tenuous alliance of unlikely allies as a means of survival, the decimated high elves fit into that narrative more than the Alliance narrative.

Ultimately the Orcs and the Blood elves are both victims of the legion and the Alliance, changed by the fel, and suffered great losses to their homes due to an internal betrayal.

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I got u fam


Did you read it? Cause it’s very well thought out. No troll is going to spend that much time. It isn’t legitimate to report it for trolling. Any more than it is for people to report this thread for trolling.


Trolling != People who actually disagree with your opinion and are arguing the counterpoint because they believe a proposed addition would be bad for the game.


Almost everyone are victims of the legion of some way.

Humans through orcs.

They were not denied help. They actually first became allied because they asked for human help with the trolls. Then Quel’thalas left the Alliance after the second war, and I’m sure Lordaeron would of still helped them if they weren’t shattered.

The blood elves are no longer High Elves, a direct quote from Keal’thas.


Ouch. The writers are gonna need senzu beans for that one.